Is it normal i hate it when people assume everyone is a slut?

Ok this new found standard of living and sociol graces irritates me greatly. Now a days everyone assumes after a age you had to have fucked someone. This is not the case however is now an expected standard. It irritates me at my highschool the cut off age was 16 and anyone over that can not possibly be a virgin. I mean no you should not judge anyone who has but to say to everyone over that age theycan not be is offensive regardless of them doing it yet or not. I mean atleast when it was normal you wait you had thefreedom to say im 24 and still a virgin. I was riased to believe it is preferred to wait till marriage but not judge those who did not. I mean honestly the standard that " No your "all whores" by defualt is very offensive. I mean I would like to just assume the best even if I myself or someone I know has not done the best. I do think I have the chioce not to be forced to fuck every person around me and that be my chioce or only to have slept with certein poeple but todays standards say otherwise. "innocont till proven guilty so you all can go to hell". I speak for anyone dont feel forced by rules of scociety.

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Comments ( 22 )
  • VioletTrees

    Have a seat.

    First of all, who is assuming you've had sex? When did this come up? It's a bit rude to assume you know how much sexual experience somebody has had based on their age, but I'm not really clear on what context you're talking about in your post, which makes it really hard to answer your question.

    Secondly, I find it pretty offensive that your post heavily implies that people who have sex (or at least young people who have sex) are sluts or whores. You claim that you don't judge people who don't wait until marriage, but the whole tone of your post is really judgemental. If you don't want to have sex, that's fine. That's your choice. You shouldn't have sex until you feel ready, no matter what age that is. But when you say that anybody who thinks you've had sex is assuming that you're a slut, you're saying that people who have sex are sluts. When you apply "innocent until proven guilty" to consensual sex, you're judging people for having sex.

    Now, if somebody is actually calling you a slut or a whore, or if somebody says something like "All young women these days are whores", then yes, that's absolutely objectionable. It's not objectionable because there are young women who are virgins, though (though of course some are), it's objectionable because it's not ok to shame people for having consensual sex with their equals. It's objectionable because it's none of anybody's goddamn business what other people do with their bodies.

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    • Im saying it is rude to assume and if you keep telling someone who say they have not what they have done do to age the ecusing should be called a whore since they are pushing sex on everyone who may not want it. That is a slut a slut fluants it and pushes it on everyone. A slut is an annoying person who has sex and wants to show it off make fun of virgins and acts like they are a goddess for screwing everyone within a mile of range.

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      • VioletTrees

        Of course it's rude to assume. It's also rude to call other people "sluts". If somebody is trying to pressure you into having sex, tell them to lay the fuck off. DON'T judge them for what they do with their own bodies, and DON'T call them sluts. The problem here isn't that they're having sex, it's that they're being assholes to you. Of course it's not ok to make fun of somebody for being a virgin. It's not ok to call people sluts, either.

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    • Idea of most collage and teens over all. I seen it on this site. I know this a overall thought by alot and it pisses me off. I talk for everyone not me this generation is disgusting and im sick of the ideals of it. I speak of the ideal no one specific. Kids in area and other people I know. This ideal is disgusting and rude to assume. It is Everywhere and it is encouraged by media I saw this my whole life.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Your argument here is confusing me. You're asking if it's normal that a lot of people have had sex and it's assumed everyone older has?

    It's normal because it's common and people tend to project, therefore since they know a lot of people have sex they assume everyone has. Or because they had sex at this age everyone else over that age must have too, you get the idea.

    But you say you were raised to save yourself but not judge anyone. Then why are you calling people sluts and whores and insulting those who choose to have sex?

    Not to mention this was very difficult to read.

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  • Dad


    Maybe you should have said Dumb Slut?

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Many people exaggerate how many people they fuck. And---MANY boys totally lie about not being a virgin. fuck, even girls do.

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  • My piont it is narrow minded and rude. If someone is so rude as to assume you did since they did and if you say "no im a virgin" and they they say "impossible". They deserve to have there face broke and called every horrible name in the book for such a abstince of manners and proper upbringing. So it is rude and stupid. I hate this generation. Even when It is not effecting me it still watching it happen to others.

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    • VioletTrees

      Ok, you need to calm down about this. Sure, it's rude. But if you think people deserve to have their faces broken for being rude, you should see a doctor.

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      • Im just sick of watching people be knocked off for it. Same thing for children being abused or bullied you do not have to be in the same boat to feel upset for these people. Also this is indirectly a cuase of so many worse things to come.

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        • VioletTrees

          You're acting like this is a really widespread problem, but you haven't actually given any examples of people being consistently bullied or physically hurt because of it, just people being rude. Did something specific happen to you recently that you're talking about, or do you just have a general ~feeling~ that this is a huge problem in our culture?

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          • So I am saying the standard of society has dropped considerably in the past years. this is not for me this is for all. I am sick of this new standard of everyone is doing it. People do not think about the action of sex either they do not think I might have a baby or anything like that. They think Ill do it with a bunch of people and no big deal.

            These are the women and boys who end up stuck with kids at age 16,17 and do not want them and most of these people do not know the point of responsibility. People stopped thinking all they do is do it now. I mean its one thing to do it but to push you have to be fucking? Than that sex fueled by a "Reputation you want" gets you a child and than what? You do not want it? I mean you do not have to be screwing at 11 but now it is being encouraged by society and everything in the world is doing it.

            At one point there was a big debate as to who they should teach sex ed to and they than tried to put in in kinder garden since they say" teens are doing it" we need to educate them earlier. I mean how early is to early? should we be encouraging five year olds? Yes it has gotten very out of hand there is being sex pushed more than ever before.

            I think we should be given a choice. I think it should be assumed no one is doing it at all. That way we do not have the pressure of having to do it. It is wrong this has become such a major issue and I am not judging anyone but honestly some of the people who push this are assholes and perverts and want to push it so they can have fun screwing the rest of us over. That is not a world worth living in and this world is going to Shit and it is DISGUSTING!

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          • No I just see it a lot and I see it constantly. Also I have seen a lot of posts of this on this website with " hi im 21 im a virgin or im 19 im a virgin is it normal"? There is also always some ass who says" I do not believe any one over this age is a virgin" Also I have had virgin friends who have fealt bad and have said to me "You know I feel so bad I have not had sex yet and everyone has"? So I posted this in hope I would get some boys and girls who are still virgins and to say that I do not think it is a bad thing and anyone who thinks you should be screwing your mind out since they say so.

            Is a complete jerk and should not be listened to. I see this a lot. A lot of people have done it only do to pressure and I am trying to say only a dumb prick thinks everyone is doing it. Since there is always one who does not and they should not be judged for keeping it in there pants till marriage or however long they keep it.

            I think it is fucked up the standards have dropped so low it is the now expected that you have when before it was expected that you did not. I do not think you should be forced. Also I do think anyone who argues the point unless they personally witnessed you can not argue your virginity with you and if they do I think deserve to be punched for being so ill a person.

            I mean having sex was there choice not the person they like to accuse. That is basically the whole point of this.

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            • VioletTrees

              Ok, like I said, it's rude for people to assume you're having sex. But it's also messed up to say that people having sex means that "standards have dropped". You said you don't judge people who have sex, but everything else you've said on this post has contradicted that.

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