Is it normal i don't feel comfortable around black people anymore?

On FOUR separate occasions I have had violent crimes committed against me by black men. Not once has a white person ever harmed me in that way. I don't care if it's called racism, I don't feel safe around them. Why should I? To say that it's wrong for me to not trust them after what happened is VERY insensitive to the violations against me. Those events will affect me for the rest of my life. Even though I was lucky enough for the justice system to do its thing, I can still relive the fear of those nights in my head like I'm there again. Any black person is going to have to work to earn my trust because I know what can happen.

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74% Normal
Based on 118 votes (87 yes)
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Comments ( 45 )
  • anti-hero

    What do you do? Walk around with a shirt that reads easy target? That is an abnormal amount of incidents.

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  • dom180

    All four of those people were men, too. Are you also afraid of all men? As I see it, it's the exact same logic.

    It is wrong to implicitly distrust black people. That doesn't mean you are a bad person. None of us are perfect and that is not a bad thing. We can be better people if we recognise our own flaws, though, and you should recognise that this prejudice is a flaw no matter how justified it feels to you.

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  • 123Random

    Of course after all that it's only natural that you would start to feel this way. But try your best to keep in mind that people are people, and there are bad people of each race. Perhaps you live in an area composed of 99% black people which would increase the odds of you running into bad black people, if you lived in an area with mostly white people, what happened to you would have been done by bad white people.

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  • kawaiigurl

    are you provoking them? this post needs a back story

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    • disthing

      OP wears an "I hate niggers" sign as a homage to Die Hard With A Vengeance and doesn't understand why black people can't appreciate the reference.

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      • disthing

        Maybe they don't like Bruce Willis...

        "What you talkin' bout, Bruce Willis?!"

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  • Avant-Garde

    Normal, due to what has happened to you. In fact, I think it comes hand in hand with PTSD. I myself have been developing a phobia of African men, especially if they are in groups. I was concerned that this make me a racist, but it doesn't. I had a talk with someone, whose opinion I highly value, and I that yes, it's a stereotype, but where we live, this stereotype is unfortunately shone itself to be true. All three of us are women and women need to be more aware of their surroundings. True or not, this is not a PC belief so, I would be extremely careful with who you tell about this, least they twist your words and start accusing you of things. If you never got therapy for your PTSD, I think this could greatly benefit you. Another thing, is marital arts. Being properly trained is always a good skill to have as the whole body gets taught, so to speak.

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    • Avant-Garde

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    • ThisIsImpossible

      You just diagnosed a stranger with PTSD? Lol alright man.

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      • disthing

        It's a common pastime on this site.

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        • Avant-Garde

          When they come to us, we become their doctors as they become our patients.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Her symptoms are those which are typical in individuals with PTSD.

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    • disthing

      Ha "African men"

      Just don't storm into the bathroom after an argument with one. Especially if he hasn't got his legs on to follow you, but does own a big gun.

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  • I don't think the problem is that they are black, I think you are probably in a ghetto area.

    The realistic answer, at least in the U.S. is that minorities are more likely to in poverity, which places many of them in ghettos. This is because the U.S. was established by Europeans who brought Africans here as slaves and took over the Natives and invited everyone else.
    Therefore ghetto populations are more likely to have minorities.

    Most black people are not in gangs or do crime.

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    • Translation: "However wronged you may feel by non-White people, just remember that, all said and done, your own race is to blame."

      To the OP: Not all Blacks are like that, but I do suppose stereotypes exist for a reason.

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  • kelili

    It's normal. However I find it very funny when you say, "Any black person is going to have to work to earn my trust because I know what can happen." Seriously...

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  • LizardSkin

    I never go to McDonalds without my gun. My great grandma told me to be careful of the coloreds when buying a big mac.

    Some of my niggas, sell dope
    Some of my niggas, they broke
    Some of my niggas, smoke weed
    Some of my niggas, snort coke
    Some of my niggas, they made it
    Some of my niggas, they won't

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    • Araikita


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      • LizardSkin

        :) hehe

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  • funkedup

    Just a question to clarify a bit the fears you're feeling, maybe it's more of a conditioned response to situations you've experience rather than some deep seeded racism. Take them for what they're worth:

    - If you went into the Emergency room in the hospital, and the doctor or nurse was black, would you still be afraid, or secretly wish you had a different race assisting you?

    - If a large white thuggish looking dude approached you in an isolated area, asking for a smoke or something, would you also feel afraid of being robbed or assaulted? Or would you just assume he's fine because he's a white guy?

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  • ThisIsImpossible

    Thats the dumbest fuckin thing Ive ever heard, Ive only had problems with white people, a black man's never done me wrong, so it's even now. Just sit back and brood in your misdirected hatred towards people you dont even know or understand, fuckin cunt.

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    • iEatZombies_

      The foul language isn't necessary.

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      • ThisIsImpossible

        It's always necessary, it keeps people like you away from me.

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        • iEatZombies_

          Apparently it didn't. I commented.

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          • ThisIsImpossible

            Well nothing's 100% effective man.

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  • CheekyBabyFace

    Normal. One of my distant cousins was robbed and beaten by a group of black guys and he has a little bit of brain damage. He also has a fear of black guys. *shrugs*

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  • Crusades

    My grandma used to say:

    "The darker a person's skin is, the more barbaric and violent they are."

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    • VirgilManly

      Ask grandma what skin color was Hitler? Stalin? Mussolini? The Vikings? The Crusaders? Or the ones who invented and dropped 'the bomb'?

      Everyone has a capacity for violence.

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      • Ladybug29

        Well said, Virgil.. All those evil barbaric devils happened to be what? Oh yeah.. White.

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    • Ladybug29

      Yeah and most likely you grandmother was an ignorant , hateful, racist trailer trash incest cracker

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  • Ladybug29

    Four Black guys do something to youso your going to categorize and lable every other billion black person in the world, just because of what only 4 out of billions did to you. You're one ignorant bitch. Educate yourself you racist trailer trash.

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  • shortandtothepoint

    Fair enough.

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  • Araikita

    Can you tell us more about the crimes against you?

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  • KatieLiz

    I suppose it's normal to not feel comfortable around them, under your circumstances, but you should try to not be harsh towards totally innocent people because of it.

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  • iEatZombies_

    It's quite normal to avoid something that reminds you of a sour experience. Whether it's skin, a song, a food, or whatever reminds you of the experience, you will feel uncomfortable around it. It's unfortunate that what reminds you of your experiences is something obviously controversial. People keep saying "Well, white blah...", but if it were white people, skin wouldn't stick out because you're probably commonly around white people. It's usually something you see or hear that isn't obvious and common to you outside the experience that your memory will hold on to. We all have triggers for our memories, but you need to come to terms with the fact that other black people that you meet don't deserve to be treated like a suspect, and they don't owe you an apology. Don't let your bad experiences become someone elses problem. Overcome these tricks of your mind for your sake and theirs.

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  • jeebley

    How do you feel about black women?
    I had to overcome my dislike of black cats, it's possible :)

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  • BellaMarie

    My fear of strange behaving foriegn men has overcome me, because of someone I trusted.

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    • disthing

      Did they come over here and take all your jobs?

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  • GuessWho

    Most black people are dishonest / violent / up to no-good / etc.

    That's not racism, it's statistics.

    Avoiding them for your own safety is completely normal.

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    • kelili

      Most black americans maybe.

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    • biaj

      why are you siting a statistic that doesnt exist... read a history book about the world and i want you to tell me which race has historically been the most violent, dishonest, and up to no good. its INCREDIBLY OBVIUOS you dont know anything about history. congrats for being another ignorant racist in america you'll fit in well here.

      The fact that you can believe something that is obviously not true shows your true level of intelligence

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      • Ladybug29

        Well said! He's ignorant as Fuck

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      • GuessWho

        You just wrote the perfect description of yourself.

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    • disthing

      They invented blues, jazz, hip hop, reggae and house music.

      Therefore I forgive them.

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    • Ladybug29

      Statistics from what? Your own head? Because what you just said is not true there are alot of trustworthy, smart educated black people out there, you're just an ignorance racist peice of shit, so you don't realize that. It's people like you who think it's okay to be racist and ignorant and make it harder for others.. You make me sick.

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