Is it normal i feel genuinely hopeless around stupid people

I know everyone gets a bit irked at stupid people, but I find myself adding up the number of stupid things people think or say or do, and it boils up inside me (I don't say anything). I feel a genuine hopelessness/frustration/loneliness. I really value intelligence, or in the very least common sense, and the opposite is something I can't bear to be around (note: mistakes are fine, I'm aware everyone makes them, but there's a difference).

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76% Normal
Based on 34 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 33 )
  • Dulse.

    I feel something similar. I get a sense of hopelessness like that when I see people being hostile to one another, or when I think hostile thoughts myself. I feel like we'll never really figure it all out and learn how to exist without hate or closed mindedness.

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  • green_boogers

    I admire intelligence. The lack of it is pathetic. This is the main reason I rarely watch TV.

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    • golden_showers

      Yeah, fuck the idiot box!!!

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  • IIN2?uestionlife

    I feel like this when I walk into a place and EVERYONE has there eyes glued to there phone for such a long time. No one acknowledges each other anymore.

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    • poon_jabber

      What does this have to do with the subject of the post? you're the type it refers to.

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      • Saycheese

        It's not smart to be on your phone constantly. Which most likely they are even on it while driving. Too many accidents are caused by talking and texting on the phone.

        I see where he is getting at with this comment.

        People who are on their phones constantly seem to lack the fact hey there are people around you who do care about you and are trying to talk to you. These people most likely forget most of what the people had told them. It helps with lacking in emotional intelligence.

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        • IIN2?uestionlife

          Thank you smh

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  • dickwashington

    i actually rather enjoy the company of stupid people there very entertaining especially when they think there smart i could find the humor in ALMOST anything though

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    • I have moods like that - if only all of the time.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I feel you pain.

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  • Saycheese

    It's not good to build up anger due to their intelligence, it's theirs not yours.

    I would just speak my point of view and explain it, if they want to argue I will let them know that I choose not to and try to walk away. People that have so many ridiculous behaviors, it all has to do with how their family raised them, who they have hung around with and how they see themselves.

    Hopefully someday they will learn from those behaviors.

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    • Yes, but sometimes I wish I was ignorant so that I too could be blissful. However, trying to fit in, my principles are opposed and I am not happy anyway.
      Please note that I'm not saying I am supremely intelligent - not at all - but that there are those people who you just know are astoundingly moronic.

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      • Saycheese

        You don't have to be ignorant to have a blissful life.

        And yes their are people who behave that way, though they simply need to learn and it can take time.

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  • golden_showers

    Yes, stupid people ARE very annoying! Anybody that has ever had a job dealing with the public will know that the majority of people are fucking idiots. Also if you've ever dealt with someone on heroin. Those people are stupider than a bag of rocks.

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    • A job on customer service? The very bane of my existence.

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  • EccentricWeird

    If you typically think of others around you as being stupid... you may just be a plain old asshole.

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    • Sure.
      Then again I'm not judging and insulting people on the internet.

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      • EccentricWeird

        My being an asshole doesn't decrease your levels of assholidity.

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  • CountessDouche

    I was going to respond to this post like a billion years ago, but I never got around to it :I

    Anywho, be careful with this type of attitude, OP (not that I don't understand it). My best, best friend feels the same way; he becomes so incredibly upset with stupidity that it makes him feel alone and frustrated and despondent...and I wouldn't even call him pretentious!!!

    If ever I start to feel that way- and I have edged on it- I try to remind myself that true intelligence comes in 31 flavors. I've met people that are verbally half retarded, but intuitively genius; people that are savants and yet they are social and emotional cripples. My point is, there's more than one way to be smart. I think most people have something to offer if you dig; the ones that don't belong in politics.

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    • I know. I don't know how to change, though.
      I'm aware but for me there are certain fundamental things that I can't seem to ignore.

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      • CountessDouche

        You sound just like my friend. He isn't an arrogant person, he just has a fundamental inability to relate to people that aren't on his intellectual level, and it gets in his way, to be honest. It interferes with his social life and his dating life.

        As far as changing goes, I can only speak for myself. Life spanked any illusions of superiority that I had right out of me. Eventually, I realized that just because another person didn't fit my preconceived definition of intelligence, didn't mean that they had nothing to offer.

        I just spent the night venting to someone who didn't graduate high school. So...we aren't gonna discuss atlas shrugged over green tea, but he's fucking clever and funny and intuitive, and I would have missed out on that shit. Every person that you write off is someone that you will miss out on, and it doesn't pay to be the smartest person in the room if you are the loneliest person in the room.

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        • That's the wisest thing I've read all day...
          But the thing is, I tend to feel lonelier amongst others.
          And I relate to your friend. I hate that I'm impatient but I simply cannot grasp when someone is unable to do/understand what I can. When something comes simple to me, I don't rate myself, I just think: this is easy, why can't anybody else see that?

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          • CountessDouche

            Hahaha. You sound exactly like him; you could be him for all I know. "I have the ability to feel alone is a crowded room" is one of his go-to self defeating axioms.

            Having this problem is honestly taxing for him, and it's a difficult thing for him to talk about because others automatically see at as some claim of intellectual superiority, and it's not.

            It's almost as if he feels that he's speaking a different language. His brain is always contemplating weird fucking string theory vagaries, while the rest of the world is on reality television. Successful communication involves meeting somewhere in the middle, and his problem is that he can't do that.

            The whole process of interacting with other human beings involves nothing more than you trying to make them understand your thoughts while you simultaneously try to understand theirs, and that's it. There are always barriers in the way- race, class, gender, culture...and the list goes on and on and on. Intelligence is a barrier- it's a gift with a curse because it can make it difficult to relate to people. Feeling like someone else doesn't understand you, or is incapable of understanding's FRUSTRATING!

            You're getting in your own way, though- you're choosing not to see anything worthwhile in others because you have a rigid definition of intelligence. It's ultimately a is the one thing that has set you apart and made you unable to relate to other people, but the thing is, you can choose to set it aside. I do it all the time (not that I'm some super fucking genius, but I'm smart).

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            • I wish. That's some kind of superpower.
              My emotional intelligence is what I need to improve.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Fortunately, stupid people don't survive very long in my lifestyle. Traveling the oceans on a small boat is pretty Darwinesque.

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    • boredwolf

      I want to take a dump on your boat.

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      • thegypsysailor

        take a number and get in line

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  • Bobblahblah

    Don't make assumptions on my behalf.

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    • What assumptions?

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      • Bobblahblah

        That everyone is irked by stupid people.

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        • What is your reaction?

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          • Riddler

            Maybe they are one of the stupid people and so they hadn't noticed.

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            • xD

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