Is it normal i dont like my parents?
my youngest memories are of my parents fighting or yelling at me or my younger sister until middleschool. they're divorced now, and i dont really like staying with either of my parents and i cant really tell why. when i was 18 i figured it was just cuz i was at that age and wanted to move on but now at 22 when i even just come to visit they drive me crazy if im around them too long, my dads remarried and his doesnt like me and my mom just kind of whores around and tries to make up for not being around in me and my sisters life by throwing money at us and my sister has grown a princessess complex because of this. my mom cheated on my dad back when they're married and ive been cheated on in both of the serious relationships in my life. im worried that this is the way the rest my life is destined to be. is this normal