Is it normal i hate the phrase "white trash"?
While I'm not a meth-head or a bum (two words that should stand on their own, if someone's a meth-head, call them that, not "white trash", a word I despise with everything I am.) I swear, dress in clothes from the thrift store, listen to eminem, country, and icp. I have a country accent which I will not give up, I drive a pick-up truck, and no member of my family has gone to college except for my great-aunt and my mother, who dropped out to take care of me as a baby. I proudly call myself a redneck. So the most judgemental, arrogant, and sickening people would call me white trash. I do all that because I want to, not to follow a stereotype. And that kind of stuff is the criteria for being "white trash", not being a drug addict or being on welfare, since crack-head celebrities are never called white trash, and neither are the people on welfare who follow middle-class social rules. The same rules which I consider invisible chains. I didn't see my sister criticizing a paralyzed woman who just lost her 6-year-old daughter, I saw her sending money to that woman. My sister is secure enough in her identity that she doesn't turn tragedies into reasons to feel superior. So explain to me, in calm and rational terms, exactly why I am inferior for the way I talk (which hurts no-one), the way I dress (which still hurts no-one), etc.