Is it normal i do this?

So what I basically do is exercise. This is not apart of nature, as it is what us, man, created to build muscle. Exercising is artificial, which means its not organic. I usually like to jog down the block, and I am worried my innerself will be disapppoiunted since jogging isn't natural.

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65% Normal
Based on 26 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Cigsznass

    What exactly is the question? No it's not normal to limit yourself with that limited viewpoint of the choices..

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  • Miezekatz

    so take a spear and run around in the woods chasing in the Stoneage....THAT used to be normal...haha......or go climbing up trees or go in the forest and chop wood for building a log cabin....thats not aritficial....ok? wink wink

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  • Anewbis

    It's desk jobs that are unnatural.
    We used to have to exercise all day every day just to eat.
    Even going to the bathroom as westerners do is unnatural.
    In countries where they squat to do their business the people are still able to do squats into their seventies and eighties.

    Exercise is natural... just the definition of exercise has changed.

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  • Short4Words

    The only workouts humans should need is when they fight, fuck, or build things.

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  • Steve2WantsTheManagement2Reply

    Is this the same guy who didn't want to breathe because it would wear out his lungs?

    You should post more, you're quite good at this.

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  • TerenceTheTiger

    What do you mean its not organic? What about your ancestors from 5000 years ago? I bet they did a lot of jogging and running while hunting down wild animals.

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