Is it normal i get annoyed when people say "i need professional help?"

It's so cliche, and irritating. You tell a story about a fantasy or a fetish of some sort. Or just anything outside what society deems as "normal" and you need professional help.

Here's a tip to those of you who use this tired cliche phrase.

I've had professional help throughout my entire life. I'm on medication. I still have sick thoughts, especially when it comes to sexuality and violence. And nothing will ever change that FACT.

The great Popeye said "I am what I am and that's all that I am."

People like me can't be saved; not by God, not by medication, and not by any other Pseudo-professional psychotherapist.

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 41 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 35 )
  • bananaface

    Even if you don't think you can be "saved", others can. The best people can do here is give advice. But I don't think anybody here is qualified to handle some of the more serious posts. In those cases, telling them to see a professional is the best and only advice we can give. Either that, or we try to diagnose something serious based on a couple of paragraphs, which is wrong on so many levels.

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    • No offense, but I'd rather seek guidance from people who don't charge me to speak with them, load me up with meds and send me on my way under the guise of "professional psychology."

      And how do you know that others can be "saved." Are these shrinks doing Jesus' work now? We all know how doctors love to play god. Apparently that applies to the head shrinkers too.

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      • Sir Reginald Fisticuffs III

        Ah! A fellowe time traveller from the distante past, I see! Verily, paye no heed to the guidance of ostensible "professionals", parading their "education" and "licenses" and such arrant poppycock! The reasoning is cleare: they coulde not helpe you, thus they cannot possibly helpe anybody! If only these moderne soi-disant medical practioneres newe to simply place a single leech on the forehead to cure such maladies of the minde!

        Even though you quarrel with my lovely Lady Banana, I very muche appreciate your dedicatione to fighting againste "logic", "science", and a person's abilitye to be helped in the manner theye require!


        Sir Reginald Fisticuffs III

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          You're my favorite new person. Hope you stick around :)

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        • drogofwar

          Dude, what are you smoking? Can I have some?

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        • Once you lose the lame gimmick I might take you serious enough to afford you a reply.

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          • Captain_Kegstand

            I happen to like the gimmick.

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          • Mmmpfh

            Don't you take that tone with Sir Reginald Fisticuffs III.

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          • Amen to that, its soooo lame.

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      • bananaface

        Well it doesn't really look like you'd rather seek guidance from people who don't charge, because I just gave you it, and you're still acting like a bitch. What do you want?!

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      • VioletTrees

        First of all, You used the word "saved" and bananaface was quoting that, so I'm not sure why you're being so snarky about it.

        Secondly, I can attest to the "some people can be saved" claim. When I was 11, I was extremely depressed and suicidal. If it hadn't been for my therapy and medication, I have no doubt that I would've committed suicide. Different psychiatrists and therapists are different, of course, but I never got the impression that my doctor or my therapist were arrogant or trying to play god. I got angry at them sometimes (as one does in therapy), but most of what they did was listen and occasionally sort of poke me in the right direction.

        I'm 22 now, and doing much better.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Alright, dude, alright, you've heard what bananaface says and I will agree with her.

    At this point, I don't think your battle should be to get rid of the thoughts. Honestly? I have thoughts about pregnant women getting raped by big black men (and if no one else did, there wouldn't be porn of it), what would happen if I killed someone where they stand, picturing gruesome car accidents and people being blown to bits...

    But those are just thoughts, I'm a perfectly functional human being! I hold a full time job, I'm a full time college student, I am active in church and I am considered one of the "temple worthy" Mormons. Which is a very good Mormon.

    Even the religious authorities of my church have told me that thoughts are just thoughts. Everyone has negative thoughts, to some degree or the other, but it is what we do with them that matters the most. And they've been asked that question before...

    My advice to you, man? If you want to live a life that is in any way satisfying, then you're going to need to function (as in, be able to hold a job, pay your bills, etc.). If you need to get rid of those thoughts to do that then yes, you will need to seek professional help, and more than just the variety that you've accustomed yourself to.

    If you can ensure that you will not murder and rape... then I don't see the big deal. So long as you function and treat others respectfully, in compliance with the laws and norms of your country, then think your thoughts! But if you can't comply with society... then you do not need to live in it and allow your behaviors to unfairly inhibit the lives and happiness of others, in which, case, you should either seek professional help or leave. Just go.

    Either way. I understand your frustration, but professional help is intended to give you the tools to not only function, but lead a satisfying life. If you feel that you can do both and coincide with your inner demons, which we all have whether or not we'd like to acknowledge them, if you can learn to separate your thoughts, that particular room in your mind, from the rest of your personality, then fuck professional help, you've got more than many whom are considered sane!

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  • MissyLeyneous

    If you don't want the help of professionals:

    Don't take it.

    If you don't want the help of non-professionals:

    Don't ask for it.

    If you don't want to listen:

    Stop talking.

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    • boehawk


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    • Lynxikat


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  • Finding_Peace_In_A_Mad_World

    You need professional help.

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  • Dad

    "not by God" What about Santa?
    Seriously that was a funny statement.

    Anyway back to reality. Get on the RIGHT medication!

    By the way 'stories' and 'fetishes' ARE normal, so you may need to elaborate on this peculiar abnormality, only if you want a truthful answer of course ;)

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    • I have told some of my stories here actually. Nothing but being berated and mocked.

      Also, I don't care about your religious beliefs, but I come from a fairly long lineage of "jesus freaks" that tell me to go find the lord and that he will save me.

      But I'm not interested in religious discussion, there's enough of that here as is.

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      • That explains it. Being raised in such a place would make anyone need professional help.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Don't know why you got thumbed down, living in an opressively religious household causes all sorts of problems.

          Look at me, I was such a nice kid. All that Catholic guilt and repression built up and now I'm a trouble maker :P Among other things. Definitely caused some deep seated issues, fear of my own body, etc.

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      • Dad

        Yes that's usually the norm for poor children being instructed to believe!

        Anyway, don't worry too much of this 'mocking', I personally feel that each person's fetishes are individual and personal only to them. Yes you can get similarities but never exactly the same.

        Since I can't lay judgement on if these fetishes are normal or not, due to lack of known information on the subject! I'll just have to remain with my original comment. Hope it helped.

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        • Abduction
          Sexual Sadism
          Forced Incest

          I'm kind of like Ted Bundy, only as of now mine are just thought crimes.

          These things fascinate and excite me. Power and Fear excite me.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            Ah please, dude. I study Criminal Law and Criminal Psychology. If thinking about this kind of stuff and creating vivid fantasies of these situations is cause for being labeled as insane then sir, I am to be committed at once!

            My thoughts are scholarly, yet they bring me intellectual pleasure. Your thoughts bring you pleasure. Are you and I so different?

            As I said before, as long as you keep your thoughts just that, thoughts, then you are to be commended as many people commit the crime of forcing the results of their thoughts - actions - upon others. There's nothing wrong with being fascinated by thoughts and gore! You're a member of a species that once watched gladiator fights - two men mutilate each other- for entertainment!

            Violence is natural, and evolution of intellect has yet to change the fact that, as a species, we are a violent one! It may have reduced the violence and the acceptability of the violence but it has yet to completely eliminate it!

            You're no different from many of us, sir! But I will say again, if you feel that you can not live within the bounds of societal laws, then you should choose a society that condones violence... like... I don't know, possibly Ethiopia, Somalia?

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          • ...Most, if not all of those things and more interest me, and I'm healthy and without need of professional help.

            I have actually engaged in major crimes, and I'm perfectly fine mentally.

            I wouldn't say you're like Ted Bundy, the main difference between people like Ted Bundy and lesser dangerous people is that he actually done those crimes instead of just thought about it.

            Rape is a very popular fetish, I think it is the Japanese specificly that has a lot of fans of such porn.
            Sexual sadism is also quite popular, I think the name would be bondage. I heard even some go further than average bondage aswell.
            Abduction and murder are things people think about all the time, and a lot of people like to think about it, we like the idea, which is why there are so many media entertainment that involves those things.
            Forced incest is bascically rape incest, we have already covered rape, and some people actually like the idea of incest, it isn't as common as the others on the list, but it isn't anything majorly bad, just uncommon.
            Mutilation is quite like the murder thing, we have movies such as Saw and Hostal that is built on those things for people that enjoy it to watch, and since it is quite famous, obviously it must of had many fans.

            Power excites everyone, and fear is a way of power.

            Don't worry, I don't think you have much to fear, you don't sound like someone that would actually engage in major criminal behavior or be anymore dangerous to someone than the common man. Just my input.

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            • NeuroNeptunian

              Actually, I have connections to a man that studies porn and owns the largest archive of it to date!

              You're absolutely right, in fact, other than Russia, Japan is the largest consumer of porn that involves rape and child sex in the world!

              Also, as far as sexual sadism, incest, rape and mutilation goes, Germany claims the prize as far as porn consumption! It seems the OP would fit right in in Germany!

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            • VioletTrees

              Wait, what major crimes have you done?

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          • Dad

            Thought crimes are not a crime (as yet!)
            Therefore none of those are a concern, and are therefore normal.

            Some people 'think' there is a god. I want to make that a crime. But oh well, I'll just have to make do with trying to publicly shame it to everyone. Well deserved I might add.

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  • littlelulu1999

    You are not the first or last person to have what society considers 'perverse' or 'deviant' thoughts. If you can pay your bills, and not hurt yourself or others, then what's the harm with having 'unique' thoughts? Many people find outlets for these thoughts in art, music, writing, sports, etc...have you found an outlet? Therapy costs a lot of money and takes time and it may or may not does taking perhaps an outlet is cheaper and less time the end, do you own thing...

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  • FrancoisDillinger

    I thought everyone had sick thoughts.

    when I was a kid my brother dropped something down the disposal and I thought about turning it on whilst his hand were in there.

    I would imagine grabbing the kitchen knives and sticking them through my eyeballs.

    I considered what it would be like to put a random in the same position i am in (lost a family member)

    that's where it ends. they're sick thoughts. They don't represent (what i perceive to be) the "real" me so, they're not acted upon (obviously)

    i'm a normal person. I've never sought professional help. Although, at times, i've considered it.

    sounds like you're getting unwanted opinions and since they're all the same cliche "seek professional help" it's started to annoy you. Nobody wants to hear that shit.

    everyone wants to be normal, to feel normal. idk.

    who gives a shit what other people think. I've said it once and i'll say it again.

    Do whatever the hell you want as long as you don't hurt or involve others unwillingly.

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  • partofeveryone

    Im sorry about your situation, however, professional help can help some people and I encourage those with problems to seek it.

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  • pdfort37

    If your on medication and you already get professional help, why get annoyed? You should smile and say, "duh already there". Accept yourself.

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  • alv1592

    People have told me to get help too. I've been on anti-depressants for a couple years. I may have a slight anger problem, I don't think it's that bad, but if it worsens I may consider getting help.

    So, are these just fascinations you have, or do you think about doing those things? If you seriously think about those things, maybe you DO need help before you act on those urges.

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    • I don't want to hurt anyone but I'm starting to feel a growing obsession to make it more than a thought crime. Especially when life seems to empty and meaningless.

      I watch some crime dramas (currently I'm revisiting Criminal Minds) and I think to myself "Man I could do worse than that" or "They wouldn't catch ME that easy" or "That girl had it easy with this perp"

      When I should be thinking "Oh that poor girl."

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  • howaminotmyself

    The Popeye mantra goes through my head often.

    There is a stigma on getting professional help. And sometimes when people say it, it comes off as condescending and insensitive. But these are your opinions on the matter, not theirs.

    I have a friend who is a professional and I have to remind her that sometimes I want a friend, not a therapist. There is more than one way to work through a problem. And sometimes it requires a combination of treatments to find a balance. But succumbing to the belief that you cannot be saved does not make it true. What does being saved look like to you? I'm not asking what it looks like to someone else, but for you. What would make you come to terms with the person inside. If it is nothing, then you will get your wish. Do you know the roots of your thoughts?

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