Is it normal i hate it when kids say "oh my god"?
I never liked it when anyone, adults or teens say "Oh my God", but when little kids say it I want to slap the crud out of them. It just sounds weird.
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I never liked it when anyone, adults or teens say "Oh my God", but when little kids say it I want to slap the crud out of them. It just sounds weird.
haha I feel the same I conside it so arrogant.
my dad said that when I was little ( like 4-5) he said it in front of me and i ansered " what's he got to doo with it"
No it's not. You need to accept that some people are different and don't believe in god. Even if you don't believe in god yourself, then what is so bad about "oh my god" there isn't a single swear word in there. It's way better then a kid saying "son of a bitch!".
I dislike how prevalent its become. People say it for the stupidest of reasons. And, in online games, every sentence is punctuated by "ffs". Even the really prosaic stuff like "Oh, your name is Fred". Everyone is so excited and angry and judgemental, I always feel like showing them what real swearing looks like.
LOL dot123! That reminds me of a coworker that says "Oh my infinate matter!" I beleive in God, but I'm really confused when atheists say it or when religious freaks say it. If you don't believe, why say it, if you're a bible freak that loves God more than anything, why say it disrespectfully?
I hate all ways of saying it! My classmate from 4th grade always said,"Oh my God!!" I said in my head that I hate her for saying it too loud and disrespecting my religion! I just say O my Glob from Adventure Time!
Hold on, hold on.... YOU'RE THE ELEVEN YEAR OLD ON DRUGS! Oh my god, it it you?!
*cries and suddenly yells* OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD! How 'bout dat?! Haha, just kidding.
Hey, now I don't really care... This message was from how long ago. I'm an "atheist" now. (I'm still not sure... :P)
it's a figure of speech that has been absorbed into the english language. It's just like My Goodness or Hell No!
I find my self saying it, but it just a big character name that everyone knows, its makes things seem big
Every now and then I catch myself saying it, despite the fact that I'm definitely an atheist. It's just sort of a culturally common interjection that is rather hard to stop saying once you are used to it.
Me too. It is more than a pet peeve. It irks me greatly. Sometimes makes me want to smack them.