Is it normal i hate religion?

So, is it normal that I hate religion? Not just Christianity but all religion. I can understand if it is practiced for cultural beliefs (as in to remember ones culture without believing in a magical sky fairy) but to have an actual solid belief in a God or Gods is completely stupid, not to mention dangerous. Honestly, how many people has this archaic system of "faith" killed thus far? Haven't we had enough? Not to mention the fact that it slows human intellectual evolution. It dumbs us all down. Why would the scientist further study the newly found particle when he, as a religious man, could just say "Jesus did it". Why search for the answers to the universe when "God did it"? People only accept religion out of fear, their own personal fear of death and what happens in the "afterlife". They simply can't accept the fact that we are no different than the animals that also inhabit this earth. We die, we rot. That's the end of it. Why can't people just accept that? I think faith should be 100% banned and punishable by law, even though that would be nearly impossible to achieve.

The only real afterlife is how people remember you when you are gone. Live well, be remembered well. Guess this makes me some kind of "militant atheist".

Voting Results
72% Normal
Based on 122 votes (88 yes)
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Comments ( 73 )
  • VioletTrees


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  • julialynn

    God absolutely exists. No doubt. It is the one true God of the Judeo-Christian religion. Not Allah from the Koran, he is a different god with different demands. He is not the same God as Jesus Christ defined God. The Bible says "The Fear of God is the Beginning of Wisdom" so I think that makes you a fool.

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  • Blazneg2007

    Yeah, that will show all those ignorant believers! Keep shouting about how they are all closed-minded idiots, while you reject any other theory than your own!

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    • Actually, the believers are the closed minded ones.

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  • Wendell

    A scientist would further study a new found particle to continue to prove that God did it. I don't think he would just give up and say "Oh well, obviously God made it and that's all." So I disagree there.

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    • Okay cool. Why do you disagree though? Religion has stood in the way of science a billion times. What I said was just an example.

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  • DustinZ35

    @ne'er-do-well I will preface by stating no matter how ludicrous all religions are, none should ever be banned or regulated unless their practices infringe on the liberties of others. If you want something akin to Sharia law, banning religious beliefs is a good way to start. Nevertheless, your anti-evolution argument that an intelligent designer is evident because "random, naturalistic processes cannot account for intracacies in living things, etc." is flawed and has been debunked countless times. To begin, the naturalistic process that drives the evolution of living structures is anything but random. It is called natural selection and the observation of its actions in many fields of biology have identified and verified it as the driving force in the evolution of life. It is as accepted a theory in the scientific community as the theory of GRAVITY. You obviously do not understand the concept of natural selection and if you are going to argue evolution, you at least need to learn the rudiments of evolutionary theory.

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  • CitrineSky

    In my opinion I think you shouldn't say religion should be banned. Yes religion can cause trouble etc, but religion also makes a great difference in some people's lives, like mine for example. I was going downhill before I became a Christian and now I am I'm beginning to sort my life out. This may sound wrong, but don't hate religion you should hate the people (yes I know i'm a christian and I shouldn't say that) but what I mean by that is you can't blame and dislike religion for bad things happening, its purely down to the PEOPLE, you can get an awesomely, loving, caring, faithful and nice christians, but then you could get a evil, lying, deceptive christians who causes trouble. So all i'm saying is don't hate religion its sometimes the people themselves to blame, NOT what they are following. Also I give credit to people who follow a religon because it takes a huge set of balls to believe in something that yes, hasn't 100% been proven true, its all based on faith and i think it's couragous to do so, especially living in a world where there are many non believers out there who constantly put religious people down. Also, I find it very stupid of you to say some people follow it out of fear of the after life? Do you honestly think some people think, omg i'm scared of what's going to happen to me after i die, let me go praise Jesus or Allah? No. They follow the religion because they believe in God, but to believe in God you must accept that there is Heaven and Hell in afterlife. So once again before I finish, please do not hate religion. If you see that there are religious people out there doing wrong, its up to you to dislike them but don't dislike the religion because human's can be very evil and stupid :)

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    • I don't think believing in a fictional character makes you a good person. I believe being a good person makes you a good person.

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      • WordWizard

        WE have the right to believe what we believe in. You have the right to believe in what you believe. I do not think we should judge each other unless we are maining ,mutilating ,raping ,killing or harming in a sinifiguaint way in name of said religion. so if we are not raping kid and breaking laws in name of religion let them be!

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        • Well in that case, us logical people should have killed you all off back when you WERE raping, mutilating and destroying everything in the name of some dead Jew who likely never existed. As a smart person, I go through a series of logical trial to come to my basic conclusion of any subject. As a religious person, you just pretend you know the real answer then try to find facts to support it and you end up twisting truth. Sorry, I refuse to blindly follow a cult just because someone I never knew from a place I have never been said I should because if not the boogie man is going to get me.

          "But the bible is the TRUTH!, It says so right there in the bible!"
          ^^ Christian logic ^^

          Face it dude, your following a lie and even worse, basing your life off of it. We die, we rot, the end.

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  • NeonLighterz

    This is very normal. Religion is so stupid. People choose religion over relationships and family, which is pretty pathetic.

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  • As long as you hate them all equally.

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  • I agree. I really think you and I see eye to eye on this one OP.

    At this point I can't help but feel that we'd be going a long way in helping Atheists by putting them all in collective housing with barbed wire fence along with 24 hour personnel in order to keep them safe from extremist sentiment in these difficult times.

    Sometimes in life all we have to do is accept the helping hand offered to us.

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    • Well -apparently- some smarty pants thumbed me down for trying to help atheists!

      To you I say this: You sicken me sir!

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  • ginz

    I'll start by saying I'm an atheist.
    Here's a story I'd like to share. I just posted the long version but the comment didn't submit for some reason so I'll make it brief this time.

    So my mom is a religious person who has full belief in god. She is uneducated with 5 children(1passed). She went through a lot of hardship raising us from poverty to now where we are fully grown and mature in a different country, able to handle ourself for the future. I'm talking decades of hardship.

    When I ask myself she pulled this off it's simple, she had faith. she had belief that this 'God' was with her helping her through the hard times when ofc she did it all herself. The power of 'faith' alone helped her accomplish so much beyond her capabilities.

    I cannot comprehend how she can have so much faith in something that doesn't exist. I can't do that. can u do that? I'm very glad she had that faith because she was able to raise me into a fine man. I don't think having faith will make us dumb at all. it's one of the hardest thing to do.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      I love your answer! A lot of people think that religion is hateful and judgemental and can bring nothing but negativity to the world, but as a Christian myself, I can say that most of us are very peaceful people. They confuse the extremist and Shirley Phelps types with the rest of us, when a majority of us are not at all like that. I think a lot of people don't understand religion, therefore, they clump us all together like that. I'm not saying all Atheist do (as you have shown me that you do not) but most of them have nothing but bad things to say about religion. Thank you for your positive input:)

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    • Dad

      ginz, your story doesn't make any sense.
      Atheists everywhere would not agree that your mom's 'faith' got her through!
      She got through, by her own caring and awkward manner (strange beliefs in supernaturals)
      If you honestly feel that lying to yourself actually helps? Then I pity your mom for not living in reality.

      Strangely your story sounds religious, on YOUR behalf!
      Just saying you are atheist obviously doesn't make everything better, but at least its a step in the right direction.

      Have respect and love for your mom for the person she is or was, not because she was misguided! That's like saying, since mom became depressed things were so much better! No they weren't, howmany times you say this story.

      Faith in 'god', did not help your mom. Your mom did it all on her own! ;) Grow up and maybe get a clearer normal story.

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    • Ellenna

      But if she'd had that much faith in HERSELF she could've done the same things, you and I both know god didn't have anything to do with it. That's exactly my objection to this "faith in god" stuff, it leads to people underrating their own strengths. And why did god help her and not everyone in her situation?

      No I can't do it and I don't want to either, because it's a false belief.

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  • lufa

    I used to be a Christian, since I was brainwashed into it by my parents before I developed the ability to think for myself. This is how nearly all people become religious.

    When I grew up, read a lot of science/philosophy, I quickly realized all religion are stupid, man-made cults and mythologies, nothing more.

    If there was a god, he would've already come down and told us how to live. There isn't and his existence doesn't answer where we came from, because then we have to ask where he came from. In the end you realize humans made up these ideas in a pre-scientific age. Now we can answer all the questions that religions pretended to answer.

    Except of course where our universe came from. But theists don't know any better than the rest of us. Faith is a joke. But the worst religion in human history is Islam. It's a threat to our civilization, we're headed for WW3 against it.

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    • Fucking religion man....

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      • lufa

        For sure-I still find it hard to believe that people actually buy into this garbage, but they really do.

        The good thing is that with the internet, more people are getting educated faster and leaving their mental illness-I mean religious beliefs. ;)

        The problem is at the same time, we have mass immigration and breeding of muslims-thanks to the open-borders policy of the traitorous left.

        This is why Europe has roving muslim rape gangs and prostitution rings. Muslim men hate women-especially non-muslim women because their psychotic religion teaches them to.

        Unfortunately things will only get worse till they get better-if they do. It'll require a majority of our population to wake up and demand that Islam is banned.

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        • Islam is the very paramount of what I'm talking about. This is what religion does to people. And I 100% agree it's the fault of the left that this garbage is tolerated. The blood of those people killed and raped in Europe and America is on the hands of not only the Muslims, but also the left that thinks everyone can co-exist in a happy fairy-tale land as we all dance hand in hand under a beautiful gumdrop sky. Another think I would love to ban, fucking Leftist/Liberal scum bags. Here in America, we have pretty much let black street gangs take over every inner city environment. Because if we try to prevent it, we are "racist". In Europe, there are mobs of Muslims screaming "Death to Europe". Who do we have to thank for all of this violence and hatred? The Leftists who close their ears and eyes and pretend "everyone is equal", trying to cancel the truth that is in front of them every day.

          Sorry for the rant, I just HATE Leftists with every fiber of my being. Never has a dumber ideology ever existed. Ever.

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          • lufa

            No need to apologize bro, I fully agree with you and well said. What you're talking about is happening right now in the UK, check the link below (with video).


            Like you said the leftists live in a fantasy world where everything is rainbows and butterflies, meanwhile in the real world the same groups they champion are responsible for a high proportion of murderers, rapes, thefts and more.

            It is because of the leftists that Nazis came to power and they're doing the same thing now with Muslims who are today's Nazis.

            Leftism is like a religion because they have their own dogma they follow and they think they're better than everyone else. However, in fairness the right has it's faults too which is why I'm politically a centrist.

            Either ways, there will be a showdown coming between muslims and their leftist allies and the sane people like you and I who value our freedom and way of life.

            Seeing what's happening to the EDL who are true freedom-fighters, in the UK only makes me more adamant to defend our democracy from the religious lunatics (muslims) and their radical-left supporters.

            I'm no fan of Christians either but they're largely well behaved, I just want them to get out of our schools and other institutions and keep their stupid beliefs to themselves.

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            • Ellenna

              Just how did the "leftists" bring the Nazis to power? If you read history, you'll find left wing groups and individuals were warning about Franco and Hitler and Mussolini for YEARS and no-one took much notice, especially not the US or the UK, and guess who were among the first to be eliminated when fascist governments took over?

              Is this the latest conspiracy theory, "leftists" are going to ally themselves with muslims and destroy freedom?

              Oh no, why did I bother, I only just noticed the praise for the EDL - I'd have thought you'd be praising the "leftists" if you really believe they brought your mates the Nazis to power?

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            • Dad

              lufa I'm glad you exist here. I start to feel, at times, that I'm the only one with any sense when stating reality and reason to some of these 'religious' fools.

              I agree Islam is worse. But I wouldn't say get rid of Islamic (crazy) belief first, I'd say get rid of all of them.

              I'm so glad that in the US they have this separation of church and state, inevitably I'd like all religions to be publicly commercialized on prime time tv (or any media) as the hypocrisy, it is. Thankfully comedians are allowed to state how ludicrous religion is, lets hope the government take the next step and place commercials on TV saying that society does not accept religion as the truth any more, ANY of them.

              Oh and your first reply was on zero, I thumbed it back up to 1.
              Religious people are all about 'feelings' and having a made up security blanket, or invisible 'friend'. Young children of our society should not be subjected to this unfounded fear.
              You state Islam is worse (and I agree their ideas are the worst) But 'Christians' state that god is going to decide to burn us forever if we don't praise him whilst alive?? EVEN Christianity is BAD. They ALL are.

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    Use the search function! You aren't the only one who hates religion.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • Phobos

      You're not a knight, don't flatter yourself too much.

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      • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

        How was I flattering myself?

        Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • Hussainthemvp

    miltinat atheist? FUCK YOU THEN

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    as a christan myself i dont “hate“ religon but it gets annoying when the religons fight :/

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  • Fammer3

    What the to comment says.

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  • MiaScarlette.

    Im not reading any of these comments lol anyways. A lot of people believe in religion for hope and theyve had religious experience.. Talking to God.. Literally. But blah.

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  • WordWizard

    You think Christians do that? They do not they do not go around killing people. They do not often believe in sex before marriage and killing babies. Also looking back at history everyone was a savage even regulaur poeple and most of them were worthless peasents to the king and had nothing left starving in the street. So I guess if we killed everyone we would have no one left. So great logic do not kill the royole blood kill the peasents and the lower mercheants. Great logic. People have Evolved past that and most people are not like that anymore. The reason people were like that in the past was because they were new and did not learn a lot and religion keeps the moral of the teachings alive! I guess you just want to kill everyone who is not perfect to your eyes. You know that is what the Nazi group did. So good luck killing the jews Adolph.

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  • jucedaguy

    You all need to watch:

    Esoteric Agenda.

    Modern organised religion is forced! Fake! And just another means of controlling the Sheeples.

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    • jucedaguy

      Search Error in time and you'll see that one of the major religious players even fudged the way even time is measured.

      We have leap years because of the Roman Catholic Church!

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  • Devilsno1angel

    People can believe in what they like but religon does more harm thn gd it spilts the world up and so many ppl kill in the name of god all i can say is tht if i ever meet god or see pearly gates ill let uu know though i do love the film dogma

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  • WordWizard

    Religion is never going to die. Also religion is simply a guide. The reason it becomes a problem is because of stupid people. It is not religion it is the illogical flaws of people that ruins this universe. It is like giving someone a math book and when they make a women you say it is the math books fault. It is not all that little math book so we need to take some responsibility for actions of these people. Everything in this world would function if people would think and listen to basic logic. However most people run on greed or on fear and hostility and you wonder why we have so much flaw.

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    • But that's exactly my point. Religion lacks all logic and causes stupid people to do stupid things. So kill it off, would you give a retard a handgun and a reason to shoot?

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      • WordWizard

        Also if you look at things stupid people abuse anything you give them. They abuse the privilege to drink , drive ,procreate. So lets illuminate sex ,drinking and driving and see what you got left. We can also take away TV and electricity. We can take away newspaper and news. We can take away sharp things like knives since murderers kill with them.

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        • Knives don't cause human ignorance and genocide.

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          • WordWizard

            Explain to me Hitler? That was a lack of religion. That was genocide.

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      • WordWizard

        Not really it has much logic. It has a set of rules and standards. You may not think so but all things have to go with a set or pattern. Even fairy tales have a set of rules you must follow. Christianity has a simple set of rules and the concept is simple. The concept of it is karma. To a extent karma is a true teaching. Most religion teaches if you do bad things that bad things will happen to you. Tell me what has happened to a lot of kings and dictators in the past when the people get upset? They will retaliate. So this is not a completely false teaching.

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  • ginz

    ok 'Dad' way to miss the point completely even though I made it clear as possible. and why are u so obsessed with the thumbs up/down thing. I use the app version of is it normal so I cant see any thumbs didnt even know it exist or any reply buttons it's just 1 long column of comments.

    anyway back to the point, I was trying to say people who believe in 'faith' actually works out for them sometimes so we should just let them be nothing to be punishable by law or smth.. I mean it does not matter whether I tell her wether she did it in her own or not that was the PAST and if she did not have FAITH at that time I would probably not be here. she doesn't believe me anyway nowadays she just gets mad at me for not praying n stuff -.-

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  • ginz

    ok 'Dad' u didn't read my story properly, I didn't say god helped her through, I clearly said she did it on her own, but SHE believes god guided her, when in fact it was by herself, but her faith that god was there was a motivational drive for her making her think she's not alone in the mess so achieving success. that was the point I was trying to make.

    p.s ignore the shitty grammar

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    • Dad

      ginz, you didn't actually 'reply' to me, although I see you thumbed me down.
      LUCKILY, I just decided to read here, and caught your message to me!

      All I was saying was that your story sounds religious.
      I mean read it again. You state atheist and then go on with this wonderful story of faith (you know lies, that you MUST agree with as an atheist? Or at least total LACK of reality!)

      It concerns me when I read stories like your one that you are just a common deceiving religious person. (again read it and see why)
      I could literally see 'Christians' reply with how lovely your story was. When in actual fact its misguided ignorance. (Again of which you agree? Do you agree?)

      I personally feel the TRUTH is important; I mean this is not a tactful thing, or an awww how nice. Your Mom got through on her own, please let her know, I would.

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      • WordWizard

        This coming from the man who has no idea what the planets in out galaxy orbit. What a fool.

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        • Dad

          WordWizard, I answered you here:

          Try to LEARN, that our sun is NOT at the center of our universe. It is not even at the center of our galaxy!. Christians (well all religions) got it wrong!
          Something I'm very much into is the universe, it fascinates me with its wonders. What's even more glorious is the fact that it is real. The term 'fool' is given to those who 'believe' without knowing, ie ALL religious people.

          Religion is a FEELING. A feeling that CAN go with proper guidance and education. Since the information is already out there then its inevitable that religion will die off.

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          • WordWizard

            I am not listening to you know nothing. You aim to destroy religion for your own selfish purpose. You think we should all be bad people like you. I do not think that you have to be a bad person to be smart. Once again you ignore the fact Einstein was a believer of God. I do not think by any means he was stupid.

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            • Dad

              I think you better read the Wiki on Einstein:

              He called himself an agnostic.
              Einstein wrote that he had gradually lost his faith early in childhood.
              Quote: "I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true"

              Agnostics; atheists are NOT bad people! It is not bad to not believe in a fairytale, it is a realist or a term that humans relate better to, a humanist.

              If anyone is bad it is religious people for LYING to everyone, when they do NOT know any better, hence YOU.

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  • dietcoke

    You should also appreciate religion is a great thing to many. I have met someone who was suffering from an extremely painful illness, but by being committed to religion, she had a strong will to live, and demanded a good quality of life despite tonnes of difficulties. I have also met a religious person who committed to give unconditionally. That involved plenty of unfunded voluntary work e.g. teaching in developing countries, sustainable projects, etc. around the world. (That friend of mine used his own salary to do that every year!)

    Despite we knew a lot of the bible was 'artificial', and perhaps religions might have created more boundaries among human beings, it has no doubt its unique inspiring abilities!

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  • Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart

    I too look down on all religions, but I have more respect for Buddhism because it is more of a lifestyle than it is a religion. However, I believe all religions are false, as they rely on pure fiction rather than science, which has proper theories and facts that have been tried and tested. Where is the proof for the validity of religion? ANSWER: there is none!

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  • Well, this thread certainly got popular....

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