Is it normal i hate soccermoms

Fuck you and your rating boards you fucking judgemental heartless peices of shit! I watched horror movies when I was little, if I had been killed while watching that would these fat harpy bitches be running their mouths? I have PTSD from something serious that put my life in danger and I'm sick and fucking tired of these fat bitches running their mouths saying a kids going to be damaged. No, your kids are damaged being sheltered like that.

To the bitch who called CPS on my sister: You say watching a horror movie with a one year old sleeping in the middle of the day in the living room is abuse??? I think sheltering your kids is passive abuse, and congress wouldn't pass this, but YOU don't need your kids you fat cookie-baking bitch. My sister had her 1 year old baby who was asleep in her living room and watched a horror movie with a 12 year old. This fucking PTA soccer mom called CPS on my sister over it!

Batman shooting: And I understand that a 3 month old had ears that are still developing and it isn't a good idea to put them in so much noise, but that 6-year-old had every fucking right to be in that theater! Those parents are going through hell and you say that they should lose the rest of their kids if they have any??? (an internet commenter said that) And if you disagree with me fuck you and fuck the ground you spit on!

I'm sorry this is so angry but I just saw that comment and just found out about the CPS thing.

The is it normal question is this: is it normal to feel so strongly about this?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 8 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • mikafor

    CPS is ridiculous. They tried to arrest my mother and put me in a foster home because we had "unsatisfactory living conditions." Bitch, if I didn't like living there I would have left. Most of those people have the "You can have your rights and do whatever you want, as long as I agree with it" mentality. They love sticking their noses in other peoples business and telling them what they think is better.

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  • Bobtailcatgirl

    I hate them too

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  • WordWizard

    I use to do soccer? What’s your issue now?

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  • Wendell

    It's normal. CPS can be evil, you're totally right. And soccer moms are annoying. But sometimes I just wanna bang one

    Bh the way I'm sorry that happened to you

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