Is it normal i feel happy when someone dies?
I know this sounds horrible but even with my family members I never feel sad when they pass away, I don't mean that I perform an interpretive dance routine to their death. Not at all. What I mean is when someone dies I envy them because they're free from pain, heartache, worries etc. they're in a much better place or so I believe. It doesn't mean that I don't feel the loss of a loved one or sympathize but I barely cry, I get emotional But I feel like experiences in life made me understand that death is a role of life. My family thinks im heartless because i didnt cry at my grandmothers funeral, i smiled many times but not cause i was glad she died but because i felt she was happy. If anything I cry for the ones alive who suffer the deaths of loved ones. Is it normal I feel this way towards life? Don't get me wrong i'd still cry if my dogs or parents died.