Is it normal i found a flaw with being vegetarian?

Vegetarians say that they do not believe in killing. People who believe in abortion use this to attack people who eat meat. However this has one huge flaw. Plants are living creatures. They grow and eat and breath. So eating a plant is the same as eating an animal. However they suffer a lot less. Pot growers burn plants. They are burning something that was living. Of course like all things it is best plucked and eaten when it is still fresh. Much like fresh killed meat.

Voting Results
44% Normal
Based on 104 votes (46 yes)
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Comments ( 153 )
  • bananaface

    I'm a vegetarian and I eat what I feel comfortable eating. I personally believe that there's a huge difference between eating plants than to eating animals. Just like how eating a pig is different to eating a human. I mean, that seems to be your logic and it doesn't make much sense to me. Maybe you should stop finding flaws and let people eat what they feel comfortable eating.

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    • No my point is that people say we need to all stop eating meat because we are killers. People say that you can have abortions because people kill animals. People eating meat I know a lot do not believe in animal cruelty. The fact is that we all need to kill something to survive. We need to kill to eat. I am against animal cruelty and think animals in farm need better treatment.

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      • bananaface

        I've never said that people need to all stop eating meat. The only thing I have a problem with is where they get their meat from, I think some of the ways animals are farmed is repulsive. And just because we "need to kill to eat", that doesn't mean that you can condone whatever you want. I don't go around eating humans and then justify it by saying "everyone kills something, though!" That argument just doesn't work with me and I disagree with you.

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        • fukpeople

          agreed even though im an omnivore :p

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  • SuperBenzid

    I think you have succeeding in finding a flaw. Unfortunately the flaw is your level of intelligence...

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    • Yes my flaw is thinking. Do you not get enough nutrients to your brain with that health food diet? You say no killing ever but you kill a plant? You have to eat something don't you? Would you rather munch on a rock? I really do not think that is good for your teeth at all.

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      • SuperBenzid

        "Would you rather munch on a rock?"
        Just digging a deeper hole for yourself here.

        Let me try and put this in perspective. Say you were starving and had no money to buy food. You could choose to steal bread or you could murder someone and consume their body. The choice is obvious because theft is less immoral than murder plus cannibalism. Even if a person's only choices were immoral they can still choose the better ones.

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        • malkiot

          I would steal the bread because it is

          a) safer than killing (less likely to be investigated)
          b) the punishment is lower
          c) it's less work
          d) it's probably healthier than eating some random persons body without cooking it etc.

          So yes. The reason is obvious, but morality doesn't even factor in.

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          • SuperBenzid

            You might be fine with murder plus cannibalism but I assure you that is not the norm of humanity. Congratulations you have a moral compass that is worse than the Taliban.

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          • Since if we have plenty of other things to eat humans seem like a reasonable option.

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            • malkiot

              The point I was making is that we do not eat humans not for moral but for practical reasons.

              It is far easier to obtain food from other sources. And live humans (can) benefit us much more than dead ones would as food.

              If there was, however, a distinct lack of other edibles... it'd only be a matter of time until someone took to eating other people.

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        • Valetion


          A mother cat had 5 kittens. She noticed that there was something wrong with one of the kittens. She killed it then ate it. What are you gonna do? Call her a murderer? Gonna tell her to go eat a carrot? Lol.

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          • That is really sad. They do not always kill them though. A lot of them they just reject them and refuse to milk them.

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  • wigsplitz

    Everyone should just eat turds. Plants eat turds and that's what makes them grow so they HAVE to be plenty nutritious, so why not just eat the turds before the plants get to them. Then nobody has to be responsible for killing anything!! The animals can eat the plants, the plants can eat the animals, but the humans can now avoid all killing.

    We can all just link up into a 7 billion segmented human centipede.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Circle of life, we must take life to survive. However we can do so without being irresponsible. Have you ever had a garden? Did you save your seeds? Did you have a creature that wanted to eat those plants too?

    Are you familiar with permaculture? This is the idea of choosing plants that provide food, but do not require replanting to grow more.

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    • MissyLeyneous

      * a permie.*


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      • howaminotmyself

        Yay! Sometimes I get a little annoyed with the trend factor, but then I realize it's only because I had a bad experience with a so-called "expert" permaculturist.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          I hear you. These "experts" who try to capitalize on a lifestyle seem to do nothing but ruin people on movements like these.

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          • howaminotmyself

            She lived with me for a while and we planned to do a bunch of gardening together. I thought it would be great to have someone who knew what they were doing help me out. I have the instinct for gardening and a lifetime of experience but because I didn't have a piece of paper, my knowledge wasn't valid. Oh god, I'm remembering a stupid argument over worms... She did nothing by way of yard work except let her dog shit everywhere and she destroyed my compost...ugh, letting it go.

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            • MissyLeyneous

              Oh, wow. Yeah, it's best to let that go. I'm feeling some bad vibes all the way over here. :O

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  • disthing

    This is a little dumb, for the various reasons aforementioned by my IIN colleagues.

    I'll just give a brief summary of why I think it's a little dumb:

    - Not all vegetarians are vegetarians because they are against animal slaughter for food.

    - Most complex organisms on Earth, including us, need to consume other organisms to survive, you're right. Killing is unavoidable. However it's perfectly reasonable to aspire to cause the least possible suffering to other animals. There is a hierarchy of value in most societies that we apply to living things; we're at the top, other species of (complex) animals come second, plants and micro-organisms come third. Vegetarians simply want to subsist off the third stratum rather than the second.

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  • xanyleon

    Vegetables aren't tortured and abused like animals.

    Also vegetables don't make decisions, think or feel the pain the same way animals or humans do so I can't really imagine it would matter at all to them anyway.

    You've seen the state of how some animals look on websites when they're abused. It's horrible.

    Did you ever see a vegetable in an advert stating that it had been left all alone to starve and was half beaten to death?

    Perhaps we'll see mushroom fighting and/or mushroom racing one day ;)

    I'm also curious as to why people say vegetarians need to eat meat to live when it's obvious that by "living proof" that this is a false statement.

    P.S You also can't let a vegetable bleed to death.

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    • MissyLeyneous

      Vegetables are packed in giant rows and sprayed with ton after ton of chemicals, not to mention having their genes fucked with on a daily basis, creating mutant GMO crops.

      There are some that believe plants MAY have the ability to sense their surroundings, other plants, and possibly other critters. It's within the realm of possibility.

      Deforestation and desertification can be thought of as forms of plant/environment cruelty.

      Imagine a plant being forcible pulled out of the ground, tossed to the side, and left to wither. If plants could, hypothetically, feel pain... this would be the equivalent of someone breaking your legs and tossing you into a roadside ditch to slowly bleed to death.

      Why did your mentioning of mushroom racing make me think of Mario Kart? O_O xDD

      Vegetarians do not "need" meat to "live"... but they're missing out on some of the micro-nutrients that it provides, especially if it's home-grown meat, not that factory-produced shit.

      (For the record, I am a HUGE foodie and food lover. I have watched Food Inc, Food Matters, Fathead, Dirt! the Movie, and lots of other documentaries on the subject. I love gardening and hope to one day be able to raise and care for my own animals for MEAT. (And eggs and possibly one day leather and fur, too.))

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      • myboyfriendsbitch

        You need more thumbs up. Not thumbs down (whatever dummy did that).That was a great argument!

        I mean, really, how do wee know plants don't have feelings? Just because they can't communicate with us? I don't think there is any way to prove that. They're just current from us, that's all :)

        Everything in nature deserves the utmost respect.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          Dawwww... Thanks!! :D

          I'm really passionate about these types of subjects... not really all THAT knowledgeable... but passionate nonetheless. ^_^

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        • Since they want to justify the killing. People use to think animals did not feel anything so they could kill animals. I think when you are running at a dog with a knife it feels fear. Just because plants can not scream or bleed how do we not know they do not feel pain? This is no more justified.

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          • MissyLeyneous

            OMG. When did "people" used to think that animals did not feel pain? Animals have always yipped, whined, whinnied, barked, yowled, squealed, squalled, and otherwise made noise when pain was inflicted upon them... don't you think "people" would have been smart enough to think: "hey, I poked this dog with a stick and it yipped... it must have felt that."

            YOU STOLE MY "plant's might feel pain" ARGUMENT.

            You spoke nothing of this before I DID. >_<

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            • No a lot of people use to think that. You have never heard the argument. This is often thought of people who are either ignorant or just abusive to animals.<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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      • xanyleon

        That was a good response but I guess the videos of animal torture have scarred me for life :(

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        • MissyLeyneous

          Thank you! ^_^ Oh, and believe me, the videos I've seen have scarred me as well. However, instead of shunning meat entirely, I aspire to raise my own critters. I want to raise my critters as best as I can, so that they are as happy and healthy as they can be. Happy and healthy critters make for good food. You treat them well and take care of them and they will take care of you.

          And yes, it is possible for farm critters to be happy. They don't require much... Good feed and clean water, a dry warm place to sleep, plenty of space to run around, and some friends and attention. You can tell when a critter is happy too... If you watch and listen to them they will tell you if they are happy or not. Chickens make distinct sounds for when they are comfortable and when they are not. An uncomfortable chicken makes a crying sound, and a happy chicken clicks and bawks. A happy hooved critter will nuzzle on you and beg to be petted and loved on.

          It takes time, but it's completely possible.

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  • manii92

    This was an awesome debate I just read.. If u guys don't mind my two cents.. I find nothing wrong with being a vegetarian/vegan but you have to face the reality that you aren't going to be as healthy as a person with an all around diet.. At least not without taking vitamins and supplements.. Because believe it or not to much of anything is bad for you.. You gotta eat some meat sometimes.. You think a hungry bear would care about ripping you to shreds if he's really hungry and your the only thing in sight??.. Think about it

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    • I think this might have been the best comments I have read on this.

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  • Jharris

    ... I'd also like to add that the whole 'eating meat is natural' arguement is really annoying. Yes we can eat meat but we don't have to, its a choice. Besides, the people thst try to use this arguement on me either smoke, are drinkers, eat processed foods and drinks etc. Since when did they care about what's 'natural' for humans? You think thst other junk is 'natural'??? And since when were plants not a 'natural' part of a human diet???

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  • Imsupernormal

    Vegetarians are retarded. They think they are saving animals by not eating them but that is just stupid because animals hunt and kill each other all the time in the wild.

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    • That is true. Animals do kill each other.

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    • malkiot

      And most of the animals we eat would have to be killed off anyway if we didn't eat them.

      In addition to that, boar are an example of a species which is wild but needs to be hunted because it can can cause damage even in urban areas.

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  • redneckgirl1507

    Why can't people just eat what they want? It's their money, their food, their mouth, and their body, not your's.

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    • Yes. Thumbs up for you.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Animals are cute.
    Plants are really just jerks once you get to know them.

    However, I eat them all.

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  • Moonbow

    Plants and animals aren't the same, genius, even if they do both live and breathe. The flaw in being a vegetarian is that animal byproducts are used in the manufacture of fertilizer that is used to grow fruits and vegetables and therefore, vegetarians are indirectly eating meat!

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  • Mando

    Plants aren't sentient. Animals are.

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    • -Solitude-

      Exactly this.^

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  • Shroot



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    • Shackleford96

      ^WTF? XD

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  • NothingSpecial

    I have thought about this before. Plants are living things, so technically by eating plants you are killing them. However, plants don't suffer nearly as much as animals do, so while it is a flaw, it's a pretty minor one considering it's really the only way vegans/vegetarians could survive.

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  • westoptic

    Plants lack a brain, blood and central nervous system, which means they are not biologically capable of feeling pain. Killing a plant is not the same as killing an animal. Many plants grow better when they've been trimmed; if you did the same to an animal it would be hurt and probably die later of infection or blood loss.
    Fruit are actually meant to be eaten; a palatable outer coating (the fruit part) encourages animals to consume the fruit so that they will wander away and defecate the seeds out. This ensures that the seeds aren't all being planted around the tree so that they won't compete for resources.

    And even if plants could feel pain, a diet that includes animals demands more plant deaths than a diet that only consumes plants. Why? Because livestock consume copious amounts of crops. Which means vegetarianism is still the more ethical choice from that standpoint, so it's a moot point.

    I'm a vegetarian and I've heard this argument, literally, a hundred times or more. It's not intelligent, it's not original, it's not even logical. Eat what you want, let me eat what I want, and stop embarrassing yourself while you're at it.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      In some ways, i think plants have transcended people and animals and so do not need a brain. Our life depends on their wellbeing. I also think trees are wise, but i'm just weird.

      Anyway, another great argument that was unappreciated by some butt hurt tard.

      You and MisseyLaneous should go at it in debate!

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      • MissyLeyneous

        :'D You're too kind!

        Follow the thread down a little. I beat the Anon hands down. ^_^

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      • westoptic

        I love plants still, and I agree with you, there is something very ancient and wise about trees. Plants and trees are intelligent, don't get me wrong, they just aren't sentient, which is the point in question.

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      • Yes they have but unlike some may wish we are not lucky enough to be born as trees. We can not make out own food. We need to eat something living to go on. So the debate that people eating meat hate animals and are evil is wrong. Maybe some of these people do care what happens to animals but do not want to starve. Do not want anemia and a lot of vegetarians turn back to meat because of this. We are omnivores. This is one of the oldest known facts. We are not rabbits. We are not sharks. We are meant to eat both. Why they pyramid was created.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          Your spelling and grammar is slipping.

          I see where you're coming from, but you HAVE to understand one simple fact:

          Life and Death are inseparable twins.

          You MUST have Death to have Life. This concept can be applied to EVERY single aspect of our existence.

          This concept is, essentially, the end of all discussions that could ever be thought of on the subject.

          I win. :D

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          • I do not understand how you beat me. What are you disagreeing to?

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            • MissyLeyneous

              Re-read it. Let it soak in for a while. I don't need to repeat myself.

              Your original question was: Vegetarians don't believe in killing, is it normal I found this flaw?

              We then proceeded to argue about some things, and we agree on most things.

              However, I just killed this entire post with one of my own. Any argument that could EVER be made on the subjects discussed here has been beaten by my own simple deduction of fact.

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    • It is logical. You are still killing and some people have not been able to handle being vegetarian. So if someone gets sick from it and can not handle it will you hate them? If someone can not convert are they evil? Is it wrong to eat something we physically need? The fact some vegetarians could not handle it proves that it does not work for everyone.

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      • westoptic

        Yes, I'm still killing, but theres a reason why you can go to jail for beating your dog but not for mowing your lawn or picking vegetables from your garden. I don't believe everyone can be vegetarian; I believe some humans have bodies that are naturally adjusted to diets that include some meat, and some are adjusted to diets that are entirely plant based. We're a diverse species that inhabits the entire world, obviously our dietary needs are just as unique as we are. Biologically, in general, human beings are meant to eat widely plant based diets with or without meat. This is evidenced by our carbohydrate digestive enzymes in our saliva, our dull canines (which are also present in animals such as the gorilla, horse and hippo which are widely herbivorous) and our stomach acidity and digestive tract. I'm merely pointing out that the fact that you equate eating an apple or peeling a carrot to slitting the throat of an animal that thinks, feels and experiences emotion and pain or otherwise killing them, is absolutely ridiculous and false.

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        • Yes and we are not gorillas. It is not false. You can not say it is not killing. Killing any living creature is still killing. So saying I kill plants instead is less messy but still taking life to survive.

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          • westoptic

            No, but gorillas are in our same Taxonomic family, meaning we share over 90% of our DNA with them, meaning their diets are a possible reflection of what ours used to be before we evolved into Homosapiens sapiens. For the umpteenth time, I never once denied that killing a plant is not killing. Merely that it is not the same as killing an animal or a person. If a plant was sentient enough to warrant concern, there would be laws in place to protect them from "abuse", such in the case of animals and humans. That is not the case; open any biology text book and enlighten yourself.

            All life exists at the extent of another, that's how our planet works. But why would I choose to maximize the suffering I inflict rather than minimize it? Why would I choose to end the life of a pig or a cow, an animal that thinks, feels and experiences emotion and pain, as opposed to plucking some potatoes from my garden or chopping up some carrots? Why can you not comprehend how absolutely stupid you sound right now?

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            • So you are telling me we can not eat plants or animals? If we can not eat anything you veggie and vegans will die. Why are you so insistant on killing us all? You want to know why humans eat meat? Very simple reason you seem to be ignoring.

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            • malkiot

              You name gorillas as an example of a species that shares 90% of our DNA and is hrebivorous...

              Chimpanzees share 99% of our DNA and are our closest relatives together with Bonobos. They both eat meat.

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  • MayaR

    Well, if you have the option between killing and eating an animal and a human, which would you choose? And between eating animal flesh or plants, which would you choose?

    Can you live healthy without plants? No.
    Can you live healthy without animals? yes

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    • Prince_of_Crows

      Humans are animals.

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    • Many vegetarians have reported going back to meat for they could not handle no meat. You seem to be neglecting anemia. They say they felt sick. They say they have a hunger that will not end. While some people may be able to survive without meat some people honestly can not. People need a balanced diet. However if some can not physically handle it I do not think they are to blame.

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      • MayaR

        Well I have been vegan for 11 years without a problem

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      • SeverusFan23

        That's right.

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  • kr24

    Plants are not sentient beings. Animals are.

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    • Imsupernormal

      Then how do you explain the Venus Flytrap, eh?

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      • westoptic

        Its a plant. How's that for an explanation?

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        • Imsupernormal

          That doesn't tell me shit.

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          • westoptic

            Would you actually like an explanation or are you just going to get pissed off at me for explaining a venus fly trap has no nerves, cannot feel pain, and reacts using hormonal and chemical responses?

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  • dirtybirdy

    That's silly. Everyone said what I don't need to say now. Its pretty funny to me though how many 'vegetarians' I've seen wearing leather. Ha!
    I have no problem with vegetarians or their choice but I think its pretty silly to have all these fake meat food products. What is the point of that? Why make it try to look like what you're against? Or call it some meat related name? Just call it what it is ok?? Why pretend its a chicken patty when its not. I dunno, that always irked me. To be against something but disguise what you like into the enemy sort of thing. So it looks more normal next to your friends food? Ugh, forget it.

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    • VioletTrees

      Calling them that makes it so you know what recipes you substitute them in, though.

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      • dirtybirdy

        Ohh right. I didn't think about that. I was just thinking of all the premade things. Like tofupups. =\ My bad.

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        • VioletTrees

          Hmm, ok. I think it's mainly to make the transition easier.

          Oh, also, concerning leather, some vegetarians argue that leather is a byproduct, and therefore doesn't count. It does fund the beef industry, but so does milk. If you're a vegetarian for animal rights or environmental reasons, there's something to be said for taking ANY measures to reduce your impact, even if you don't take ALL measures. Personally, I generally avoid leather, unless it's second hand, but I can't really fault people for not doing that, even if they're otherwise vegetarian.

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          • Leather comes from the skin of an animal. They still need to kill an animal to create it. Anything that spills the blood of an animal is still a product from an animal.

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          • dirtybirdy

            From what i recall reading not too long ago, leather is a byproduct but its more so a coproduct. There is more profit in the hide than just the meat and it sort of encourages slaughtering more. And besides that a lot of the leather sold in the US is imported from india and china and its not just cow hides. It could be any number of different animals. I also agree with you about dairy. I think being a vegan makes more sense than vegetarian, since you're trying to rid yourself of all animal products, not just meat. I know a lot of people find it difficult to completely cross over because there's animal products in things that people don't even consider, and for some it just seems like a fad rather than a heartfelt choice,that's really what bugs me. But I really don't concern myself with what people choose to eat or not eat. Sometimes their choices just seem hypocritical or contradictory. If the truly are or not, I can't say for certain.

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            • VioletTrees

              Hmm, I'll have to read up on leather. Anyway, I'm ok with fads that have a net positive impact. I don't really mind what people are like inside, as long as they do positive things.

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            • America imports most of its products.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      I discovered how to make vegetarian bacon yesterday!

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      • dirtybirdy

        Put a vegetarian in the oven at 350°? Oh bacon... not bakin. Hehe. Kidding! I really have no qualms with them. But ever since my first comment on this post I keep picturing a carrot in a rabbit suit :)

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          Lol! Fry a pistachio and you'll know what i'm talkin' bout

          I also know how to make beef taste like sausage...for the muslims. just add sage!

          Ok i'm off topic.

          myboyfriendsbitch ©

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          • You and your pistachios. I keep seeing them popping up everywhere.

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    • zelskid

      Leather? A vegetarian wears leather because the animal did not die for it's skin. If people didn't buy leather, it would end up in the landfill and not one less animal would die

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      • dirtybirdy

        Plenty of other people can and do buy the leather. I just think if someone is so against eating meat its odd to be ok with wearing its skin. Just my opinion is all.

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        • zelskid

          rethink my post. I guess you feel the revulsion and love of animals that keeps you from eating them, should keep them from wearing their coats. Now, if I were a vegetarian, I wouldn't wear fur from an animal killed for its fur and the meat is just a byproduct to dispose of.

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          • dirtybirdy

            Well im not even a vegetarian but it isn't the point that it wasn't killed specifically for its skin, just the fact that it was killed in the first place.

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      • The animal can not give you leather unless you kill it. So it still spilled blood for it. That too is hypocritical. Even if you do not eat it that still means you had to kill it for this product. Fur is especially cruel and unnecessary. I personally think we should ban fur trade. A lot of people wearing it do not need it. We get things like fleece and wool which work just as well.

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        • zelskid

          fur is horrible

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          • Yes I agree with you. I also think it is very unnecessary given all the other sorts of string and thread we have. I do not agree with the fur industry.

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  • Elliemental

    Wow the original post was one of the most idiotic things I've ever had the displeasure of reading!

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  • ucipher8

    =your absolutely right. if they can make us feel guilty for eating meat, we should make them feel guilty for eating plant life. Sure its regenerative, but isn't all life on this planet.

    Sure there is, an abundance of it that justifies it but then again, we can justify eating fish in the same context.

    Im not saying we go and endanger species like buffalo (which ended up evolving into boon anyway right?) but these "VEGANS" sucking down the koolaid of life after high school (college) need to realize that half the vegan shit they order in these kitchens are shared with pots pans and utensils that touch meat so, yep

    Get the fuck over it and enjoy the diet that is available to us as top of the food chain. And if you are happy eating vegetables, fine, just don't go on a tit when you're invited to a really good restaurant celebrating our creative evolution as well.

    Fucking translplants...

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    • ucipher8

      no disrespect to those who choose not to eat meat for religious reasons. Personally if practiced out of religion, i can reply with positive respect for discipline as opposed to, non-conforming whatchamacallems.

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  • loyally

    The meat your eating is tortured before it was killed, unless you go organic.

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    • I never agreed with that or said they are not. I am simply saying the problems of going veggie or vegan.

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      • loyally

        Going veggie reduces risk of heart disease, cancer, and LDL cholesterol. That's if they cut other processed food out of their diet. All your questions will be answered by "Forks Over Knives".

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        • Try with anemia. Everyone seems to be ignoring this and I have mentioned this several times. Can I assume you ignore this because you do not want to recognize the flaw? How about people who could not handle it and say they felt sick or constantly hungry? That might make sense for some people but not all. As some people honestly are not capable of doing such a thing.

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  • Jharris

    OMG vegetables don't have a nervous system you retard. 'Killing' a plant is in no way morally comparable to killing a sentient being FFS!

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    • loyally


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  • jc25

    Plants can't feel anything, and aren't made out of flesh.

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  • Alphareign

    Not all people become vegetarians for ethical reasons. Some people become vegetarians for health reasons. Being vegetarian is healthier than eating meat.

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  • Prince_of_Crows

    I've had this thought before, and it makes some sense to me. But, then, I'm not vegetarian.

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  • juniperlei

    well plants cant talk so it not we can tell if they can feel pain its just the fact animals seem more alive to us while in fact plants are just as alive its just we dont acknowledge this because they seem so not alive :/

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    • juniperlei

      like how people dont freak out about killing a fly where like KILL the fly its nusiance but you would NEVER kill say a kitten itf its being nusiance not that im saying go kill kittens like flys I LOVE KITTENS SO DAMN CUTE :3

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      • -Solitude-

        Personally, I think the rights an organism has should be based on its sentience. Flies do not have the same level of sentience as cats (flies are insects, cats are carnivorous mammals). Of course, it is really difficult to determine if one species had greater sentience than another.

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        • juniperlei

          i think insects can feel pain this sounds stupid but i really hate killing bugs even if they creep me out i avoid killing them :/ but im not a vegetarian i dont mind eating animals animals eat animals and it is fine humans are animals so it is fine for us to eat animals just the natural food chain but i do agree that the farms animals are raised on are sometimes horrible :/

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          • -Solitude-

            I understand. Admittedly, I'm torn when it comes to killing insects. If I see an insect in the house I will put it outside. Like an earwig I found once... I hate those things, and needed to get rid of it, but I couldn't kill it. It felt wrong, when it was so easy to simply put it outside instead. Unfortunately, this isn't an option when there are 30 flies in the kitchen. As for farm animals, there's actually the possibility of growing meat using stem cells, without killing any animals. There are some things that need to be figured out though.

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    • We do not acknowledge it because it can not move or make noise. To most people a plant is as worthless as a rock. They are living like us or animal.

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      • juniperlei

        yup exactly my point lol :3

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  • sega31098

    Plants don't feel pain.
    Then again, neither do basic lifeforms such as oysters and sponges.

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  • dom180

    Animals have emotion, sentience, intelligence, the ability to feel pain. Plants don't, and if you believe there's even a possibility they have any of those things I beg you to open up a biology textbook. That is the difference.

    I find it so weird that so many people complain about vegetarians attacking their meat-eating lifestyle when just as many, if not more, attack vegetarians over theirs. I don't see why vegetarianism is such a hot debating topic; it's just a lifestyle choice.

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    • I am not attacking anyone. I am saying that the logic is flawed. Many vegetarians say should be. What if some honestly can not? No I do not believe in harming animals. The fact is we need to kill something to eat. Saying that killing is wrong when one kills plant is slightly hypocritical. I have nothing against vegetarians but my point is to survive most things need to kill something else. So animals eat grass and we eat them. No I do not think that any animal in a farm should be made to suffer in the conditions they have them. I do not think the world going vegetarian is possible though. We are not plants so we can not make our own food. It would be more convenient if we could but we can not.

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      • dom180

        Okay, bad choice of words on my part. You're not attacking vegetarians but you are attacking their very strongly-held beliefs, and although that's pretty much the same thing I'll admit my wording could have been better.

        I don't believe many vegetarians use the argument that "killing is wrong", and the people who say that are simplifying their actual argument. What they mean that killing *animals* is wrong; surely you could see that's what they meant, right? I sort of thought it was obvious...

        I've already explained why killing plants is far, far preferable to killing animals in my first reply. While yes, obviously something needs to die for people to eat, it's obvious that that thing should be a plant not an animals. I can give you some more pragmatic reasons why that is if you're interested.

        Why do you not think the whole world going vegetarian is possible? I'm genuinely curious as to why you believe that.

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          • dom180

            Thanks, but I kind of knew humans were naturally omnivores. I've never heard anyone use the rebuttal that humans are actually herbivores before; to say that people are naturally herbivores is a little insane.

            I'm afraid that doesn't change a thing for me though. "Natural" does not mean "right", and "unnatural" does not mean "wrong". We over-ride our "natural" tendencies everyday; we give our money to the government as tax instead of buying more food and more land, we go to school and work instead of hunting for our own food and going to war with nearby tribes, we wear clothes all over our bodies. We don't kill our neighbours and take their homes and food and rape the women of their family despite those methods being the best to ensure our survival and the passage of our genes. Those things are "natural", but they are not "right". I propose that eating meat is something that is also "natural", but is also not "right".

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            • Yes but if you really want to be unnatural that is your decision. We should not all be guilted into being unnatural as some vegetarians want to do. So saying that we are wrong for eating it is not right. We can also stop sleeping all together not that this is good for us. So the fact we eat meat is not a bad thing. Some people honestly can not handle being a vegetarian. Does not make us monsters.

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        • No actually I agree with the beliefs of vegetarians. I believe that animals are precious. I think that factory's should take better care of animals. I agree that all life is sacred. I know killing plants is preferable. My point is that we are still killing. I feel pity for animals suffering. However we need to eat something and to do that we need to kill something. This is the sad fact of life but we can not deny it. As evolved as we are life has simple things we can not change. We can not go without food. We can not go without going to the toilet. We need an amount of sleep. We do not NEED sex. However if no one has sex ever the human race will die. I just do not believe that if someone can not handle the transition that they are necessarily wrong.

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          • dom180

            Yes we are still killing, but that is not my point and never has been my point.

            If you are a vegetarian you are killing beings of much less "value" than if you were killing animals. That is my point.

            To suggest that we need to kill to eat is correct. To suggest that we need to kill animals to eat is incorrect, and is a much more important point to make than to say that we need to kill at all. That is what I believe to be true.

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            • So you are saying we can not eat animals, We can not eat plants and we must eats whatever is left? Ok tell me what you expect us to eat? Please tell me.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Everyone should just eat nuts!

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    • MissyLeyneous

      Great, so now you're advocating we eat the fetuses of trees. YOU MONSTER!!

      LOL. Don't-hurt-me-I'm-just-kidding!!! :D

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      • myboyfriendsbitch


        They don't have a soul until they get a branch, so no biggy.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          xDDDD OH GOD... My sides!!! xDDDD LMAO

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  • Plasma1813

    The animal suffers less, because they get shot and they go into shock and can't really deal it, or they have a nail driven into their skulls killing them instantly. Vegtibles are cut, chopped, steamed, plucked, drowned, and crushed.

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