Is it normal i go back to places i get banned from.

Whenever I get banned from somewhere, either by a legal restraining order, or a verbal "don't ever come back here" I eventually return. I do give it some time but when I come back they either don't recognize me or they no longer care.

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Comments ( 36 )
  • jeebley

    Haha.. yes, some places they cool off and don't care but sometimes it takes years or until new people work there before they will let you back in. I've tried to get back into a local store 3-4 times in the last few years but the one dude just won't let me, its ok if he's not there though.

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  • I assumed you were referring to internet sites.

    This.... this is just bizarre.

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  • spaghettifrier

    bahahaha this whole entire thread is the funniest and in fact the only funny thing i've seen all day. thank you

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    • Agirlsbestfriend.

      I like how it goes under 'expeditions' !!lol

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  • RoseIsabella

    What are you doing get banned all the time from so many places?

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    • Various things.

      Denny's - Throwing spoons at lamp fixtures and smashing one. Told to not return.

      Grocery Store - Stealing plants from front of store. Got legal restraining order.

      Safeway - Threatening employees and breaking door. I wasn't exactly banned because I left first but it was in my best interest to not come back until things cooled down.

      Island on the lake by my house. - It's a long story. Got lifetime restraining order from going on the island.

      State Fair. - Jumping in the display hot tub. - Told to not come back.

      Gas Station - Using money made on copy machine. - Legal restraining order.

      The Bus - Multiple offences (opening emergency exit while bus is going, arguing with bus driver for not letting me on the bus, drinking on the bus) - Certain bus drivers wont let me on but I drive now so it doesn't matter.

      I can't think of any more at the moment.

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      • What is wrong with you?

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        • A lot

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          • Lol. Do you like getting into to trouble or something. You seem like you are smart enough to know right from wrong.

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            • There's various reasons for the different things I did. well.. maybe not. I don't want to get in trouble because it costs me fines. I don't seem to have good impulse control.

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      • Shrunk

        dude.. that's actually pretty awesome lol. I enjoy doing this on internet sites (getting banned and hacking to get around it that is), but you have taken trolling to the IRL level. awesome. balls, etc. you should make videos of these...

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      • Ya wanna get married?

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      • PureLikeSnow

        You're my hero.

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      • jeebley

        ahhhh fukin awesome

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    • robbieforgotpw

      If I get banned I go back to fartwalk around the place. I guess I feel like I'm getting even if I gas the place good

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  • linchpin

    so when you get banned from somewhere you wait until the existing staff move on and new staff are hired then you return? I think that's normal, if you like the place.

    Resisting the ban is normal if you feel in your own mind you have been unjustly banned. Otherwise if you've been a total dick and banned for a reason and you return, well you're just being immature and obnoxious.

    You should try and honor the restraining order though. Theres always reasons behind that and you could get yourself in alot of trouble. Why create the headache?

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  • dirtybirdy

    You mothafuckin badass you.

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  • randypete

    you need bitch slapping

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  • randypete

    i see why you get banned you little prat

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  • pixie_dust

    what do you do that gets you 86'd so often? lol

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  • ngc4896

    I got the same problem with a local electronic shop
    their security sucks but they are not to keen on the few thieves they do catch (they caught me on my 11th run and didnt know about the first 10, a security guard was dressed as a client...)
    I was banned for life (verbally in front of the cops) told i would be sued if i ever came back)
    3 months later all the security staff had been changed and i could go again (there is only one electronic shop where i live it was a bit of a handicap)

    I got seriously beaten up by security without actually attempting to resist i could have sued them, but i was afraid because i got caught stealing a DVD, i should have payed more attention in France, at least where i live security guards are ALWAYS black (it's racist but not on my part, since it's true, the employers must think black guys are scarier to white people) and there was only one black person in the entire shop, right next to me "reading" a book

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  • Sensate

    What is not normal here is the fact that you seem to be getting frequent restraining orders and bans...awsome person you must be.

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    • It's not that frequent. It's about one a year. Sometimes 2, sometimes less.

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  • randypete

    why do you get banned ?

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    • See comments above.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Do you mean internet or real locations? What did you do exactly?

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    • real places for various reasons.

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  • Nope not on this website.

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