Is it normal i feel strange being muslim?

I feel odd believing Mohammad was a prophet who flew to heaven on a horse. I suppose historical and scientific data supports this, but it seems strange. I was raised to be a believer but I find myself questioning things.

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Comments ( 22 )
  • _Mehhhh_

    Wait are you saying scientific evidence supports that Muhammad flew to heaven on a horse?

    I'm truly sorry, no it doesn't honey

    But to answer your question, are you a Muslim in a country where Islam is a minority religion? That might explain it.

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  • WhiteApple

    Back to the question, beside all the other bull I've been reading, for me knowing what I know now about Muslims and the promoting strict moral, discipline and opposing Western influence, often by violence, beheadings, drowning of non-believers, marring girls underage, castrating their females as to not enjoy sex, and the total disregard for women's rights and people in general, then "YES," I would feel strange to be Muslim!

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    • xbookwormx

      Just wanted to say that the vast majority of Muslims are absolutely nothing like that. The people who do that are extremities that have WRONG understanding of Islam. And we hate them just as much as you do if not more.

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  • Religions are bullshit.

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    • gia70

      If you don't like religion then that's OK. I can understand why. But it gives many people comfort in hard times.
      So don't put it down just because you don't believe in anything. And respect the views of everyone.

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      • I don't respect those who believe in such nonsense. Religion giving comfort to people is just a placebo effect. No god watches over us.

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        • gia70

          OK - But why do you care so much what other people think? They're not hurting you.

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          • Because these bullshitters try to push their fanatical beliefs on me.

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            • gia70

              This is my last reply.
              But I just want to say that no one can push anything on you if you're strong enough.
              So, be strong.

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          • jeannie1993

            religion leads to wars, intolerance and misery.
            as a catholic, i am constantly being told how to live my life, ie it's wrong to use contraceptives, have abortions etc, and compared to most religions around the world, catholicism is considered to be quite a moderate religion.
            the way Muslim Women are controlled in the name of religion is a disgrace, and don't get me started on sharia law.
            it also gives false hope to millions of starving Africans, it's not comfort it's false hope.

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      • IamFacetious

        heroine gives many people comfort in hard times.. shut the fuck up with that weak ass reasoning.

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  • gia70

    It's normal to question things. This way you can come to your own conclusions.

    The Buddha said when he was dying. I am not your master. You are your own master. Question everything. This is not a quote but he said something like that.

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  • lordofopinions

    Islam is a cult religion whose only aim is to convert the planet to their warped ideas like Sharia law.

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  • Murun

    I can't believe these are such things as prophets.. Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha etc were just normal humans with ideas. None of them are the word of god, any more or less than any of us.

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  • angelonyc

    There is a great BBC documentary with Morgan Freeman as commentator.. It's a six parter, and very informative.. It is called 'The Story of God".. He travels around the world and asks questions about all religions, and belief in God, miracles.. He has no agenda to push.. Just asks a lot of intelligent questions, with people who are experts in various religions, and experts in various fields..

    I really came away with a much greater feeling abut it all.. There is a lot of speculation, in the various religions, that old texts were meant to convey a message or principle, and did not have to be taken as physical events.. Although they in no way dishonor or try to negate the precepts of the different religions..

    It's a great series, and very informative.. I came aways with a greater respect of all beliefs, and religions.. I see that the various religions, and science to not have to try to cancel each other out.

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  • jethro

    If being a Muslim confuses you, find something you can believe in and convert. Try the Latter Day Saints, for example. Besides, what were Muslims before Muhammad? Something else and then they converted.

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  • xbookwormx

    First, he didn't fly to heaven on a horse. If you read and understand what the Quran says about that, you'll know that it was not a horse and that there is so, so much more to the story. But anyways, it's completely normal to question things. It doesn't make you a bad person or anything. I'm just worried because it seems like you have some wrong facts. And those wrong facts are going to make things less and less believable and you might end up stop believing in God. My advice to you is, get your information from the Quran and Haddith only (or reliable websites that explains them)And to do things that would increase your faith. That way, even if some things won't make much sense to you (or any of us) you'll still believe what God and the prophet says. Wish you all the best.

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    • xbookwormx

      And by the last part I mean if you have more faith you'll see and believe in God's endless power so things won't seem so absurd then.

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  • Anewbis

    Ancient writings are metaphorical.
    If there is a God then we were made to question.

    Question everything.

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  • MauriceLikesChicks1015

    Even though I'm a Christian I understand what you're trying to say. It seems that you're a bit confused on your faith according to your religious book the "Quran" by what it states. When Jesus was born and gave his life for all of our sins he did it for a reason so that we may all forgive each other and love each other for peace on this world as God wanted it to be from the beginning. In Islam this description could be different for "Mohammad" or for us Christians we call him "Abraham" and remember that God(Christian)/Allah(Islamic) are the same terms but by different abrahamic religions in which we are related in a way. The Bible and Quran may have different stories but they do have the same belief that we were all created by God and we are God's people on Earth. Amen :)

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    • charli.m

      Oh my fucking god...the burns.

      If you had a brain, it would be dribbling out your orifices.

      Do you even know anything? Abraham and Mohammed are centuries apart.

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