Is it normal i don't know why some things are important?

Okay...I often think little things are treated like a bigger deal than the serious problems of the world. Know what I'm saying? Like, sometimes I express an opinion and get attacked by anyone who disagrees with me. There's a celebrity I dislike and one time I said on Twitter that she gets more attention than she deserves, and some girl I don't know tweeted me and said "you're a liar and I hate you, she's the most wonderful person!" I mean, that was kinda ridiculous, I didn't say she deserved to die and I wasn't thinking it either. Also I've openly talked about what I consider "knowing" someone, for example, how often you've talked, how much you know about the person, whether or not you've physically met, etc. People think I'm crazy for having views on that, yet I keep getting told to "keep an open mind" and "respect others' opinions." Okay, it IS somewhat important to be open to things even if you disagree, but it's not nearly as important as the world's PROBLEMS, know what I'm saying? It just doesn't need to be stressed so much. Sometimes I feel guilty being sad about my own problems because they could be worse.

By problems I mean innocent people and animals suffering and being victimized when they shouldn't have to. I always keep up with the social networking world, and people actually mocked tragic events where several people have died. Some troll said that a famous guy's 5 y/o daughter should kill herself. I mean, how could anyone be that cold? Also I've seen people say "pedophilia is a sexual orientation," which I take it they mean it's acceptable, and I've seen people say that anything and everything is morally right if one feels that it is, even sex crimes and abusing children and animals. I'm saying nobody deserves to be victimized, and nobody has the right to intrude on someone's grief. It's more important to end the real problems of the world than focus on smaller and less-important things. Does anyone agree? Is it normal to feel this way?

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91% Normal
Based on 35 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • dappled

    We live in a world teeming with very stupid people. It didn't used to bother me but it's getting to the point where I actually want to go into politics and start changing things for the better. Things must be bad for me to be thinking that way!

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    • Queen^of^Spades

      There are too many retards in the government..Besides the whole "democracy" part of politics really sucks when you are genuinely trying to change things.

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