Is it normal i feel like i'm turning into a monster

Long Story that might make your eyes glaze over:

From the age I started school, I was picked out straight away by all the other students, who for the next 12 years would be bullies, as "different". Primary school was terrible, I was punching and kicking anyone who teased me. It was the only way I could deal with these people. Secondary School was worse, with multiple suspension every year from Year Eight onward. I had the impulse to lash out and hurt the people who were hurting me.

After school, I lost all of my money through false friends and debts, and I fell further into depression.

During my final school year, I got a Grievous Bodily Harm charge downgraded after I cleaned up an British dickhead who was teasing me while I was grieving my Grandfather's death, with a huge shifting spanner. Still got convicted.

During the years since, I've had violent thoughts, murdering nightmares and anxiety attacks. After seeing a psychiatrist, he assured me it was part of Asperger's Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder.

After I found out I was even MORE different, the drug use began. And hasn't ended. These days I feel like I've moulded myself into a monster from holding onto emotions and powerfully woeful memories of school, and the years of false friends, drug use and debts afterward. Am I becoming a monster?

No 5
Yes 7
Maybe, but time's wounds all heal 6
Yes, You Have PTSD 10
Yes, You're Crazy. Padded Cell for You! 10
No, it's rational from time-to-time 6
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Comments ( 8 )
  • davesumba

    You had a bad childhood, guess what, most people do. You can either sit around feeling sorry for yourself, blaming everyone but yourself, and living in the past, or you can decide to make something of yourself and do you for you, not other people. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

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  • Sog

    Labeling yourself as a monster is one of the most self-destructive things you can do because after a while you will start to believe it. It is a self fulfilling prophesy.

    You and only you have the power to change.

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  • I would say you have issues, however a far stretch from being a monster.

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  • Stifler

    The fact that the poll choices seem like little jokes either emplies this is fake or you where happy at the moment.

    Anyways, Don't cry because it happened, Smile because it is over. I used to get in fights with "bullies" all the time but I kept my chin up and look at me now!

    Don't let the world push you arround. And fuck psychiatrists. They just lie and make you buy drugs. If you ask me your 100% normal, Just need to smile more.

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    • dickheadalert

      I made the poll choices that way, because I like to make others laugh. But each choice has been an answer given to me by people in the past, so I used them.

      I hide my emotions these days, so I don't get wound up as much, but some memories are more painful than others and are harder to "let go" as most people tell me to do. It's not that simple.

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      • Stifler

        Well than don't forget, Learn. See your mistakes and prevent them from happening again.

        Wish you the best of luck, DickHeadAlert.

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  • flawdagirl

    It's so awful how psychiatrists are so quick to diagnose people with mental illnesses. they just want to keep pushing pills onto people so they can drive their expensive cars you know.

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  • funkedup

    I agree with what Sog says. I have a family member in a similar situation as you have described, justifiably angry from past incidents and sometimes violent. Fight the urge to give in to the feeling that you are a monster and not in control of yourself. Justified or no, eventually you'll be held accountable for violent outbursts, either within the law or outside of it. Tuning a guy up with a spanner wrench is a major assault, you should talk to someone about keeping that anger under control. Please don't let it get to the point where you kill someone, or get yourself killed...

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