Is it normal i find gay camp stupid? to turn gays straight ?
Ok , for all the parents who want to fix the gay children they gave birth too they send them to these gay camps that are suppose to make them Straight by getting all the gay boys and girls taking them to a camp were they are seperated from outside contacts and seperate boys with boys and girls with girls and they all sleep in diffrent areas but the women are with other women . they preach the bible and hope that this all eventually will make them Ex gays . Ok thier is so many problems with that thoery I do not understand how they think shoving all the gays in one area is gonna fix anything and if thier seperated girl girl , and boy boy ? That totally isnt a relationship or hookup wiating to happen that makes so much sense . This is not to promote gays or discourage it , im just saying if they were really gonna think of a idea they did not do a very good job did they ? Im also not bashing christains Im just saying this plan is not plausable what so ever . Its just dumb . Im stateing this from a loggical piont of view not a moral or a religious one .