Is it normal i hate when people say 'don't call me an emo'?

So I really hate it when people say 'don't call me an emo' on their Facebook profiles, when all they seem to upload is things that relate to goths or emos. It really bugs me when I read people's 'About Me' and all they have to say about themselves is how much they like Screamo music and anime because they're trying to be original. This one friend of mine actually wrote on his profile 'I love purple. It is sex. If you love purple you are awesome' I mean how sad is that? What really bugs me is when these people proudly tell everyone that they are an emo and then five minutes later tell people not to call them an emo because it has now become an insult, 'I'm not an emo I'm just me. I'm weird haha' no you are a douche. And by writing on their profiles saying they aren't emos is clearly just for attention. It really baffles me, so I'm wondering if any of you have any similar views?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Don't call me a what? Dafuk is an emo? is it something that you kill with fire?

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Huh, you must still be pretty young.

    High school kids are generally pretty at odds with their identity. Many times, they associate with one group depending on the context of the situation and will decry that group depending on the context of the next. They are trying to find themselves and their identities and trying not to get lost in the "sea of conformity" that is mainstream social crowds mah mah mah blaaahh.

    It's normal to be annoyed by people contradicting themselves and to find their often times desperate attempts to try to be "unique" a little pathetic but... uh... if you're going to call someone, call them by their name. That's usually your safest bet. Otherwise, just fume in silence. They are too young and confounded by this confusing world to understand how lame it looks to obviously have to try so hard to feel special. Or maybe they are just special. Who cares.

    People like what they like, regardless of what you call them so uh... Iunno, respect that or something.

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  • Wendell

    I like people who look normal and average but then listen to emo or a style of music you wouldn't guess by looking at them.

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  • Dib

    I'm not emo, I'm scene. Gosh mom get it right! *slams door*

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  • I think people misunderstood. I don't label them as emos, rather they write it on their profiles themselves telling people not to call them emos.

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  • cantheist

    Most Assburgers are emo.

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  • myweirdself16

    That kind of stuff shouldn't even matter, it's all random bullshit anyway. They're just trying to find a temporary place in the world until they get out of high school.

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  • NothingSpecial

    When I was emo I hated whenever people called me emo because all the emos around me were offended. It was really cool to hate stereotyping when I was emo (this was back in 2007 when those "labels are for soup can" things were being plastered all over myspace) so I picked up on that and adopted that view point as quickly as possible. I really didn't mind being labeled, I just pretended to hate it because everyone else did. I think emo kids object to being labeled either because they're tend following or, like Neruo said, they are claiming their identity and trying to be unique or find themselves and they hate being categorized and identified with an already existing identity.

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  • SangoNyappy

    These people are annoying but you can't just label all people like that in category if idiots. I love anime but not because I want to be different - I just enjoy watching it. I also enjoy (even though really few) screamo bands just because they are good.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Well fuck, I like purple and Anime. I guess I'm just a filthy poser now. :( Thank you for showing me the light!

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  • KeddersPrincess

    That stuff should fade with high school.

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  • IzVodkaEvribady

    Emo, not emo - who cares? Don't labels yourselves, people, don't label anyone. People dress and act the way they like. They shouldn't be labelled as emo or anything for what they do, even if it's somehow related to any of the subcultures. (My English iz not dat gud, but I'm sure you know what I mean.)

    Now explain to me, how does watching anime makes me an emo? Yeah, purple is awesome! Since when liking the colour purple makes you emo?

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    it's their FB account. They can say whatever they want on it.

    If you don't like it ... don't read their posts.

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