Is it normal i feel happy when someone dies?

I know this sounds horrible but even with my family members I never feel sad when they pass away, I don't mean that I perform an interpretive dance routine to their death. Not at all. What I mean is when someone dies I envy them because they're free from pain, heartache, worries etc. they're in a much better place or so I believe. It doesn't mean that I don't feel the loss of a loved one or sympathize but I barely cry, I get emotional But I feel like experiences in life made me understand that death is a role of life. My family thinks im heartless because i didnt cry at my grandmothers funeral, i smiled many times but not cause i was glad she died but because i felt she was happy. If anything I cry for the ones alive who suffer the deaths of loved ones. Is it normal I feel this way towards life? Don't get me wrong i'd still cry if my dogs or parents died.

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63% Normal
Based on 86 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • mpiparanormal

    The grain NOT THE GORDON!!!

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  • Loh

    Normal. I am like this too...

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  • Grimlock2020

    I understand where you're coming from completely. It's normal if you think that the person who passed is truly in a better place. I feel the same way, why mourn for them and you can happy that they are free? Of course they will be missed but they will be seen again.

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  • peterr

    You should stick to sucking cocks and not be so serious.

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  • JustaGirl12345

    I wouldn't worry about it too much; you naturally will feel true pain someday when your parents, your siblings, your older family members and all your friends are gone and youre still here. until then, rejoice in everyiones death all you want!

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Yeah life sux

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  • mpiparanormal

    We are supposed to rejoice. It goes against GHE Gordon, however, of our culture: We are taught of the sadness and grief. We even go to classes / therapy to assist us in our grieving. Grief is normal, but rejoicing is a true sign of your faith / belief in the Creator....Well Done...Keep trudging forward ! o

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  • leodynasty

    For me its normal, I feel the same why about death, but I understand why others would see it as heartless tho in reality its not, I compare death with a state of sleep, when was the last time any one complain about they experience sleeping, sleeping is a state of peace.

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  • Love2Teach

    I think it means that you are optimistic and perhaps spiritual.

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  • seankessinger

    You aren't a crazy sociopath, or heartless. I think life is just rough on you, and you might have depression. Like you said, you envy those who have died. That might be a subconscious wish for suicide.

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  • Equinox118

    I personally think it makes you heartless

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