Is it normal i feel like i'm not good enough to be loved?

I feel like no one will ever love me. I absolutely disgust myself (I'm about 20lbs or so overweight), and I don't see how anyone would ever be willing to love me. I find it hard to believe it when people compliment me.

I feel as though I'm not good enough for any guy, and I don't see how someone would think about me or be excited to simply see me.

Thinking about this honestly makes me sad, but I don't blame them. I know; I've heard it all before... you've got to love yourself before you can love others. I'm just wondering if any others feel the same way.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Sailor_Cosmos

    No one is going to make you feel good about yourself but you.

    Having a man IS NOT going to make you feel better in the long run or solve all your problems. Trust me. Sometimes having a man can make you feel worse if he is not the right man and when you have low self esteem you are only going to attract the wrong types of men.

    Twenty lbs over weight is nothing. Just cut out refined sugar from your diet, limit your fast carb intake (fast carbs are things like bread) and eat a lot of green leafy vegetables and protein and you will lose the weight. I lost 15lbs in the past month and the only thing I did differently was I stopped eating my morning muffin. It was that muffin that was making me heavy. Exercising doesn't hurt either, but really its the food you eat that will dictate your weight more so than exercising. You can exercise everyday for an hour but if you';re not eating right it wont make much of a difference.

    Also, there is nothing wrong with looking your best at all times. Wear nice clothes, do your make up, get your hair cut and styled at the salon. Some people may disagree but when you look good you feel good and will be more confident.

    Also, make sure you have things in life to be proud of, be it a good job or good education or a contribution to your community or a skill you have like playing a musical instrument or a talent you may have like being a great writer etc.. Knowing you are good at something will raise yourself esteem.

    And remember the old clichéd saying that you cant love someone without first loving yourself is very true. I mean if you cant love you, no one else will. Men aren't attracted to women who are constantly down on themselves and if they are its only because they know they can take advantage of women like that. Don't let any man take advantage of you.

    See men exactly for what they are just men. They are just human beings like you and me and many of them are insecure too. We are all in this life together and we all share the human experience. Dont elevate men to God like status, they are just human beings, mere mortals like us! I hope that perspective helps!

    Anyhow good luck and remember to work on feeling and looking out for yourself, because you have to live with you for the rest of your life.

    Good Luck dear!


    Sailor Cosmos xox

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  • Sometimes I feel like I should never be with someone because I'll end up causing them more pain, in the future, than good. I feel like my condition is a death sentence.

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    • fucksleep

      exactly this

      but it is important to live in the present, and just take what good you can, deserved or not

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  • JoeMomma

    Two things!
    1. Attraction is psychological! Want is considered very hot or sexy in one region of the world is considered not so hot or straight ugly in other regions. But that goes in general! The same way there are guys whole like fat chicks, there are girls that like chubbies! So be sure that you don't like yourself because others don't seem to like you or because you really don't like your self!

    2. If you don't like being fat just loose weight! Its not that hard, exercise isn't even needed. Just discipline and for the extremist smoking does help as well(the second one is not recommended!)

    P.S. Being fat doesn't make you ugly or unattractive to women, but your attitude toward your body! Be positive about it and overcome the initial impact that is looks, then try using what i told you in the first point attraction is psychological!

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  • damnitjanet

    I know exactly how you feel, and I feel like this all the time. Like I'm not pretty or attractive or smart or good enough for any guy out there. Every day is a constant struggle... Don't worry, you're not alone.

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    • pantaloonz

      It's probably closer to 40 lbs, but that doesnt matter.

      There is someone out there for everyone.

      In somecases there are two persons out there for one person. I like to call that a jackpot.

      Keep your chins up, you'll get through it.

      Later Dater.


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  • Thatguy777

    I'm a guy and I feel this way because I'm short and really skinny. I feel like I'm too short and weak to even be noticed by women so I understand..:/

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  • kelili

    Exercise, lose some weight. If you think that those few pounds are the main sources of your problem get rid of them.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Food will always love you no matter what you eat.

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