Is it normal i do not believe in mental disorders?

Any psychologist, who isn't paid to do otherwise, will admit that there is NO hard evidence to support the THEORY of mental disorders/mental illness. In fact, a lot of them get paid to prescribe certain mind-altering medications. Most people who do have something physically wrong with their brains have either physical brain damage or have been prescribed medicine that they never needed that lead to brain damage.

I dislike people who automatically scream "schizophrenia" every time someone on this site, or anywhere else, says they have a voice(s) in their head, or imaginary friends. I dislike anyone who automatically says "go to the doctor/therapist/psychologist" every single time anything comes up. You people seriously think they NEVER thought of that? Really?

"I have this voice, she--" "SCHIZOPHRENIC!!"

"Sometimes I feel moody because--" "BIPOLAR!!"

"I've been depressed--" "THERAPIST!! PSYCHOLOGIST!!!"

That's what you sound like, to me, people.... Just sayin'. Do the research, I may post links in the comments if you play nice...

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27% Normal
Based on 94 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 68 )
  • howaminotmyself

    While there are a lot of people who like to play psychologist on this site, there are real people with real issues who are just seeking advice. A kindear an open mind to talk to. Sometimes a doctor isn't what they need, sometimes it is. There are also a few fakes who just want attention. Which may be a cry for help, or someone who never learned the lesson of the boy who cried wolf.

    Most psychologists do not prescribe drugs, they are not medical doctors. I think you mean psychiatrists. I do think many are too quick to slap a label on someone, but show some sensitivity. The human brain is complex.

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    • davesumba

      yeah the human brain is complex, and that's the wonderful thing, it can do anything, but you have to figure out how to use it to get over your issues, not just take a pill and not have to figure it out on your own.
      "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for the day, teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime."

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      • justsomekidfromcanada

        Dude fuck off. I've never had a mental disorder but I've known people that have and they can't just think their way out of it. You say the brain is complex and yet you also seem to think that it's so easy to fix. You've obviously never had a mental disability and don't understand what it's like. A lot of people have mental issues that they will never get help for because of people like you. How do you think it makes people feel when they have a serious mental disorder that affects every aspect of their life and you just write it off like it's their fault because they haven't "gotten over it". It's fucking insulting to them and it causes a lot of people to keep disorders to themselves. You are beyond ignorant. Your brain controls you, not the other way around.

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        • davesumba

          i didn't say it was easy and won't take time, but your statement is complete bullshit, you can too think your way out of it. why do you think older people/parents always have good advice on how to deal with things, because over the years they have learned how to deal with things themselves and put things into perspective to feel better, and learn not to sweat the small stuff and what not.
          my mom made me go to a therapist/psychiatrist who then diagnosed me for depression and prescribed me pills even though i wasn't depressed and didn't notice a bit of difference with the pills. i just didn't have friends.
          similar story with my sister, she was diagnosed with depression and bi polar disorder and meds to go with them, even though she certainly wasn't "bi polar", and only reason she's "depressed" is because she moved and had no friends either, or hobby.

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      • charli.m

        What you're not recognising here, is that the medication helps to stabilise, so that the patient can actually work on strategies and therapies to help themselves. Any good therapist would see meds as only one part of treatment.

        I only have mild depression, but I was diagnosed almost two thirds of my life ago. I can't tell you what a huge impact a low dose of antidepressants did for me.

        Yes, there are people who are way too quick to diagnose/medicate, but I don't think they're in the majority. And there are people out there who struggle to get through simple daily tasks others take for granted.. Being told to just get over it because it's something you can control is...offensive and upsetting.

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  • Tia_

    I have a stress related hallucinations. Id never had any trauma to my head or taken any psych meds prior to the development of this disorder. I did indeed experience severe emotional trauma which led to depression and anxiety. Then I started seeing and hearing shit. Now I see a psych and am on meds that keep me normal. Nothing did any damage to my brain except for my own inability to deal with emotional trauma. Im pretty sure my brain snapped by itself and if it hadn't been this incident it probably would have been another. Minds are complex and shit happens.

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    • Please notice that in my OP I said "most" people either have brain damage or were on drugs.

      You and your mind are more powerful than you think. You don't HAVE to depend on the drugs.

      I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I've heard too many horror stories about "mental disorder" patients who get much worse over time with their meds. You start out with depression or anxiety and you end up with a complete meltdown and several bottles of pills that don't do anything besides make it worse.

      You CAN get well... and I hope you do. Many blessings.

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      • adrianhansen1212

        I thought you don't believe in mental disorder. Every thing you just said doesn't chain up, it is inconsistent.

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      • Tia_

        I did indeed notice you did say most. Just citing my example. Thank you for your encouragement and blessings. My meds are necessary right now. Hopefully they won't be forever. But unmedicated I hallucinate truly frightening things and hear voices that are not there. On my meds I do not so my choice right now is simple. I do agree many are misdiagnosed also I know from experience the medications proscribed are often a guessing game. Trial and error is the common route and I have been on meds that make things worse. But right now they help. Thanks again for your well wishes.

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        • Gravy

          I wish you the best. Take care and there but the grace of God in I. This is a truly awful sickness. I hope you have some good mates to look out for you.

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  • westoptic

    I have debilitating anxiety and am on the autism spectrum because I have Asperger like traits. Unless you suffering from a mental disorder, it's easy to dismiss them under a blanket statement that "you don't believe in them." You don't have to believe in them, they're real. I would have to leave class and hide in the bathroom when I was in school because the sound of people tapping their feet or their pencils felt like knives stabbing into my brain. I would have a panic attack if I had to go into a convenience store to buy something or ask for directions because I was afraid of people. I'd get such bad anxiety during the day that by the time night came, my head was just a congested mess of sights and sounds and it would make me throw up all night because my mind couldn't shut down and let me sleep. I refused to take medication for years and years until I finally had to go see a psychologist.

    She was entirely anti-medication and wanted to focus on Cognitive Behavior Therapy. After 2 sessions with her she said I should get medication. I am now taking 20mg of Cipralex a day and its like dark clouds have lifted from my mind and allowed me to actually live my life free from all the things that used to hinder me.

    I don't care what you or anyone else without a mental disorder says; they exist. Are they over diagnosed in some cases? Perhaps. Are parents and doctors quick to prescribe medication instead of focus on behavior therapy? Maybe. That doesn't change the fact that there is a problem to begin with that's making people seek out medical attention.

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  • VioletTrees

    Really? You don't think schizophrenia exists? What about eating disorders? Insomnia? Dyslexia? No?

    "Most people who do have something physically wrong with their brains have either physical brain damage or have been prescribed medicine that they never needed that lead to brain damage." Do you have any evidence for that?

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      Here ya go. It's long, but if you REALLY want an answer for that, here it is.

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      • VioletTrees

        Can you not answer with words? Are you confirming that you don't think those things exist? Would you care to explain, then, why I keep vomiting? What about the flashbacks? Did I make those up?

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        • I don't know anything about your particular situation... so no... of course I can't tell you those things. I replied with the documentary link because anything I could try to explain with words on the topic is much more precisely conveyed in this piece.

          So, again, no, please watch the film.

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      • mitochondria

        Are you a Scientologist? Just wondering.

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          WTF led you to THIS conclusion??? O_O

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          • mitochondria


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            • I want you to see this.


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            • Okay, *cracks knuckles* here we go:

              1) This is a blog with ZERO references.

              2) Can we drop the Scientology thing now? It's a fallacy by association.

              "Source S makes claim C. Group G, which is currently viewed negatively by the recipient, also makes claim C. Therefore, source S is viewed by the recipient of the claim as associated to the group G and inherits how negatively viewed it is."

              3) Oh, before I forget, I would like to add that I do NOT agree with EVERYTHING in the documentary, nor do I carry the EXACT same view as Scientology.

              I believe that "mental disorders/illness" do not exist, ONLY by the dictionary definition of them currently. My reasoning is simple. There is NO standardized tests that can be done to prove the existence of any disorder or illness. No blood test, urine test, chemicals, nothing. Nada. Zilch. The "test" is simply being able to convince a psychiatrist that you're "normal" or not. And since nearly every human emotion is now a disorder, you have to apparently have the world's greatest poker face to avoid being diagnosed. :P

              4) "I am NOT misquoted or quoted out of context in the several brief appearances that I make." - Good.

              5) "There are a number of correct facts and assertions made in the DVD. I will not take up space listing them as they are, as noted, well known to any reader of this blog." - Bad excuse.

              6) He (psychiatrist Thomas Szasz) made mental illness into a "myth" first by asserting that the mind and the body are two vastly and completely different things (A), and then by elevating bodily illness to an impossible level of objectivity and scientific predictability and control (B).

              A) The mind (a collection of information, the personality, images, memories, the "soul (if you wish to believe in that), etc, etc... IS NOT a physical thing. The brain is physical. The brain is a part of the "body". The "mind" cannot be cured physically, only the brain can. There's the difference. Maybe some people do have something wrong with their brains that can be helped by drugs, maybe not. But since we have NO TESTING to prove such a thing, going off of the personality and behaviors expressed by the MIND is not going to be as helpful 100% of the time.

              Like the people who killed themselves on Paxil, when all they needed was support.

              B) We can't predict and control all bodily illness, yet. Remember this, there is no money in health, only in sickness.

              7) "The video discusses adverse reactions to psychotropic drugs without a single mention of any benefit. In the end it advocates "informed consent" which requires a balanced discussion of both benefits and risks."

              There are plenty of "studies" about the "benefits" of these drugs, but these studies can be loaded, produced by the very companies that make them, or other companies that are paid off to load them. "Proof"? This is my theory, and I can't prove it, sorry.

              8) "Psychiatrists are caught red-handed admitting that prescribing in their field often involves trial and error--as if there is no trial and error in the rest of medicine."

              I agree with this part. That's why they call it PRACTICING medicine... we're human guinea pigs!!

              9) "I have a couple more pages of notes, but no more patience to write further comments."

              So you had plenty of room to write bad things about the documentary, but not good things? And THEN you want to dis' the documentary about not saying any good things about psychiatry, but only bad??? Hypocrite much?


              Your turn. :)

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          • mitochondria

            That documentary was produced by the church of Scientology and a lot of your arguments are ones they endorse.

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            • I was just about ready to call bullshit on this... but alas, I must agree.

              This documentary was produced by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, which is a non-profit organization founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology.

              But NO NO NO I am NOT a member of this bullshit cult. Which IS what it is, a bullshit cult.

              Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

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  • dom180

    Pretty big leap to go from hating people who insist you need to see a therapist when you don't to say you don't believe in mental disorders at all.

    I think it's best to define a mental disorder as any thought or behaviour which causes someone the inability to function within society. You can't argue that that doesn't exist, you just can't. But you also can't argue that such a person always needs therapy or medication. People like to think that mental illness has hard, defined edges like biological illness does, but it doesn't. It's absolutely subjective to different psychiatrists, and there is not always a discernible root cause as there is for biological illness. You have to look at them in a different way. Most significantly, mental disorders are diagnosed based on the impact they have on your life, unlike biological illness.

    No-one ever said mental disorders were a bad thing. I'm diagnosed with a mental disorder but I don't see it as a bad thing; I'm proud to be different. I find it difficult to function in society... but so what?

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    • I would not define a "mental disorder" as a thought or behavior, because those things are completely normal brain functions. :/

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      • dom180

        Who says mental disorders aren't normal?

        And the thought or behaviour would have to lead you to be unable to function normally in society, that was the key part of my sentence.

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        • You're not getting what I'm saying though. Most mental disorder that aren't normal to begin with are caused by mind-altering drugs... That means there ARE some disorders that are normal.

          The key part of your sentence is a moot point. Society is too inflexible of a variable.

          I'm agreeing with you, mostly, not arguing with you.

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  • While I would agree that mental disorders are over diagnosed it is stupid to think they dont exist. What about people who are obviouslly so mentally retarded that they can't do basic functions, or someone so psychotic they hallucinate constantly. The human mind is capable of anything. Saying mental disorders arent real is like saying everyones mind functions the same. most diagnosed mental disorders are mild variations of something but it still effects their functioning.

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    • I know this is a sorry ass excuse, but what I MEANT by my shortened title is actually: "I don't believe in mental disorders AS THEY ARE PORTRAYED by modern psychiatry. I THOUGHT I made that clear in my post, but it turns out I was wrong. Again. :P

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I have to agree. However I think hallucinations are very dangerous and need to dealt with to some degree. However most other illnesses I think are a scam. They came out with this thing called "Restless leg syndrome" where if your legs are in one place to long you get restless. I do not understand how being sad because your grandmother sad is wrong yet they will prescribe depression medication. Why do they not help you grieve and be done with it apposed to drugging you. That is about as useful as getting drunk out of your mind over it. Your little billy does not pay attention and like cartoons. No being a normal child is wrong. Since apparently parents are now to easy to take care of a child. Child are usually very hyper and do not pay attention. If you do not want a kid do not have one do not drug them up for Add/Adhd. They never medicated people in the past for losing a loved one. They let them be sad for awhile and they got over it.

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  • Sailor_Cosmos

    Um there have been studies that have shown that certain people have chemical imbalances in their brains that can alter their behaviour. Even hormonal imbalances can alter behaviour thats why so many women go nuts right before their periods and when they are pregnant or after giving birth. Even what you eat can have an adverse effect on the brain and how it functions therefore affecting behaviour.

    My father has anxiety disorder and needs to be on medication he cannot function without it.

    There is no doubt in my mind that doctors over prescribe medication to patients that might not necessarily need it, and there are proven natural ways to fix imbalances in the body either through use of herbal meds or something as simple as a change in diet.

    But to say that mental disorders do not exist on the whole is a little silly and you really shouldnt make a blanket statement like that without hard core evidence and sources to back it up.

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  • surrealismatter

    Nothing psychological can be aptly proven, and there is no reason for you to immediately and readily believe that such things as mental disorders excuse a person from consequences or make up their personality. However, people are fundamentally influenced by their environment of social and other factors, and sometimes the mind produces undesirable responses to these things. It does not always have to be physical, but with things like adhd and schizophrenia, the condition of the brain's neurological structure is definitively different. That HAS been proven with medical technology, and you're kind of an inconsiderate person if you discount people's suffering just because other things like anxiety and depression cannot be proven. They are real things, although easy to imitate, and people are genuinely in emotional and psychological pain.

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    • " reason...believe that such things as mental disorders excuse a person from consequences or make up their personality."

      Nothing excuses people from consequences... but sometimes mental disorders are just a part of a damaged, yet completely viable and normal, personality, yes.

      "...and you're kind of an inconsiderate person if you discount people's suffering just because other things like anxiety and depression cannot be proven."

      I'm not discounting them. However, our current psychiatric system of drugging is taking advantage of people who suffer from depression and anxiety and so on.

      They're real things, but we're really not addressing their problems, mostly just doping them up.

      One of my examples of the reasons why I do not believe in the modern mental disorders is because of things like this:

      "Adult Anti-Social Behavior: Onset of childhood aggression called conduct disorder is seen in children. Different types of abuse are present. A sign of aggression is also bullying, neglect, and being frequently irritable and angry. Often getting into fights with others. Failure to think ahead, or of consequences. Perform actions with no regret or thought. Those with anti-social behaviors represent an arrogant attitude. Often they are self-centered, thinking only of themselves. There is a lack of concern when hurting others. Disregard for right and wrong-break rules, frequent run-ins with the law. Repeatedly violating rights of others. Constant lying, deceit, and manipulation."

      An individual with this behavior can be prescribed a pill, probably multiple pills. Yet how do we know if something is actually wrong with his brain? We don't... but now the drugs we've put him on have potentially made him WORSE.

      If you really wanna know more about what I'm talking about, go here:

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  • KlondikeSam

    I'm not saying there aren't some crazy people out there, hell, there are some crazy people on this site. But most people who claim to have some sort of mental disorder, like bipolar disorder, are just trying to get a free ride, want people to feel sorry for them, or they are making an excuse for acting like assholes.

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  • surrealismatter

    Thank you justsomekidfrom canada. I agree completely. In fact, it's flagrant dismissals of mental disorders that keep me from seeking any sort of psychotherapy, because i am so afraid of being unable to explain and express my plagues that people will just write me off of my legitimacy completely

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  • Shackleford96

    2012 has certainly been a difficult year for me. It's had it's good moments though.

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    • bristexai

      What does that have to do with the post?

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      • Shackleford96

        Whoops, sorry OP, that doesn't usually happen to me.

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        • It's okay. ^_^

          Contrary to popular belief, I'm a nice person. :D

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  • MargieRooster

    Although, I do believe that some people are over-diagnosed or too quickly diagnosed when it comes to the mental illness (mostly because doctors are too pill-happy now-a-days) I have to disagree with your theory.

    I believe mental illnesses do exist, but not all people diagnosed have them and the other way around.

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    • That's pretty much what I was trying to say in this post... but I either didn't word it properly or some people just can't read sooo....


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  • DavidS.

    I think you are confusing what is normal and what is abnormal...most people experience most of the symptoms of practically every mental disorder...but it is not of that degree of extreme...say i caught a wouldbe normal right...and i really dont need a doctor..or have anything to worry what if you had a cold would that impact your life...and if you went to your friend and described your symptoms they would tell you not to worry about it because you are fine and it will go away...same with mental disorders... a little dression, anxiety, obsessions, impulsiveness, normal..but when it is extreme you need a doctor...

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  • Kayligh

    Seriously! You don't think mental illness are real hahah what so you think people are faking? People don't fake or choose to be sick! There are just some peopl that don't understand so don't judge what u don't understand

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    • Never did I say they were "faking it". Please don't put words in my mouth. Try to understand where I'm actually coming from before you JUDGE.

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    It's people like you that make me not want to live on this planet anymore. Just go crawl in a hole, please; everyone would be better off.

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    • xD It's intolerant fucks like you that make me lulz. Keep it up, here's a cookie. ^_^

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      • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

        Thanks for the cookie, but I'll pass. :)

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  • Gravy

    A few years ago I looked down at my brothers body in the el-cheapo coffin, listening to someone discussing with mother 'how lovely and peaceful he looked'. WTF, he hung himself with bailing twine 2 feet long, deliberately sitting down strangling himself, severing his throat in the process. His suite and shirt collar had to be set up around his jaw to disguise the disfigurement and gruesome brutality of his death. It was kind of surreal because his body was just a lump of meat the same as kangaroo road kill.
    Obviously he had deep mental illness', but his biggest problem was his mother's complete denial of him being sick, constantly saying things like, my families side has perfect blood lineage, there cannot possible be anything wrong. Doctors' advice and medicines were discarded and it was always the fault of a long line of ex-girlfriends, or the poor bloke's fault whom he just beat up in the pub, the police's fault or he wasn't drunk, the car had faulty brakes. The reality was the poor guy was very sick with a only a few sunny days between complete emotional and mental turmoil. He didn't deserve the most terrible of all deaths.
    Mate, I hope your line of reasoning doesn't contribute to someone's death or an act of violence crime.

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    • Wow, that's a damn shame. I'm truthfully sorry for your loss.

      The difference between the mother in your tale and me, however, is that I would NEVER push my beliefs onto anyone else. You didn't say his age at the time of death, but if he's old enough to kill himself, then I would say he's old enough to make his own decisions. The mother could have been reported to authorities, and the brother committed, hypothetically, if that's the way you would have wanted to go.

      Personally, if that had been my child, I would have found a way to help him in whatever way he would accept. If he was 16 or older, and refused treatment, I would have accepted that, but in return, I would never have let him out of sight until he improved.

      I don't know everything about the mind, or the brain, or the body, and don't claim to. But these toxic-soup medications that we're giving people today... Let's just say it makes my blood boil to know what I know.

      But I digress, I will never push my beliefs on anyone, I just put them out there for people to consider and discuss rationally.

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  • q25t

    I've occasionally suggested a therapist or doctor but I go by the principle that if they're worried enough about it to post it here, it's probably pretty significant.

    As for the case of mental disorders, I'll follow dom180's definition and go from there.

    I think the main problem is that society changes so much over time and our brains don't. If you look at history, both homosexuality and pedohilia were/are considered mental disorders at one time or another. So, mental disorders I think are just what dom said and the problem is society and not the person.

    I agree that many of the disorders are caused by physical problems or drugs. However, the brain is a wonderful thing and can adapt to nearly any situation we put it in, given time and sometimes coaching (psychology).

    All that said, there's actually two links I think definitely belong here which I will add as a comment as they take longer to approve.

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    • q25t

      Example of brain plasticity and brain damage

      Interesting little video on psychopaths or "supposed psychopaths".

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  • davesumba

    oh my God yes, i was going to post this same question this week. They are all bullshit that therapists convince you you have, so that you keep coming back, and so drug companies can make money. Every single "mental disorder" is easily curable without drugs. But with drugs, you form a dependency, your body can't do what it needs to without them, and then you are hooked in the drug companies scam until you realize it's all bullshit, but then you have to persevere until your body can acclimate to being okay without drugs.
    depression? get some friends and/or find an enjoyable hobby and career.
    bi polar? no, you just have anger problems and use this as an excuse to flip out on people and blame it on a 'disorder'.
    schizophrenia? no, you are just lonely and talk to yourself, which everyone does, just they do it more, and decide to give their thoughts 'personalities/identities'
    the list goes on.
    yes, drugs can do anything, but it completely screws you up for life, and they are completely unnecessary.

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    • Unrelentingtorrentofbacon

      Sir, you need to step back and realize how much of a colossal c***hammer you sound like.

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      • I'm sorry to have to say this, but the truth hurts, and what he's saying is VERY true.

        Emotional and behavorial issues are NOT "disorders" of the brain. There is NO, repeat NO, science behind the idea of "chemical imbalances".

        If we stopped trying to shove toxic pills down people's throats in one giant phase 4 experiment and STARTED actually caring about people and dealing with these issues then maybe we would get somewhere and be healthier to boot.

        For example, Paxil: The depression pill that causes hallucinations and suicide in healthy people.

        Solution? Realize that the "pill for every ill" mentality is outdated and harmful and even deadly.

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        • NocturnePonyFan

          You are a world-class cunt, and I hope you encounter someone with severe mental illness during a fit. You people think you know everything, and you think you can tell people how to live.

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          • ASSUMING MUCH? Geez, some of you people just jump right to conclusions before hearing me out.

            I want to HELP people, not ignore them, that was NOT the point of this mess.

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          • PS/ You find me some "proof" of a chemical imbalance of the brain and I might reconsider my position. Go to your local psychologist and ask him or her to TEST you for a chemical imbalance.

            You will get this reaction: O__O

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      • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

        Lol dude, I love your username XD

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    • noid

      You are so wrong. There are genuine mental disorders that cannot be fixed or managed without medication. If you ever get one you will see what I mean.

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    I know you types of people don't like science or factual information, but I can tell you, mental disorders DO EXIST. Granted a SHIT TON of people are misdiagnosed, and don't have mental disorders at all. Those people give people who genuinely DO have mental disorders a bad name from idiots like you.

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    • All right now, baaaaaack that thang up there.

      "A SHIT TON of people are misdiagnosed." You fucking bet there are.

      Now that that's clear, the rest of them that DO have something wrong with them... I don't believe that they have the "disorder" as defined by some un-test-able "chemical imbalance". Mental problems are similar to cancerous problems, the medical industry DOESN'T WANT TO CURE THEM. If they did, they would have by now, and that's a fact. THIS is the problem I have.

      I've been kicking myself in the ass about the title of the post... it SHOULD have read "don't believe in chemical imbalances". :P

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