Is it normal i hate it when brits "correct" american spelling?
Every single time someone on the Internet spells something without an extra u, some obnoxious British asshole has to come in and call him a moron for spelling it wrong. Every single time. I have never once seen an American complain about someone spelling something the British way, but British people don't shut up about Americans spelling things "wrong". If the British decide what's wrong, I don't want to be right. They refer to their mothers as "mum" and the toilet as the "loo". That's not communication, that's baby talk. "Lookie mummy, I made a wee wee in the loo!" That's how British people talk their entire lives. If you are over the age of 6, a word like "loo" should not be coming out of your mouth unless you have development issues. You don't hear people of at least average intelligence saying "potty" past that age, and that word might be slightly less immature because at least it isn't monosyllabic. But from every conversation I've had with British people, it's obvious that maturity simply isn't a part of their society. I gave up on trying to make nice with them when it became obvious I was wasting my time trying to find one who wouldn't make me hate them in less than five minutes with their utterly atrocious behavior. Oh, sorry, "behaviour". Maybe they're just insecure. I mean, they created the United States, they deserve to be shunned on the world stage for that alone. I don't know how anyone could not hate the way those people act.