Is it normal i hate humans?

Not to sound pessimistic or anything, but I really hate humans.
I hate almost everything about humans. I hate how humans act and behave, I'm pretty ashamed to be one myself. Ive felt this way for as long as I can remember,but it started getting pretty bad in the past couple years. It's starting to affect how I am around my friends and how I see my future.
I just find everyone is so fake, deceitful, incompetent and just all the synonym's for bad out there.
The only humans I see any hope in are very young children, they still seem honest, but they soon learn about how to be awful just like their parents. And I also like animals a lot, except monkeys.

Anyways I could go on for a lot longer but my question is, does anyone else feels this way?

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73% Normal
Based on 59 votes (43 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • KeddersPrincess

    I know. We Ormephezons don't like them either. Come to my planet, and we'll show you some real fun! ;D

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  • Severus'sDaughter19

    I don't feel like this.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    No i don't feel like this at all.

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  • justsomekidfromcanada

    You don't hate humans, you're bitter. Yes, humans are the most selfish organism in existence, but that's that very characteristic that made humans the dominant species on earth. You can go on all you want about how everyone always has an ulterior motive but you do too. Don't think you're some rare morally aware being or something. You're just making a generalized statement like this because if everyone else is the problem, than you're not the problem. Obviously somebody screwed you over and you're pissed off about it so it would save everyone a lot of time if you just told us what you really wanna say. It's not like we know who you are.

    There are a lot of really great people in the world. Don't let a temporary bad mood make you forget that.

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  • Energy

    Please just don't kill them. Thank you.

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  • iheartu2013

    You sound antisocial. I am too.

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  • Alettago

    ok, if this is permanent, you might wanna consider moving to another state or country in which people are less fake and annoying... Look up cultures that are more feminine (less masculine), and maybe lower powerdistance. Just google hofstede's dimensions to find statistics on this. :p

    Also you can be gratefull for other humans if you think about the fact that without them you would live in the wild without any technology.

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  • guacadoggie

    In general, yes. But, there are most definitely exceptions out there. Take our shitty-ness with a grain of salt.

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  • kinklu

    Pogo Possum said, "We have met the enemy and they are us!" If you don't like humans, how can you like yourself? I hate some, dislike others, like most, and I LOVE JLo, or maybe it's her ba-donk-a-donk I adore. It's very complicated.

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  • disthing

    Eurgh I'm so bored of these misanthropic posts. It's sad that you can't appreciate yourself or the people around you. There are others who feel like you do but they are in the minority, thankfully.

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