Is it normal i hate when stupidly unrealistic people try to preach?

I hate when stupidly unrealistic people try to give advice. They say everything is perfect when its not and when assume things are working perfectly for you.

People don't realize that living in a fantasy is not going to pay gas, bills, or help you keep your job. I hate when these type of people preach to you calling you stupid just since they don't understand how reality works.

Its as though these people were spoiled from the day of birth and they just don't understand not everything is as perfect as they imagine it.

They post stuff online too in videos. Like you will reach enlightenment once. They say people who are enlightened act strange since they have a higher understanding. Well understanding things clearly are great but it doesn't mean you don't get your ass kicked in HS.

Than these people will say "Well its your fault the kids beat you up for being a nerd and getting A". Yes as though its the victims fault when they are bullied because the bully has low self esteem. I hate these stupidly unrealistic people. They are just so out of touch with reality. They need something big and heavy to smack them back to reality so they stop talking shit.

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93% Normal
Based on 42 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Perhaps you should keep in mind that many, many of the posters on here are but children. Most have never seen a member of the opposite sex naked, unless it's a family member, never been kissed and the only money they've ever handled has been what they've stolen from Mommy or Daddy's wallet.
    Their childish brains cannot conceive of someone actually taking responsibility for their own actions, because whatever their problems are, they certainly couldn't be responsible for them. Their self diagnosed mental illnesses are their big problem, and the excuse for their life not living up to their expectations, all of which come from animated movies.
    Just consider the source, especially on here.

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  • Ugh I know. I hate it when I go on wasteland adventures, deal with raider junkies, get injured, go searching for my father, and then come back to my home and hear Confessor Cromwell telling me,

    "Behold! He is coming with the clouds. And every eye should be blind with his glory. Every ear should be stricken deaf to hear the thunder of his voice. Let the men, women and children of the earth to come forth to gather and behold the power of atom. Let those who dwelled here in this favored land, attend now to the word to the profit of atom."

    Some people...Cromwell is very unrealistic as well. Accepting atom into my life will not enlighten me, the wackos do not know how much radiation can mess you up! I have gotten extreme rad poisoning, and let me tell you, there is nothing holy about it!

    But really. Being a little unrealistic and optimistic makes a person's life very enjoyable to en extent, but I agree, some people try to give cookie cutter advice to others without thinking about that person's situation very much.

    I think your dislike is a little excessive and I am slightly confused where it comes from. Are you made when people say "don't worry, it'll get better" is you lose your job? Are you mad at people who try to show others to enlightenment?

    Your last paragraph is understandable though. People like that do have a different view of the world than you, which conflicts with yours and mine.

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    • Saying that "If you are enlightened life will be perfect" is a lie. No matter how enlightened you are it does not mean everyone else gives a shit. Its like assuming that since your country no longer uses guns that no country in the world has guns and so you don't need a military. Its unrealistic.

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