Is it normal i hate flaky things?
i really hate flaky things it just makes my skin crawl. and if i see it i start to itch and become really paranoid. so......
i was sitting down watching T.V and i realized my fingers were itching and so i scratched them. afterwards they were still itching and so i scratched them again and they were still itching, i looked down and my skin was pealing like not like a skin peal either! i freaked out and cried and chills were running every where! i ran into the bathroom and washed my hands but it wasn't coming off and so i took a brush and started brushing my fingers to get it off and the flakes just started poping every where. and i flipped out and started to use my teeth! i cried and cried until i forced myself not to look at it anymore all day, but then i couldn't stop thinking about it i sat on the couch and my dad walked in and i was going to tell him, ask him why it was doing what it was doing but for some reason i couldn't. he asked if i was hungry and i got so sick to my stomach and so i just burst in tears. he asked what was wrong and i i just gave him my hands without looking and pointed at the flakes. he laughed,but i didn't [and still don't] think it was funny. he just grabbed the baby lotion and rubbed it on my hands. he told me look at them and i did and i did. it was gone. he said it was ash, or dry skin but i knew it was to flaky to be dry skin!