Is it normal i do this whenever i go to a game store?

Whenever I go to a used video game store, I break all of the games that are made by the company Acclaim. I hate all Acclaim games, thanks to my old man. Back in 2005 I bought Worms 3d which is an Acclaim title. I thought it was fun, but then dad started playing it. When he first played it he says "Oh this is stupid."
I already was getting annoyed and bored with the game, and ultimately realized getting it was a mistake, and I was like "ok this game is pretty stupid." So then I stop playing it, but then my dad becomes obsessed with it. He plays it for like 12 hours a day every day, and sometimes all night. I can't sleep because of those stupid high-pitched voices and bombing sounds. and what pisses me off is that his stupid hypocritical ass said, and I quote, the game was stupid. Yea and that's why you're completely obsessed with it dad, makes a lot of god damn sense...
So about 2 years later of having to listen to the obnoxious noises of the game NONSTOP, and not being able to use the tv as much, It annoyed me and pissed me off so much that I scratched the game so it wouldn't work. So then My dad just recently bought a new copy last year, and believe me, I was about as pissed as I can get.. Why he decided to wait 4 years to buy a new copy, I don't know. But I was so pissed. I hate when you think that you're done dealing with something, and you never have to deal with it again...then at a certain random period later, it's back.
That's what pushed me over the edge and I hate the company Acclaim now, so whenever I go to a used game store, I find an Acclaim game with the disc in it, take the disc out, and break it right in half. If I go to Gamestop, where they don't have discs in them, then I break the case. I hate Acclaim! It caused such a major source of aggravation in my life.
Is it normal to hate Acclaim so much that I break all of their titles? and is it also normal that my dad is THAT obsessed with such a retarded game? and then wait four years to get a new copy...

Voting Results
24% Normal
Based on 71 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • theaskerofquestions

    You should get a lobotomy. You obviously cannot handle living in a grown up world.

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  • DannyKanes

    Fake and stupid post is fake and stupid

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  • It's definitely not normal, but it is pricelessly bizarre in every way.

    I mean, what the HELL???

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  • Faceless

    Your just plain mean. And retarded.

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  • How haven't you been arrested yet? Logic doesn't add up.

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  • pooniefoonie

    That actually sounds quite horrible. I can't even imagine how fucking annoying that would be.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Why's everyone ragging on this guy? Ok, it is stupid, and it's just plain retarded, but hey, can you feel this guy's pain at least? I don't blame the original poster to get mad at the situation.

    But yes, what he is doing is immature and it's no way to handle the situation.

    To the OP: I think you should try and reason with your dad somehow. That's the best bet. Other than that, good luck!

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  • unrealjoe

    have you ever met a cop before?

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  • DolphinAngel

    Stupid and if trolling not even creative or good!

    Why don't you tell him to just mute the sound???

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    i'm thinking fake too
    the store would call the cops on him and charge him with destruction of property

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  • demonspirit17

    You're fine, just an extreme aggression to acclaim as I have towards ameture singers sing professional songs

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've never heard of "Acclaim" and you're a twit. I'm surprised no ones caught and made you pay for The discs or charge you with vandalism. You need help.

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  • ThatChick28

    U seem kinda retarded...maybe u should work on thing w/ u dad instead of taking it out on the company's game's o.0...just seems like pointless aggression....

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  • badmanalive

    Maybe someone should break your face?

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  • Normal

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  • Sidekickz

    have you actualy tried talking to him?
    thats should be a good start

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  • zchristian

    Braking those cds are illegal and i know some that seem to hate EA like it was cancer still i only hate games that are really really bad made...

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    • So I'm not the only one who hates EA?

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      • zchristian

        No your not i have seen many comments on youtube from people that seem to despice EA i personally dont have much against them though...

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        • MrLightSkinned

          I do!!! There Online servers suck. All maddens except 2012, sims, and i love BF3,but the online isn't top notch. It's still extremely playable...just a lot of questionable lags,glitchs and that type stuff in it.

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  • bumblecreek

    not normal at all. your overreaction to your dad's fixation is pretty disturbing. i don't like amy winehouse, but then again i don't go to the store and break all of the amy winehouse cds. if you hate something just because someone annoys you with it, then why not try to settle it with that person. what does going out and and breaking store property solve?
    and acclaim, like other companies, has in fact made several other games aside from worms 3d. if you are that vindictive towards an entire company just because of one game they made, that's not normal.
    however i do agree with you about worms 3d, i've played it and it is a very monotonous and stupid game, and not to mention it's for nine year olds. and the fact that your dad is that obsessed with it is also not normal.
    you both need help...

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  • iloveagirl

    Yeah my is obsessed pga golf 08

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  • i use to play all of the gta games and only beet 2

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    • That's off topic. I thumbed you down for that.

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      • i don't care

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  • ToxicCrayons

    I feel like doing this sometimes. I can't stand the noises games make.

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  • TheMysticalTurkey

    Worms is a great game
    Yes it is abit stupid but then again list three games that dont suck that are realistic

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  • cutiebaby


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  • nikkilynn25

    This is slightly funny and a touch sad. Fuck it though and keep breaking them.

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