Is it normal i feel cursed to unemployment?
I'm in my 20s, just changed careers and am struggling to find an entry level position in IT. I have been looking for work for several months now with limited success. I have sent hundreds of applications, networked with tens of employers and have only had a handful of interviews. I often get told my experience is not sufficient, even for very low level positions, that is, if I get any response at all.
I've started to feel as though I'm being followed by a dark cloud, a curse of some sort, that is hanging over me almost all the time. I do a lot of verbal compulsions due to my OCD to try to satisfy the curse, as though apologizing to some non corporeal being that I somehow offended in my life. I am aware it is irrational and I have been an atheist for years. I am simply distressed and feeling hopeless and have no idea how to get the job I need to continue my career.