Is it normal i hate when people give the most useless advice.

This is the worst kind of advice you can give to some one. They give this advice to anyone who has ever gotten in a fight and they give it in anger management. "Just ignore it". So if someone punches you in the face sit down and let them. IF someone tosses rocks at your head "Just ignore it". This is the most horrible advice and they expect it to fix everything even if you are being assaulted by someone. They do this for children and adults no matter what the circumstance. I do not see how that is helping the issue.

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90% Normal
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Comments ( 25 )
  • Juliette

    In my mind, advice is something that cannot be summed up into a few words such as "just ignore it." When someone has a problem, people should take the time to give them proper support and help in a way that can be easily understood. When someone is looking for advice, it is generally because they're hurting and giving half assed advice is like saying "I don't give a shit about your problems. Stop whining." I HATE when people do that!!!

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    • Very well put. I completely agree with you.

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  • Darkoil

    I believe people should always stick up for themselves even in a situation they cannot win. Walking away or being quiet is no way to live.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    I dislike that advice. Sometimes if you ignore someone, it actually turns into that kind of violent situation. What you should do is just walk away and don't antagonize them. Or try to calm them down, if you know how. Never ignore any sort of problem because it usually just makes things worse. You have to acknowledge and defuse/fix the situation.

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    • Walking away does not always dissolve the situation if the person who is being violent decides to chase you down. Also no one thinks of teaching you how to dissolve the situation they just say ignore it.

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      • NothingxCrazy

        Sometimes walking away does solve things, not always but it's a start. I do think it would be nice for people to learn how to disarm possible violent situations. I'm not even really sure how to go about it. I know they teach courses that help with that sort of thing so it's not like people don't have the opportunity to learn how to.

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        • Where do they teach these kind of thing? I have never heard of any of these type of courses and they are not taught to on regular bases.

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          • NothingxCrazy

            There are types of communications courses that actually teach you how to avoid miscommunication between individuals and that can lead to a disarmed situation. Miscommunication is one of the leading causes of hostile situations (other than you deserving it and people just being insane). Also, I'm sure there are some sort of psychology courses and self defense courses that teach that sort of thing. The problem is actually finding them. I'm not sure about these courses outside of the United States.

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  • Don't let that kind of advice get to you. Just take it with a pinch of salt

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  • anti-hero

    It's raining in Brazil.

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  • Mando

    Yeah - one of my peeves is cops or reporters etc. saying he/she was- "in the wrong place at the wrong time." WTF - someone is murdered and was just "in the wrong place at the wrong time" !?!

    It is just another glib pat answer.

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  • dom180

    I think it's to be expected that you'll get mad if someone physically assaults you. Anger management for people who go batshit crazy because of very little of anything. It's for people who can't ignore things they should be ignoring, not for people who fight back when people who fight back when they're punched in the face :P

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I have to side with Dappled. Just ignore it isn't always the best advice but that doesn't mean that it's never the best advice.

    Anyone who could tell someone "just ignore it" when someone assaults you (which, in my country, justifies self-defense or can even be used as a legal defense to... assault someone back with equal or lesser force or course) obviously has never been in such a situation as in which they were assaulted by someone else. You can't be put into a situation where you are dealing with someone that is so unreasonable that they are willing to result to violence for kicks and expected to just let it go. Obviously the other party is demonstrating that THEY are far beyond the point at which they can be reasoned with and reason has gone out the window.

    However, I have seen plenty of damned good situations where, had one party been more mature than the other (maybe in cases where someone is shit-talking another) and just walked away, the problem would have not escalated. In my opinion, the kind of people that are so sensitive that they would be willing to spill blood and injure or murder someone over a few stupid, immature insults or over an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend obviously hasn't quite gotten the concept of modern day society and how to live in it properly.

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  • dappled

    "Just ignore it" isn't always the best advice, but that doesn't mean it's always bad advice.

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  • just ignore them its easy

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    • thanksforthefreecar

      Is that supposed to be a joke becuase it isnt funny.

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      • dom180

        Just ignore it if it isn't funny...

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      • PumpkinKate

        It is kind of funny...

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        • thanksforthefreecar


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          • PumpkinKate

            Oh! Well, see... it's funny BECAUSE the whole post is about how "just ignore it" isn't good advice, and what splashy did was...

            do EXACTLY that very same thing! He told you to "just ignore it"!

            See? :D

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          • Just take it with a pinch of salt or something

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  • Terence_the_viking

    10 times the calories in a cheese burger than a pea.

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  • Legion

    I always hated that "just ignore it" advice adults always gave me with school bullies, they had no idea how persistent some kids are. got punched once for ignoring another kid taunting me. ended up fighting, and i got kicked out.

    got into several fights cause the adults never did anything about the bullying until it came to a fight, and their response was usually to either kick the victim out or both kids. oddly, though, most of the bullies became friends with me after the fights.

    I found out later they never did anything so that they didn't have to report the behavior to the state and they woulden't lose state funding.

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  • So don't let it get to you than.

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  • Imsupernormal

    Just ignore the bad advice then

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