Is it normal i hate when people say horrible wrong things as fact?

Is it normal I hate when people say horribly wrong things as fact. Like saying "All crazy people are stupid since intelligence and insanity is the same thing" despite the fact their has been many psychos that are brilliant.

That or people saying all gays are pedophiles or retarded people are just really stupid. I mean these are just so wrong and offensive to people in these groups but people will share these lies as though they are fact. Based on nothing but their own stupidity! ITS RUDE!

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92% Normal
Based on 25 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • handsignals

    If you piss on an electric fence you'll get electrocuted.
    Daddy long legs are the most poison's spiders.
    You can be over the limit from eating food with alcohol in it.
    Bananas make you fat.
    You shouldn't eat Pork because pigs are dirty.
    If you get in the water with sharks they will eat you.
    Milk, Eggs, Bread, Meat is all bad for you.
    Hookers all have diseases and are drug addicts and aren't human.
    If you are male, middle class and white you are responsible for Rape, Murder, Slavery and Murder.

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    • Sharks have attacked people in the water. They had a female who lost her leg and still went surfing again after. Many hookers are diseased and often are homeless children that were kicked out at 18 and end up with mental issues. Its obvious if that if you sleep around a lot with random people you don't know you might catch something. Also if someone is desperate they might have sex with someone even if they have an STD.

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      • handsignals

        Wow! So many misconceptions, and it's 2014.

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        • I guess you never bothered to ask the local homeless organizations. Lots of teens become homeless. Its common knowledge.

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    • Who_Fan4Life

      When I get in the water with sharks, I EAT THEM!

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      • RoseIsabella

        Do it to it!

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  • Hugh*Janus

    Facts don't do nothing good for nobody.

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