Is it normal i do this to tailgators?
Okay so on the highway here, the speed is 70mph. I do five over all the time, it just feels more natural to me. I don't go any faster, but then I get some a**hole who drives like, two inches away from me so I have to get over into the other lane and let them pass. Sometimes I can't merge over because a truck is beside me, so they sit on my bumper knowing the risk of rear ending me if I were to come to a sudden stop. When they're able to pass me they go about 100 miles an hour and flip me off. It just makes me irritable.
One day I had this lady SO close to me, our two cars could have been considered one. I had a cup of lemonade from sonic in my cupholder, so I opened my sunroof and chucked it back at her windshield. The cup exploded all her over window and she backed off quickly and stayed far away. Another time there was a BMW tailgating me, I had a hamburger, so I threw that out of my sunroof; decorating his windshield with pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard. He also backed off.
I've only done this about 4 times, but I'm a little scared of getting reported, but at the same time, if I don't they could rear end me and do far worse damage. I know I'll get paid if THEY hit ME but I really don't feel like having my car damaged.
Is it normal I deal with these horrible drivers this way? Or is there a simpler solution?