Is it normal i hate weak handshakes?

It seems like everytime I give someone a handshake, they give me a weak, noodle hand or they just extend their 4 fingers. What kind of handshake is that? If you don't want to get sick, wash your hands when you're done.
is it normal I hate weak handshakes?

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77% Normal
Based on 48 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • dappled

    I don't like it either. I feel embarrassed on their behalf. Although I feel worse about people who give you "crusher" handshakes. The amount of pain they cause is directly attributable to how dinky their tinky is.

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    • NeuroNeptunian


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  • dom180

    What is so bad about a weak handshake? Legitimate question.

    Strength of handshake has fuck-all to do with personality. Repeat, *fuck-all*. The only thing it can tell you is whether the person has a broken wrist or not, end of. I'm tired of bullshit about handshakes having anything to do with personality. It's as ridiculous as astrology and horoscopes.

    EDIT: Why do people insist on attaching additional meaning to insignificant things like how long your fingers are, what month you were born in and how tight your handshake is? That's the question we ought to be asking.

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    • Someone's got a weak handshake....

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  • Even though I'm a chick, I give those crushing handshakes. Well, maybe not "crushing", but I give sturdy handshakes...but so many people give noodle hand shakes that I'm afraid that mine might hurt them or something...
    Haha, oh well. I'm an enthusiastic handshaker AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME

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  • I don't even grip, I look right into their eyes with my floppy hand in theirs.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      How do folks respond to the dead hand approach? Do they look at you like you're special?
      Are you able to keep a straight face?

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      • My eyes are very penetrating, so usually with confusion or caution.

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  • TonybigCock

    Three shakes is sufficient

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  • TonybigCock

    Dont judge a person by one shake, you need to get several shakes to properly appraise.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      So take the average of how many shakes? Can you tell what type of hand shaker the dude is with 5 shakes, 10?

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  • On the other hand I cant stand hard, firm handshakes. I always viewed it like a challenge from the other guy, like "look how hard I can shake hands, wana arm wrestle?"

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  • malkiot

    Sometimes people close their hand before mine is in position... No way to give a firm handshake if someone is only holding your fingers. Hate when that happens.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Stop 'em in the middle of the handshake. "Timeout! You are shaking only my fingers. Don't you know what a handshake is?"
      Call them on it.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Hank honey, I didn't know you figured out how to use the PC. It's been years Hank, get off it, I'm sure George Bush was just having a bad day.

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  • I reach further up passed the hand and grab the wrist and shake like a spartan

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Do you know the Klingon shake?

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      • Is that where they grab each other by the dick and jerk three times?

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Gotta get up pretty early in the morning to get something by you huh

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          • Haha sorry pal. Been in a silly mood recently. I'm not a trek fan so I don't know the handshake. Is it similar to the spartan handshake?

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  • kelili

    It's called fish handshake. It's unpleasant and I think that a handshake reveals a lot about the personality of a person. Some men tend to give weak handshakes to women which is silly because a solid handshake makes more of an impression.

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  • Short4Words

    I dislike it too. But I use to doll em out before so it's somewhat unjustified. The truth is, there just aren't a lot of truly masculine men anymore.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Because women have voiced their preference for the sensitive, metro type of man. But why? They might as well just be with another woman.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Its very odd to me when a man has a weak handshake. A few times I almost thought i'd hurt the dainty dudes digits...and dudes weren't dainty :/

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