Is it normal i dislike it when girls use bright nail polish?
I dislike it when girls use Red nail polish or Pink nail polish, or just any bright color in general.
The only nail polish I like is Black or Clear.
Is it normal?
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I dislike it when girls use Red nail polish or Pink nail polish, or just any bright color in general.
The only nail polish I like is Black or Clear.
Is it normal?
It's totally normal to have opinions about how other people decorate themselves. Everyone does.
It's not normal to express those opinions as if girls should care what you think about their personal choices for adornment. I hope you aren't doing that. Women get enough body-shaming and criticism about how they dress and look without hearing some random person's opinions on their choices.
I'm wearing navy blue with gradient silver spangles, by the way, and it looks fab. :)
I think girls should use whatever color they want. how would u like someone picking apart all of your fashion choices and deciding which ones are acceptable? u would b like "wtf do i care what u think? im the one who has 2 wear it", and so says the girl with the pink nails.
If you're a girl: I'm a nail polish fanatic.. just as long as its done neatly and not gross. You'll survive.. just try not to look at them.
If you're a guy: get over it and find somebody who doesn't wear the shades you dislike...?
If you don't like red nail polish then don't use it. Don't judge other people by that.
I rarely wear makeup but for some reason I make and exception for nail polish. I try a lot of colors and color combinations.