Is it normal i hate answering emails?
It's not just procrastination, putting things off as long as necessary. I just find the task of replying to emails so daunting, regardless of their length. Whether I have an answer in my head immediately or not, I read the message and then leave it. I click away and ignore it for as long as is socially acceptable... sometimes more. Sometimes I never answer at all.
It makes people quite mad, if they're not being polite and acting like it doesn't matter. It's very difficult to put a finger on how I feel, but when I'm confronted with an email, I feel so much dread to have to face it. When I have lots of messages, I get really nervous and agitated. But when I get to doing it its not difficult at all, and if I put it off for a very long time I feel a bit guilty.
I'm the kind of person who likes to understand the reason for all my reactions, behaviors and thoughts, so I psychoanalyze the heck put of myself, and I can usually get to the bottom of it. But with this, I just can't seem to understand why I find replying to emails so I'm quite an introvert and do prefer to be alone much of the time, which could be part of it.
If anyone has the same problem or has any ideas as to why such a simple task daunts me so much, I'd love to hear from you!
Thanks for reading :)