Is it normal i hate and fear being alone.

I have a fear of being without a partner. I hate being alone sometimes, and I have fear of being that guy that grows old never having a relationship just random short term things. I think IM to young to want to find the girl to spend the rest of my life with. being 20 most guys just want to get laid, I do also, dont get me wrong but I want there so be one girl that i care for and we oporate like best friends and just share our life together: going out having fun, our first house,maybe a kid,and just taking on everything together.I know im young and have plenty of time and Its not because Im always single, I jsut get anxiety thinking about dying alone and living an empty life. I do not know if this is average because i dont tend to ever talk about feeling and stuff like this. so here I am asking strangers.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • You're going to be okay

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  • Terence_the_viking

    You are only twenty.

    Start panicking when you are triple that age and still single.

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  • ProseAthlete

    I think it's probably a pretty common feeling, but a solitary life doesn't have to be an empty life. It sounds like a cliche, but you really do need to learn how to have a life of your own that you love before you can successfully share that life with someone else. It took me until I was 26 to find the right man, and while he was well worth the wait, I didn't spend my life before I met him waiting. I was my own woman before I was his.

    Live life. Love your own company. Enjoy your friends. Indulge your hobbies. Singlehood has its benefits; revel in them. When you have a rich, full life, you'll be infinitely more attractive to some lucky woman who also has a life she wants to share.

    I think you're probably entirely normal for thinking about that and having that anxiety, but the chances of truly being without anyone for all the days and years of your life are extremely slim, especially since you sound like a good guy with a well-balanced set of priorities.

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    • zacbradley

      haha see I do love my life I im doing better then the majority of 20 year olds I like my job and i love playing guitar and playing with my old hot rod cars. I like going out with friends and having fun, I cant sit still. it just seems like somethings missing sometimes. Like itd could be so much better. Your a smart... whatever you are. lady i assume.

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      • ProseAthlete

        It sounds like you're doing really great, then -- which is awesome. :) I had that "everything's good, but something's missing" feeling shortly before I met my husband. Life did indeed get even better after that. Maybe that "something's missing" feeling you occasionally have is fate's way of preparing you for the right woman.

        And yes, I am the proud owner of XX chromosomes. :)

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        • zacbradley

          well ive always felt that way. somethings missing it went away with the lady I was with that the other thing is about. I felt everything was right and that may be what I miss so much... and weve come full circle lol I felt that something was missing so strongly when i met her too.

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  • Caryopteris

    There are a lot of guys like this, I was surprised to find out now that I'm 40 something. I have befriended you guys through work, and they talk to me and I learn so much I didn't know when I was their age. I can tell you that women in their 20s are clueless about themselves. Women change over time while guys tend to be more stable in their personalities. So you will be better off to relax and spend time with guys who are also interested in dating that's not of a predatory nature. A lot of guys want guy friends they can hang out with and have the opportunity to present themselves well socially. So find a guy who likes to do the things you do ... where women also hang out. Then women can observe you and develop an attraction. They will approach you if you interest them. So always dress decently and WORK OUT. Nice arms and flat abs and a deep voice and well-groomed hair are head-turning traits to women.

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  • iintolovethissite

    When you find a girl like this your in for a world of hurt because only on of these girls is going to lead to happily ever after, the rest is pain & heartache :(

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I saw a documentary the other day about someone who passed away and wasn't found years later in her place. I worry that it could happen to me one day

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