Is it normal i hate the phrase "white trash"?

While I'm not a meth-head or a bum (two words that should stand on their own, if someone's a meth-head, call them that, not "white trash", a word I despise with everything I am.) I swear, dress in clothes from the thrift store, listen to eminem, country, and icp. I have a country accent which I will not give up, I drive a pick-up truck, and no member of my family has gone to college except for my great-aunt and my mother, who dropped out to take care of me as a baby. I proudly call myself a redneck. So the most judgemental, arrogant, and sickening people would call me white trash. I do all that because I want to, not to follow a stereotype. And that kind of stuff is the criteria for being "white trash", not being a drug addict or being on welfare, since crack-head celebrities are never called white trash, and neither are the people on welfare who follow middle-class social rules. The same rules which I consider invisible chains. I didn't see my sister criticizing a paralyzed woman who just lost her 6-year-old daughter, I saw her sending money to that woman. My sister is secure enough in her identity that she doesn't turn tragedies into reasons to feel superior. So explain to me, in calm and rational terms, exactly why I am inferior for the way I talk (which hurts no-one), the way I dress (which still hurts no-one), etc.

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73% Normal
Based on 37 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • iEatZombies_

    I'm not sure why people confuse the terms white trash and redneck. There are blatant differences in the two. I also don't know why middle and upper class feel they can't be considered white trash. I know plenty of middle class white trash- I see them walk into Walmart screaming at their children for wanting a toy and calling their wife a cunt on their cell phone. Rednecks, if we're speaking in stereotype, just kinda like country, pick-up trucks, hunting, having fun, etc.

    I'm sorry you have to deal with the stuff. It's a simple matter of people not paying any attention to the shit that flies out of their mouth. I've had my own share of stereotypes, it's not fun- especially when they're doing it wrong. Just try to let it roll off your back, it's all you can do. Maybe look up why people stereotype on the internet so you can try to understand the ignorance. Remember the last time you may have stereotyped someoneand what you may've been thinking. We've all done it. Doesn't stop the anger, but it slows it down.

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    • Lynxikat


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    • NeuroNeptunian


      In my mind, white trash isn't about driving a big pick-up truck and not going to college (the MAJORITY of Americans don't go to college)... white trash is about having children with different fathers that you can't feed and yet still treating others as if they are morally inferior to you, on government services that you have no intention to pay back with taxes. It's about respect and not having any for yourself or others. It's about the complete lack of morality and lack of regard for anything, for the area that you live in, for yourself and for your children.

      I have lived among people that I would truly call white trash. Not just "drug addicts", not just bums, not just rednecks that like to have a good time but truly, truly are trash. Trash doesn't care about how dirty it is and it doesn't care about what it does to it's surroundings nor does it have any ambition to be anything but trash.

      Most of all though, trash has a tendency to try to take their label off and stick it on others. No decent human being who has any respect for themselves or others and has any work ethic or capacity to grow and learn should be considered "trash".

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  • FocoUS

    White trash is actually a racist term that dates back to American eugenicists. The Eugenicist believed that the "white trash" were a disappointment to the superior Aryan bloodlines they were trying to maintain.

    Eugenicists often tried to sterilize "white trash" among with other groups.

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    • dappled

      Exactly. That's what I was going to say too.

      Although what I don't know is why I'm sometimes called Eurotrash.

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      • FocoUS

        Hmm I don't know about Eurotrash. There were famous eugenicists from England, France, Poland and Germany (well I guess Germany's the obvious one)

        Urban Dictionary says Eurotrash is a metrosexual European who see his/herself above American culture.

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        • dappled

          That would make a lot of sense. There was a show here called Eurotrash which was presented by Jean-Paul Gaultier and was mainly supposedly titillating stuff about deformed German men doing nude housework and a now-dead woman with breasts the size of an aircraft hangar. As an example of how enlightened Europe is, it wasn't great.

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  • Darkoil

    What about if someone called you 'pale garbage'?

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    • dirtybirdy

      Haha nice.

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      • Darkoil

        Lol, or 'pastey rubbish'

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  • americanhoney

    You're not inferior. Southern men are sexy. No worries ;)

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    • MissyLeyneous


      I married a country man. xD

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  • Moonbow

    During antebellum times in the US, there were four categories (i.e., classes) of people: White folk, Colored folk, Niggers and White Trash. White Trash was considered even lower than niggers -- and they still are!

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  • sega31098

    Isn't white trash a racial slur? If so then it's normal to be offended.

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    Life must be so hard for you, whitey.

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  • dirtybirdy

    People call people all sorts of names that we don't like or that don't make sense to us. Not a damn thing you can do about it besides deal with it and perhaps post a question regarding your unfortunate situation.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    I think SOMEONE is in denial about being white trash!


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  • Imsupernormal

    OP is a pathetic cunt!

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    • MissyLeyneous

      You're an insignificant prick.

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      • peterrabbyt3

        And you're a flaming lezbo!

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