Is it normal i find myself full of flaws?
I hate everything about me. My teeth (mum says they are fine), my ass, my skin, all my pimples, my eyes...EVERYTHING?? I can't find one good thing about my body! :(
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I hate everything about me. My teeth (mum says they are fine), my ass, my skin, all my pimples, my eyes...EVERYTHING?? I can't find one good thing about my body! :(
We all have flaws. You dwell on them so you see them more than anyone else will.
everyone goes through this phase when all they see in themselves is the flaws, it's absolutely normal. It will go away.
Everyone, when they look at themselves, is going to notice the little things that, to them, make up the big things about their appearance. I'm constantly critiquing myself and wishing I looked like someone else, but that's not healthy for anyone to do.
What you need to do, something most of need to do, is learn to love yourself the way we are. Don't focus on the things you're not.
Learn to take a compliment! Everyone has their flaws because no one is perfect. Think of this, you may not believe it, but you probably know someone who may think that you're kind of attractive. Instead of looking in the mirror and pointing out your flaws, try pointing out the parts of you that you like. A great personality can make a person beautiful, believe me. If you don't think there's anything special about you then you're not looking hard enough.
hahah as you can see, its normal