Is it normal i hate my dog
Is it normal I rarely feed my dog and when I look at him I'm filled with hatred
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Is it normal I rarely feed my dog and when I look at him I'm filled with hatred
no. dont be an asshole. give your dog to someone who will take care of him.
this is horrible. why dont you give him to someone that will take care of it???? how would you like it if you were a dog and noone fed you or took care of you. i swear its people like you that make me dislike humans
sometimes we project our anger and frustration toward some vulnerable your case, the dog. Please oh please take the dog to the nearest shelter. Get yourself some boxing gloves and a punching bag and take out your frustrations on the bag.....freeing the dog will free you from the hate.
Jealous he can lick his balls and you can't..............…......lick his balls?
I hope this is a troll. But if it isn't, give your dog away to another family
Please give that dog to someone who will care as it should because you're obviosly not asshole.
I had a dog I didn't like. Sometimes our pet's personalities do not mesh with our own very well. I always took care of her and was nice to her but I hated how wimpy she was. Worse, she was really attached to me and would snuggle me and stuff. I let her do it but hated it. Eventually, I gave her away to someone who really loves her.
Please don't mistreat your dog. Take care of her and find someone who will love her the way she deserves. Maybe try another pet if you want one. I have a cat now and I like it much better.
Wow, you're cruel. Why do you still have him? Give him to someone who will love and take care of him. Mine can be slightly annoying but I love her. If mypickledbrain is right and you have suppressed anger, stop taking it out on that innocent dog. Get a punching bag, and even put a picture of Kate Nash on it, or anyone punch-worthy. :P
I just find him discusting and am sick of him I cnt find a home for him what shall I do I cnt keep smacking him I'm not sure how much he can take he just sits in his bed and he shivers a lot he isn't cold so don't no why he does this
Poor dog! Thats so cruel ..
If I were you, I would give him away to a loving family.
If the cops find out what you're doing (and they will!) you will go to jail.