Is it normal i don't leave the house

i hate going outside. the only time i go out is for work. i don't leave for anything else. i even order my groceries at home. i order everything off the internet to my house that i need. i just don't trust people at all. you always hear about some crazy fucker shooting or blowing something up. i don't care about going out to meet women because i don't trust them either. even at work i am always on my guard scanning everyone and everything around me. i just don't understand how people go out and be around all these crazy mothafuckers in this world. in my mind all strangers are out to cause harm to me. plus as a man you always have to deal with other men sizing you up to try and prove how tough they're. if i knew how to start my own business from home,i would quit the job i have now in a heart beat. fuck leaving the house,i'd rather play nintendo

Voting Results
29% Normal
Based on 69 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • thegypsysailor

    One can drown in a couple of inches of bath water. A meteor could come crashing into your house and kill you. An electrical short could cause a fire, burning you to death in your bed. A black widow spider could bite you while playing Nintendo, and that could kill you.
    There's just as much danger at home, so why not live your life to the fullest until you die, instead of fearing death and having no life at all?

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    • I was about to say something similar.
      OP is clearly afraid to live life.
      I would be miserable to live a life with no adventure.

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  • gloryholeflasher

    A coward dies a thousand times, a brave man only once! It's not up to me to tell you how to live your life, but in my opinion you're not living!

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  • NoForgiveness

    I haven't left the house in a quite few months, except to go to Psychiatrist appointments and that crap..

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  • Terence_the_viking

    sure why not.

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  • I love the outdoors, nature and all that.

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  • Knoting1992

    just be yourself... what ever makes you feel comfortable

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  • I'm actually jealous of you.

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  • Phishy

    I haven't seen daylight since the sun rays hit my tidey wighty's when I ran outside to throw out the trash.

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