Is it normal i hate many atheists

Always bitching about religion and how it makes you a dumbass and all that other shit. Can't you just SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY?

Voting Results
45% Normal
Based on 51 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • dinz

    I, myself chose my path to life just like another person who chose their path to follow a God. I have no qualms about a person choosing the teachings of a deity and I respect their decision as I expect them to respect mine. I don't mind the occasional discussion about why I chose this path with a religious person as I believe it promotes understanding and tolerance in most cases.

    Should I assume most Christians are from the Hillsboro Church, should I assume most Muslims are terrorists? There are always a minority of idiots in both camps who ruins it for the rest of us.

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  • VirgilManly

    So turn the other cheek.

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    • But if I turn my head that way, I can't see the computer screen.

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  • biaj

    Yes its normal. There is always that atheist that if you say the word "religion" or "god" they go all crazy and pretend like every christian in existance has tried to force their religion on them. I dont even have to know the fucking person and they claim that im trying to shove my religion down their throat. I dont care that they dont believe wat i do its just when they go on preaching about how stupid my religion is for believing it.

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  • dom180

    I don't like people who bitch about religion and how it makes you a dumbass and all that other shit either. I don't know why you are attaching a label to those people which bears no relevance, though.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Gee whiz. Is it at all possible your post will bring out exactly the reaction you say you hate?
    Why would you do that if you actually "hate many atheists"? Are you what they call a troll?

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  • Riddler

    I agree. I don't see how someone can complain they are being prosecuted by the religious and than prosecute everyone who chooses to leave them alone. Sounds very hypocritical. Quit picking a fucking fight. If you want to NOT believe in god that is up to you. However its rude to try to preach to people when you think preaching itself is idiotic. I have 0 respect for these kind of people. Its like becoming a KKK member since one black person was mean to you. That one mean black person is not the entire race.

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  • RainbowFlash

    In my experience, based on observation, a good measurable portion of them are the most vehemently hateful people I have ever met, particularly online.

    I see them bait those with faith into numerous confrontations and do not seem to be able to "live and let live". I can only surmise people with such a level of hate are suffering from deep seated mental issues or sociopathological tendencies.

    I understand your feelings towards them perfectly well. I suggest you don't let it get to you though, there's angry little turds everywhere.

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  • TTGL

    How did this ignorant post get through moderation?
    Not all Atheists try and convince people to be Atheist. When's the last time you saw an Atheist going to someone's door to spread the good word?
    How many religious people have you seen do that?
    Truth is, it's the opposite. Religious people are more likely (KEY WORDS, MORE LIKELY) to be the ones shoving religion down your throat. I cannot tell you how many people have tried to convert me to their flavor of Christianity, none have tried to make me Atheist. Ever.

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  • jhudson714

    I don't particularly like anyone who never shuts up about their religion.

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  • Shrunk

    Heh, have you been using Yahoo answer's R&S section?
    (if not, don't bother!)
    I know they are like "hurr durr we're just trolling U MAD?" but it's not even original. They think they are clever and hilarious by just repeating the same things, that if we get annoyed it's because they've succeeded in whatever their mission was.
    and I have no religion myself, but that doesn't mean I feel the need to shit on everyone else's beliefs..

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  • MasterOfWaffles


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    • What are you rambling about now?

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      • MasterOfWaffles

        Obviously cheese obviously

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