Is it normal i find religion completely delusional

I don't mean to be offensive, this is just how I see it.

The concept of religion and religious people always baffled me. To me a preacher preaching just resembles an insane man manipulating the thoughts and minds of others with fabricated lies.
Really religious people actually scare me a bit, it's like they're crazy people trying to convince themselves that they believe these far fetched stories of different religious acts.

Throughout my life I've been exposed to many different religions, and none of them made any sense to me. From everything ive learned so far from reputable sources, religious extremists throughout history have just made religion another reason to hate others and wage wars.

I do see the positives of religion, it gives communities a chance to come together and gives people confidence, but i feel it's under false pretense because its all make believe.

I think religion is based in fear of the unknown, people like to know that someone is watching over them and they'll go somewhere when they die when there's no evidence to believe it.

This is a matter of whether or not God is real, since people build their own truths, it's just me speculating life.

I would just rather live life for what it is, and create my own morals and limitations instead of reading them out of a book.

Am I the only one with these thoughts?

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Comments ( 37 )
  • kingsleycrowne

    If you talk to someone who isn't visible, you're considered crazy and thrown into an asylum. If you pray to someone who isn't visible, you're religious.

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    Of course it is! Your opinion is completely normal!
    It's normal to be confused by preachers preaching some old book. At least you aren't one of those religious atheists that feel that they have to point out every single flaw in religion to every single person they meet.

    Myself, I believe in a smorgasbord of ideas.
    What I'm trying to say is that you have your own opinion and it's perfectly normal.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • paradox90

    "I think religion is based in fear of the unknown, people like to know that someone is watching over them and they'll go somewhere when they die when there's no evidence to believe it."

    I can't agree more with you.

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    • xkenan

      Exactly right, as is the original, thoughtful post.

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    • Thank you :)

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      • paradox90

        You're welcome. What is interesting, is that religion can manipulate the behaviour of people. And I am talking about millions of people. This has had consequences that exceed the religious sphere. If you are interested and like to read, you may like Max Weber's "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism".

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  • college

    Religion is certainly a touchy subject. I see nothing wrong with being religious or spiritual as long as you're not hurting others or yourself. Personally, I learn a lot by going to church. The pastor at my church teaches life lessons and uses stories from the Bible as examples, he's not an insane man manipulating my thoughts, but there are some preachers who do do that. I think it all depends on someone's experience with religion. I understand where you're coming from and think your opinion is perfectly normal.

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  • anti-hero

    Everyone is delusional about something.

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  • DubstepismyMJ

    Well it goes both ways commoner. You are the same as a believer, you assume that god doesn't exist, just like they assume that he does. The truth is we might never know if he does or doesn't. So the point of the matter is what do you WANT to believe? Doesn't believing in god give you more benefit then not believing it ? You choose, but both the believer nor the non, is either right or wrong because it's probably impossible to know.

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    • Well I WANT to believe the truth. Just because you tell yourself something again and again does not make that something true. There is absolutely no solid evidence of any religion that would convince me of the honest existence of its god. However there are brilliant scientists coming up with sound answers to the questions religion attempted to answer for years. The difference between me and a religious believer is I don't ASSUME that the answer to evolution and the beginning of the universe can be scientifically explained, I've learned about many different approaches and the scientific one was the only one with reasonable honest explanations.

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      • DubstepismyMJ

        Lol chill, your too scientific. Stop trying to find facts, evidence, proof, or theorys.

        Find the symbolic meaning to God. <--------- just the tip of the ice berg.

        For me personally my brother died, and when someone that close to you leaves you, you just cannot. Believe he is gone forever. You just cant. You dont want to believe it. You want to believe that hes up there spiritually. No matter what diety of a religion THERE HAS TO BE A BELIEF. Wether be reincarnation.
        A person JuST cannot believe that they are gone forever. Its inhuman, we are compassionate beings. And if someone who believes in nothingness after death and death happens to a close love one, it will eat you up, slowly but surely.

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        • Lol actually ill be however I want to thanks ;) it's cute how you try to push your beliefs on me, never gonna work.

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          • DubstepismyMJ

            LMFAO. Your so simple and close-minded that the only logic you could have come up with for me telling you my point of view i "try to push your beliefs in you". Your way of thinking is too cute but so uninteresting. I could care less if you believe it or not, lol as if i actually give a damn of what you believe, dont let your ego get lose your not that special rofl. Made my day. Tyvm

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            • Lol I see I struck a nerve. You mad? Stay mad.

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    • kingsleycrowne

      That's agnosticism

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      • suckonthis9

        Please do not use -ists or -isms.

        'That's an agnostic belief', would have been a much better worded opinion.

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        • kingsleycrowne

          looks like you've got your work cut out for you again bud.

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        • kingsleycrowne

          hehe hey its that guy again!

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    • suckonthis9

      Which deity are you referring to?

      How can anyone prove or disprove if a deity actually exists or existed, if all you cite is a generic term for this?

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  • 2tfx

    Mental illness is a part of religion, look at the muslim terrorists who believe that blowing yourself up will get you into heaven, or the Christians who look forward to the "end times"

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  • cerberus0O0

    Yep, religion is one huge pile of grade A bullshit.

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  • thetalentless

    My thoughts exactly.

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  • MegaPaw

    I believe in god, but I'm not an extremely religious person. To me, the majority of rules in the bible are just generally good rules to live by. You know, don't steal, don't kill, don't sleep around, be respectful of others. Things of that sort.

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    • suckonthis9

      Which deity do you believe in?

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  • ProseAthlete

    I admire you for seeing positives in religion; too many people see it only as a delusion or a burden.

    I'm not religious either, but I keep that very much to myself unless someone asks. To me, one of the greatest gifts we can give one another is empathy, and I know that if I believed something deeply and didn't harm anyone through those beliefs, I would get frustrated at someone who kept trying to disabuse me of them for my own good. Their views are different from mine, but our essential humanity is the same. It's more productive to find areas of common ground where religious people and I can agree than to square off about where we differ.

    Another thing to consider is the so-called "god gene." Some research suggests that the tendency to spirituality is hereditary. In other words, people of faith might just be born that way. Read up on that; it's fascinating stuff, and it really made me see the attraction to religion in a whole new light.

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    • suckonthis9

      Which research or studies are you citing?

      I will refute any such study right now.
      It is impossible for any gene, or group of genes, to code for an Anglo-Germanic generic term for a deity.
      I would seriously call into question, the credibility of any Professor of Genetics who made any such ridiculous claims.

      This is entirely a learned behaviour, being passed down from one generation to the next.


      There is no such thing as a 'spirit', in this Universe, or in any other Universe.
      Should you wish to refute this, then please describe the Physical properties of a 'spirit'.

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      • ProseAthlete

        Let me Google that for you, shall I?

        "The God gene hypothesis proposes that a specific gene (VMAT2) predisposes humans towards spiritual or mystic experiences. The idea has been postulated by geneticist Dean Hamer, the director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the U.S. National Cancer Institute, and author of the 2005 book The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes."

        The "god gene" means that some people are predisposed to perceiving things as religious experiences, not that there's proof for the Judeo-Christian god -- or any other specific god, for that matter. When you see a rainbow, you think, "Wow, what a beautiful sight; I'm glad I'm here to see it." When someone with a religious nature sees the same rainbow, he thinks, "Wow, what a beautiful sight; I'm glad my god has given me the wherewithal to appreciate it."

        I'm arguing from the point of view of an agnostic, by the way; I'm about 99.9 percent sure I don't have the VMAT2 gene that predisposes me to feel deeply emotional experiences as religious ones, or I surely would have become religious by now.

        Why did you not even do the most cursory Google search before you went off on how wrong I was and how you refute stuff I didn't actually say? You were so eager for a religious argument that you didn't bother to do even rudimentary investigation.

        As for research I could cite, well...Dean Hamer wrote a whole book called The God Gene, so you could start there.

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        • suckonthis9

          Which deity are you referring to?

          Please describe the Physical properties of a 'spirit'.

          You have used a term which divides a group of people who believe in the teachings of Abraham, from people who also believe in the teachings of Abraham, as well as dividing them from people who have other religious beliefs, and from people who are not religious. The use of this term might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

          Why are you creating division in society?

          You have, however, in so doing, cited the deity variously known as Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH, Allah, among other variants.
          What do you know about this deity?

          Which other specific deities are you citing?

          Please do not use -ists or -isms.
          Thank you.

          So, because one disillusioned person makes a totally unfounded 'hypothesis', I should waste my time reading their book?
          Wouldn't I then just be contributing to greedy ignorance?

          So you continue to spread all this around the world, because you're 00.1 per cent unsure?

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  • q1w2e3

    Allah gave you free will but with it comes accountability too. Whatever you "chose to" to do, you can't blame anyone but yourself on the Judgement Day when God throws you into the Hellfire whose fuel is stones and humans, unless u repent and turn to Allah, and He is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      Lol he throws you in a hellfire for using your brains and not blindly believing in him and allow doubt but....... He's merciful. How can you people not get the absurdity of this ridiculous claim?

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    • See this is what I meant by religion being based in fear. You do good because you don't want to end up in hell.
      I do good because I want to.

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      • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

        Religious people can also do good because they want to as well. Everything they do isn't motivated by "whether or not they'll go to hell for doing that action."

        Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • SuperBenzid

      So if you were in heaven and you knew that people were being tortured forever could you still enjoy it? Perhaps you have friends or family that do not believe or live up to the rules of your religion. Could you enjoy heaven knowing that they are burning? What reward would heaven really be if you knew of eternal suffering of your friends and family? Your heaven would be no reward at all.

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      • suckonthis9


        'Heaven', is better known today as outer space. Outer space is an adverse environment.
        No person can be 'tortured' in outer space, unless they are in some type of protective enclosure which is protecting them from the harmful effects of outer space.
        There is usually not a sufficient quantity of gaseous oxygen in outer space to allow combustion, therefore, nothing is 'burning' in outer space.
        Without protection, there would not be much suffering in outer space. Death would occur quickly.

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  • It's not just religion who manipulates people. There are so many other ways to brainwash people. The best example would be how liberalism manipulates people under the false illusion that they are free people, that they can do whatever they want. People who think they are free, who think there are no barriers to overcome between them and their beliefs, are the easiest to manipulate.
    In every speech of higher power representatives you always seem to notice a gentle approach on the subject, like that person wants you to feel at ease, but that's usually not correct.They try to make you feel like you are in control of your choice an thoughts, but you're really not. There are so many ways to indoctrinate people, to manipulate their subconscious into having a specific desire.
    These techniques are usually used in marketing, for hidden advertising. All they do is send subliminal messages to their target's subconscious.
    Here's a perfect example of Media brainwashing unsuspecting people:

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  • JusWannaKno

    Your post is way too long to read , but I skimmed it lol && I must say I agree .. But ppl get mad when I say things like that. Technically in the bible there's no heaven or hell so idk .. Just live life..

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  • suckonthis9

    Please do not use -ists or -isms.
    Simply, call them what they are. For instance, 'extreme radical religious people'.

    Which deity is real or not?

    There are some truths in what some religious people believe. However, much of these stories have become corrupted, twisted, contorted and modified over time, such that they no longer convey the original meaning or intent.

    You should strive to build sound 'ethics', not 'morals'. You can, possibly, but not always, learn sound ethics from morals.

    Synonym discussion: moral ethical virtuous righteous noble mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good. moral implies conformity to established sanctioned codes or accepted notions of right and wrong <the basic moral values of a community>. ethical may suggest the involvement of more difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity <committed to the highest ethical principles>

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