Is it normal i get irritated when people are indecisive?

When I am in a situation that involves someone else having to decide something (such as where to go, or what to eat) I cannot help but to feel irritated. This is probably because I am impatient but I have a hard time understanding how somebody doesn't know what they want.

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59% Normal
Based on 27 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • robbieforgotpw

    Sometimes I debate whether I should wait to take my dump out or wait til I get home and then it becomes more of a powerdump

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  • peterr

    I can never figure if you want me to do your ass or your mouth, so which is it, or both?

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  • I'm a decisive person as well, yet my best friend's not. She enjoys having lots of options but becomes overwhelmed by them all because she's worried she'll make a choice she'll regret. Because I love her to bits, I find her indecisive tendencies more tolerable. She also allows me to assist her in making a choice sometimes, which helps her as much as it helps me.

    That said, when it comes to strangers, my patience wears dangerously thin. For example, if I am in a line-up in a store and a customer in front of me is causing the line to bung up because they can't make a choice at the till. It's like, ffs, get out of the line if you don't know what you want!

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  • Ilovewinter12

    I am an indecisive person. Sometimes because I am trying to think about what the best choice for me will be, or how I can make everyone happy.

    So, sorry about that.

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  • st2013de

    I'm the opposite. I get extremely annoyed at having to pick things. For example, every night my partner says "What do you want for dinner?" and I literally want to say "I'd rather have nothing than have to choose!" You should be my friend.

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