Is it normal i feel cursed to unemployment?

I'm in my 20s, just changed careers and am struggling to find an entry level position in IT. I have been looking for work for several months now with limited success. I have sent hundreds of applications, networked with tens of employers and have only had a handful of interviews. I often get told my experience is not sufficient, even for very low level positions, that is, if I get any response at all.

I've started to feel as though I'm being followed by a dark cloud, a curse of some sort, that is hanging over me almost all the time. I do a lot of verbal compulsions due to my OCD to try to satisfy the curse, as though apologizing to some non corporeal being that I somehow offended in my life. I am aware it is irrational and I have been an atheist for years. I am simply distressed and feeling hopeless and have no idea how to get the job I need to continue my career.

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77% Normal
Based on 31 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • beachgirl1210

    It is totally normal and I understand how you feel (I've lived with it). One suggestion is to look at what these 'signs' are telling you. Maybe you could consider gaining more skills and knowledge in this field by going back to school so that your resumes can be more admirable than they are now.

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  • kelili

    Quite normal to feel this way.

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  • Crusades

    I regret to inform you that firms these days don't hire based on your competence, but on appearance. No matter the domain.

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    • NotTheSun

      Firms!? Ha! Do not listen to this troll. He obviously does not know how the "real world" works, all this one does is play video games, drop "F" bombs and troll from home.

      That aside, perseverance, education, people skills, being well put together, not just networking, but meeting the "right" people and displaying desirable traits. This is not only more important, but more effective than simply sending out numerous applications. Anyone can do what you do, even with accolades, pertaining to education and experience; you need to outshine others and have something more to offer than ink on paper, because lacking specific qualities are a hindrance to attaining a job. Even more specifically, the field you are in. It's a dime a dozen, being in the richest county in the US, I know more people working in IT than anywhere else I've resided, it's diligence, education and experience. A lot of people have had to put in years to prevail and rank higher in IT; but having problems even entering the door at entry level, is a significant sign that you are lacking something substantial. Be it education or something about your personality, something is turning people "off" and deeming you as not the right candidate, even for entry, within meeting you.

      So far you explained OCD bouts and fearing a fictitious situation, as if you have wronged a non-existent person. Talk like that, may be an eye-opener, for you. Because if you are a tad eccentric (timid, even) as well as struggle with things such as OCD, you may exhibit behavior, without realizing, in front of someone giving you an interview and instantly become unappealing. Specific ticks obviously will occur when nervous or under pressure, adding your evident OCD, I do not think you'd realize it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You need to figure out why your resume doesn't get you more interviews and why your interviews don't get you the job. It's really that easy. If you can't do that, then that might be some of the reason why you aren't employed. It's all a game, the resume; putting all the necessary information in ONE, short paragraph, on one page. It should be as brief as possible. Clean, neat, no misspellings or grammar mistakes. Nobody has time to read a novel or even a short story.
    The interview; make sure that the interviewer understands that he needs you to fill the position; no one else has the skills, drive and determination that you do. He needs YOU!
    The next job you want is yours to get or not. Get "some non corporeal being that I somehow offended in my life" out of your mind and take responsibility for your own actions.

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  • braintrip

    wow andy you actually have a life? :o

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  • green_boogers

    Join professional societies, and try to network with people that work from home. Find out from them what sells. Ask headhunters what skills are currently in demand.

    Make up your own project using a very recent technology like Node.js. Get it working and talk about it in your resume (CV).

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  • Aliceee93

    CDO :D
    All I can say is don't give up hope, cause I don't know what it's like to look for work because I was pretty much born into my job.

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