Is it normal i hate when people use history as a reason for hate?

I really hate when people use history that we cant change as reason to attack people today? I mean if we go by that logic nearly all the countries have gone to war with each other for one thing or another. Why not just start a new war? Since obviously the past we cant change should be passed down to the newly born children that had absolutely nothing do with past war or conflict.

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89% Normal
Based on 36 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • ㅤㅤㅤ

    Guilt should not be passed from generation to generation. I had no part in anything my ancestors did. I don't even know them, they're dead.

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  • Holzman_67

    the only thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history

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  • thegypsysailor

    I've been verbally abused by a few American blacks over slavery, like I or any of my family had anything to do with it. My ancestors were serfs in Russia when blacks were being shipped from Africa to the Americas. I take no responsibility for any of that crap and I owe not one thin dime of restitution, nor do I feel any guilt.
    Same for the American Indians.

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    • randomperson1000000

      it's kind of tempting to tell them to shove it up their ass. but of course nothing good can come out of that

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  • SubstationSubCurb111713

    Yes, I completely agree. The past is the past.

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  • loopoo

    I've never seen or heard a Jew bitch about the holocaust. However I have heard alot of shit about the slave trade.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    This is normal. Quite a few African Americans have given me crap over the years over slavery/oppression. Most of those young spoiled idiots don't even know what it's like to be oppressed, so what the hell are are they getting mad at me for?

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  • randomperson1000000

    are you referring to the way blacks treat whites?

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    • That is one time its used but its used to attack a lot of groups. Not just black and whites.

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      • youtubefan

        It's usually the left wing who do that. Just ignore them.

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  • hairyfairy

    I don`t understand why the jews are still trying to hunt down nazi war criminals when if they do catch those that are still alive, they`ll die bfore they serve any real time in jail.

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    • flumflum98

      Justice is justice to put it briefly. At least they are hunting for the actual criminals with by gathering real evidence, and not just hating on "all" Germans,Poles,Hungarians,Croatians,Ukrainians,etc.
      If you have an issue about that, what have you got to say about conspiracy theory, racism, religious bigotry, and of course blaming Israel. Everybody these days is like just "blame Israel" you know? Instead of knowing all facts people just jump on one side of the issue. People take on the phoney sympathy for the Palestinians when we all know they couldn't give a single iota about them. But still, "Israel Bad, Israel the new Nazis, Israel Israel Israel" "Zionism Zionism Zionism". The wisest attitude is they both have their good guys and bad guys. So please, if you want to ridicule anyone please don't make it people who seek justice in a peaceful, civil manner.

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    This reminds me of your first sentence. I'm Ron Burgundy? Haha. But yes, it is annoying when people have the mindset of "My ancestors hated you, so now I hate you." It seems like that happens even outside of countries and occurs in gangs, old family feuds, yada yada.

    The good thing is that oftentimes people do not think that way. I also think your torrent against Counterfeit.Circus was uncalled for. Here is another anchorman compilation that reminds me of that entire argument.

    I do mean it in all good humor though :)

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  • green_boogers

    As dumb as religious wars.

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  • shin10912

    yeah, it is foolish. HOWEVER, if the people today try to hide the shameful history and keep everything they stole from the other country, I think they deserve the hatred. If their ancestors did wrong, at least don't make it worse by not admitting the wrongfulness and hiding it

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    • I am not saying we need to hide anything. We all know it happened but blaming someone from something that happened during a previous war or conflict changes nothing. We cant do anything about it now.

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  • anti-hero

    "I mean if we go by that logic nearly all the countries have gone to war with each other for one thing or another."

    Where do I begin to explain how wrong this is.... aw fuck it.

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    • In world war one the Germans lost at had to pay damages to the other countries. In world war two Japan tried to take over China. In world war 2 Germany took over much of Europe while Japan was trying to overthrow the Chinese. Germany used Jews as an escape goat.

      America fought japan along with the British and the french. Oh but wait a minute the British hated America when they originally broke off and became its own country. Than there is other areas which British owns that don't like being under them. Oh and what about Mexico? Part of mexico now belongs to the US. Should mexico go to war with the US?

      Oh and lets not forget Vietnam and the civil war in the US. So does that mean the south and the north in America should go to war again?Even Spain invading mexico. How about what happened to the native Americans when the settlers arrived?

      If you want to go by religion it goes Jews, Christian and muslim which those 3. They have for a long while and they still are and should I list how many times the jews have been screwed over in history?

      There will always be conflict in the world but we cant change anything that has already happened. You need to get over it and MOVE ON! Most of this stuff a lot of us were not even born early enough to see. So why are we being punished for it?

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      • anti-hero

        You named like 10 countries. There are 100s. So I take issue with this most business. Even if they have had a few most haven't fought each other. I don't think Iceland is going to war with New Zealand anytime soon.

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        • Yes and there is many more countries. Its ridiculous you think this stuff never happened. You should really learn history if you want to know more wars. Maybe try school it should help you. I am not your teacher READ A BOOK IDIOT!

          You are committing a fallacy. "Personal Incredulity". Your lack of education is not my issue. Most people know there is Wars in the world. If you would like to know every single war read a history book. I did!

          You probably don't know about the French Revolution either. If you want to know the wars for every single country I am sure you can find this information yourself. The fact you are unaware of all of this does not mean it must not have happened.

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          • anti-hero

            The reason I know your wrong is because I know a lot about history and read tons of books. It's easy to hide behind Anonymous button and sling insults. I am saying that most countries have been to war, but not most with each other. Like Norway and Fiji or Hawaii (when it was it's own country) and Madagascar.

            Read my comments before replying idiot. You keep bringing up the same few countries. You are not understanding my point. That's why my original comment said, "Where do I begin to explain how wrong this is.... aw fuck it." You simply don't understand my point.

            It is because I could tell you were ignorant from your post. Your argument is way too broad. You deal in generalizations. Generalizations and stereotypes are a mark of stupidity. I hope you are happy looking foolish.

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            • You are the one who believes we should blame people for the past. How can we make progress if we do that? THERE IS MANY WARS IN THE WORLD! You are trying to deny this happened but it didn't! If you knew anything about history you would know that there has been various wars in various parts of the world.

              We cant blame those people for anything right now? Why do you want to blame people for the PAST? GET OVER IT! ITS OVER NOW! If its not happening right now why are we going to want to blame people for it?

              The stereotype Germany is full of Nazi is not necessarily true for all of Germany today. Are you going to go kill a German for something his ancestors did? Should Americans go to War with Britain because they tried to tax them?

              How about Japan? Should everyone bomb japan? This stuff already happened! MOVE ON ALREADY! Should the US fight Mexico after all it did take part of mexico. How many more wars are we going to have to go to SINCE YOU CANT GET OVER IT? If you really knew history you would know at one time someone had a conflict with someone. Its over.

              So you would realize we cant keep fighting old wars. You need to move on the past is the past. This might be a difficult concept for you but its going to help everyone if we ALL learn to move on from the previous wars and conflicts.

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          • You probably don't know about Vlad the Impaler and his involvement in the Turkish war. That was the man portrayed as "Dracula".

            Also Elizabeth Bathory who use to kill virgins and soak in there blood in order to stay beautiful with her viscous husband.

            I am sorry your school did not educate you on any of this but it does not mean there has not been wars in various parts of the world. You just have to look. Oh not to mention the Romans and how many battles they were in.


            but apparently there is no war.

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            • Stop trying to justify your hate and just move on.

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