Is it normal i gave my brother a handjob?


First off, I know this isn't normal, but I am hoping for any advice that you guys/girls may have.

I am 22. A few nights ago my brother (25 yrs) asked me if I could give him a handjob. He told me he'd do it himself, but that it wasn't working for him and that he wasn't able to go see his girlfriend, so I agreed and did that for him, 2 times actually. I also let him play with my boobs. This was my first sexual experience ever, if that matters. (Not by choice).

I can't stop thinking about what happened with my brother; I feel ashamed and beyond embarrassed, especially when I'm around family. I am actually trying to avoid my family at the moment, because my dad came extremely close to catching my brother and I, and our dad was REALLY REALLY suspicious. He even saw that my brother's pants were unbuttoned (they were pulled up, just didn't have enough time to button them).

Anyway, I was raised in a christian home and my parents are against things like: incest, being gay, and so on. They believe all these people go to hell. I also believe in God (though I do have doubts) and I'm scared I'll go to hell for being sexual with my own brother and to be honest, I want him to have sex with me. He probably would too if I ever told him this. I want to tell him... But one of the reasons I haven't is I still live with my parents; Really hoping to move out soon.
Also, when I think about my brother's girlfriend being together with him, I feel jealous. I guess I've always had a bit of a crush on him, and I am ALWAYS making sure I look okay when my brother's around.

I realize it would be best if I stopped feeling this way about my brother, but I really don't know how. (other than maybe finding a boyfriend, but unfortunately am not able to do that at the moment). Any advice?

Thanks in advance!

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Comments ( 37 )
  • Unimportant

    You just helped your brother in need, it's not like the two of you created a child together. Relax.

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  • thr

    I don't think you'll go to hell for this.

    The incident of which you write sounds very implausible, If it is true, then it is an unsympathetic thing for him to have done.

    Don't pursue anything more is what I'd say.

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    • xDragonfly

      Why is it difficult for you to believe? It's all true. Anyway, doesn't really matter.

      Also, I guess I should mention that my brother's a heroin addict. And I know my brother was obviously just using me when he asked for the handjobs... But I still want to have sex with him. Maybe it's because I'm a virgin, I don't know...

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      • thr

        It is difficult for me to believe, because asking one's sister for a sexual favour because one's girlfriend is not around, is strange behaviour to me.

        The reason I'd advise you not to pursue anything is the mess it would make. Think of how it would affect you relationship with the rest of your family as well as with your brother, and think of what you are doing to your brother's girlfriend.

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  • timeroo03

    Girl you need a bf ASAP

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    • iiMiG0S


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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    You need to go have sex with someone who's NOT your brother. He sounds like a sicko to ask his own sister to tug him off! What in the world...

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    • iiMiG0S

      They both need to see a therapist, they're both sickos.
      and for the rest of you people that're condoning this kind of behavior, needs to do the same.
      -THIS- is unhealthy.

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      • Anonymousssssssss

        How is it unhealthy if they are not related they aren’t having sexual inter course and besides that it’s everyone’s fantasy unless your step brother is ugly I’ve given my step brother a handjob (he gave me one back) which is how I came across this and it’s nothing it’s like giving each other a massage but it feels even better

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  • What kind of grown ass man asks his own sister for a hand job? And what kind of sister indulges his desires? You both need to stop or proceed with caution or else your dad will find out and a shit storm is coming your way.

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    • iiMiG0S

      Everyone should read your comment & open up eyes.
      I don't know why they're all condoning this lmfao
      It's totally unhealthy & never normal.
      no sister should indulge her brother's desires, you're correct.

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  • It's obvious that you want to have sex with your brother and he wants to have sex with you. The problem is getting caught. So just find a time and place where you know you won't get caught and have sex. Then enjoy it as often as you with a brother is great.

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    • Avada4567

      I want to try it once

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      • Not just once. If you both like it, you should do it all the time.

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        • Avada4567

          Thank u for the advice

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          • peterrabbyt69

            Have you sucked his dick yet?

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  • Avada4567

    Well i would say, u r lucky as well as unlucky

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  • GreyWulfen

    There is nothing wrong in that story.

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  • sandyblue

    Family should support one another. For myself, my brother repairs my car for free, and saves me lots of money. I reward him in my own in a way it's a trade

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  • UnabashedUser

    Hmm.. he's a heroin addict? They usually CAN'T GET IT UP. I smell TROLL here

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  • jackel

    i think it is too wrong..

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  • jackel

    i think it is too wrong..

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  • peterrabbyt69

    I remember the first time your brother sucked my cock and it was wonderful.

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  • sweetsugar35

    I love dressing up sexy for my brother when my husband is at work and teasing him x

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    • Allen1357

      Hi there maybe you can advise me cuz i have a sister too

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  • Hank55

    Wish I was your brother. No problem. Sex has outgrown it's original purpose for procreation, and is nowadays practised mostly for recreation, fun, and mutual enjoyment and satisfaction. Do whatever you fancy. Just make sure it is consensual, done in privacy, and that all precautions are taken to prevent an unwanted pregnancy (should you to to the next step, which I hope your would at least explore and try).

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  • iiMiG0S

    Wow, what the hell is going on here? what kind of sick twisted person are you? this whole story is out of order.
    it's NOT normal to have sex with your family members (Brother, sister etc) that's just plain disgusting & should be ashamed of yourselves for doing so, I can't believe you're all condoning this behavior.

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  • yakfrost

    if your brother don't live at home, go to his place

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  • RobinAKARob

    I think you are awesome doing it. If I were you, I would see if my brother wouldn't mind fucking me and don't fascinate that it's not your brother We are a strange group in this world while animals we really are need to know it is actually normal If it exciting you try and get another girl to Goin the hand job and it will relax things IMHO.

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  • diboploula

    I have had a similar situation, i was 18 my bro 23, in a night he comes to my room and asked me to give him an handjob, he also told me things like "i want just to try how it feels when an other person does it, how it feels to get it from a girl, etc." and also told me that he wouldn't never loved to harm me so that he was not going to ask me for anal sex, but that he would have loved to just try to do with me some oral sex practice and he also told me that even if i was his sister i am anyways a very beautiful girl etc, and that if i would have wanted e was available to do something of oral to me too, and this really pleasured me, and i was also pleasured that to tell me this was my bro, a person that would never have done me something of bad. So i have accepted, and i have to say it just made me and my bro feeling more healty and he is also more gentle with me, i also was surprised that he was asking me this, but when i have made him that handjob i was just feeling healty too, after our first experience we continued doing other oral practice, he also asked me to try to do him a blowjob but lol i was still disgusted to do him this but i was pleasured he respected me and not insisted for it, then he asked me for a footjob and i have made him this, and if today i have my legs a little more muscular is thanks to him hehe! :) Anyway nothing of bad, it have been a good experience! ;) My parents have never caught us doing these things, we have always been carefully. ;) Until it is just oral sex there's nothing of bad! ;) I have never been jealous when he gets his own girlfriend contrarily i was very pleasured, also becaus emy bro always told me that even if he would have got a girlfriend the experience had with me will be always the greatest of his life, and i told him this too, now my bro is always a gentle man and, i hope i am a gentle girl with my boyfriend! ^^ Even his girlfriend and my boyfriend knows it, and they never expressed nothing countrarily. :)

    My bro always told me that brohter and sister can't do anal sex because it causes problems on genetic combinations on babies, peoples with the biggest part of same genetics as they can be your parents or also your cousins can't make correct genetic babies, there are lot of methods to avoid brother and sister to have babies, but if they do anal sex there is always a percentage that they can accidentally have bad genetics babies, for this reason making anal sex in family is prohibited. But Oral sex are just massages and personally i never had nothing countrary if all it gives is just a great pleasure! :)

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    • UnabashedUser

      You must be very careful to use a condom for anal sex because if you don't A LAWYER MAY BE CONCEIVED.

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    • yakfrost

      babies don't come out your butt

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  • Muthafuggintacos93

    Fuck before its too late!!! I'd say, plan it out and just go all out and fuck like animals, oral whatever just do it, I'm planning on getting it in with my half sister this week

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  • timeroo03

    What's the fuss all about its not asif she was forced to do it her brother asked her.

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    • iiMiG0S

      He didn't put a gun to her head & make her give him a handjob now did he? NO, but it was up to her to decline his offer.
      because she's his sister & they're blood.
      that's not normal buddy.

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  • chloroplast

    As long as your are smart and safe, you can go as far as you like with your brother. I'm personally agnostic, and believe that a benevolent god wouldn't send a person to hell for showing love for another person. Anyway, Adam and Eve and their children had incest, and so did Noah and his family. We're all inbred in the first place.

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    • sweetsugar35

      I remember the first time me and my brother had sex it was electric

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