Is it normal i hate it when brits "correct" american spelling?

Every single time someone on the Internet spells something without an extra u, some obnoxious British asshole has to come in and call him a moron for spelling it wrong. Every single time. I have never once seen an American complain about someone spelling something the British way, but British people don't shut up about Americans spelling things "wrong". If the British decide what's wrong, I don't want to be right. They refer to their mothers as "mum" and the toilet as the "loo". That's not communication, that's baby talk. "Lookie mummy, I made a wee wee in the loo!" That's how British people talk their entire lives. If you are over the age of 6, a word like "loo" should not be coming out of your mouth unless you have development issues. You don't hear people of at least average intelligence saying "potty" past that age, and that word might be slightly less immature because at least it isn't monosyllabic. But from every conversation I've had with British people, it's obvious that maturity simply isn't a part of their society. I gave up on trying to make nice with them when it became obvious I was wasting my time trying to find one who wouldn't make me hate them in less than five minutes with their utterly atrocious behavior. Oh, sorry, "behaviour". Maybe they're just insecure. I mean, they created the United States, they deserve to be shunned on the world stage for that alone. I don't know how anyone could not hate the way those people act.

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 100 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 34 )
  • kelili

    Someone has a big problem here. You should see a doctor.

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    • NotStrangeBird

      Doctor Who?

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Just the Doctor, who is the question. X3

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        HAHA perfect.

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  • dappled

    Isn't most of the spelling American here? I barely even notice. Most of the software I use has U.S. English versions but not British English versions so I actually feel like the one in the wrong most of the time and that I'm always being reminded of it. I do sometimes make a sarky comment about it but I'm not often serious. I don't care how people spell things as long as it's readable.

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  • NotFloydzie

    The funny thing is that this happens when people are writing or speaking Spanish as well. But don't take it out on them, I'm sure they're not aware.

    You don't notice accent while reading.

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    • shuggy-chan

      Roll those Rs baby

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Someone needs to have that stick surgically removed from their arse.

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  • loopoo

    English was there first. If it wasn't for English you guys wouldn't have your dumbed down language.

    Fuck off?

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  • GuessWho

    ...but the American spelling is the wrong spelling.

    The Americans didn't the English language, they just ruined it in their semi-illiterate attempt to modernise it.

    (And I'm NOT British, just by the way)

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      You also have a few mistakes in this. So before you start pointing fingers learn some proper grammar please.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    youre making fun of british people. That's not nice...

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  • charli.m

    I have never noticed that. I have had a few dipshit fucktards correct my British spelling into the American form on here, though.

    People who bother to correct from one to the other are either just annoying or ignorant. Not worth the bother, really.

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    • drugsrbadmkay

      That's dipshite fucktaurds, learn to spell.

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      • charli.m

        So does that make you a cunt or a caunt? :P

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        • drugsrbadmkay

          That makes me ye olde caunt.

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  • Imsupernormal

    Incoming British troll voting "not normal" on this. Fucking pussies are just fucking jealous!

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  • Kamryn

    I used to, because I used to be heavy on correcting words, grammar and stuff in general. When it comes to American spelling, I generally just take it with a grain of salt.

    When people spell incorrect words (such as your for you're), I sometimes make my own comment using the correct word, therefore not making it obvious and possibly inadvertently offending whoever spelt it wrong. It generally is adequate for me.

    I'm Canadian, we use mixed American/British spelling, I favour all British spelling.

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  • HenryGBR

    At first, I thought you had a point, but then this turned into a total bitching session about Britons. Some people say 'loo' others say 'toilet', neither of them sound childish. Americans put a 'p' on the end of 'poo' just to make their little sh*ts sound even bloody cuter. And we say 'mum', we don't say 'mom' - so we spell it as such and our spelling is closer to your pronunciation than your spelling is. And don't talk to me about monosyllabic, Mr America, with your: 'trash', 'pants', and 'cell' as opposed to a more intelligent (and correct) 'rubbish', 'trousers', 'mobile (phone)'.
    British English is not CHILDISH and in Britain it is most often frowned upon to be childish unlike America, where you trump (you would say the ghastly: 'fart') and burp out loud, in public, as though it is acceptable. The America where you are too scared to say something nasty towards someone else, unlike Britain: you're being a b*tch, get ready to be called a b*tch. And the reason Britons hate you and the reason most people probably hate you is because you are an ignorant, stupid, annoying little arse hole who makes everyone around him feel bad. SO DON'T bother trying to make friends, for your sake and OURS. Good day to you.

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  • Francophile22

    Better that than Americans correcting British spelling (which actually came first).

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  • imagirldealwithit123

    First of all, its spelled lou and second of all im british!

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    You know you can just change your setting to fix on your computer to fix that Behaviour.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    People do not seem to understand that American English and British English is not the same. Same as you do not use a c in many languages beside English. People need to understand we all have different cultures and we need to respect each other. This is something little like spelling not like we anyone insulted your family or culture.

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  • Americans just made English words more simple. They're so dumb that they need their own language dumbed down for them.

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    • dirtybirdy

      Hey now. Don't you people shorten all your words and stick a 'y' at the end? Hmm??

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      • Australians use the correct English spelling, so no.

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  • Couman

    It can be very mildly annoying. I don't actually know if they mean it this way or not, but to me it comes across as harmless ribbing. It's hard to take seriously when we outnumber them 5 to 1.

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  • Shackleford96

    Feel better now?

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Sounds to me like you're just as bad.

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  • SangoNyappy

    Well I'm not British, not even native english speaker but some of those "American" spelled things just annoy the shit out of me. I don't correct people though.

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  • awesometodd

    It's actually their language that we stole and Daniel Webster changed the spelling of some words. They lost the war so let those chaps have this one.

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  • Wendell

    Remember that guy, Mad Mod from Teen Titans? Hated that guy

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  • dinz

    Well I understand your frustration but you are no different from them when you mentioned the term "loo" sounds childish.

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  • FunkyHuskyCoolGirlYuki

    I'm American and I use the British spelling because that's how my mom sometimes writes (she's from Europe, but not Britain) plus since my english teacher doesn't care, I'm good

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