Is it normal i hate youtube since google bought it out?
Youtube use to be great! You could talk to and add friends, could design your channel with your own chosen colour design making it unique to each person, you could subscribe to people you like and reply to comments which you got an alert for if someone responds to your comments. YouTube even use to be helpful! Ever since googles stupid mandatory updates we lose more and more YouTube opportunity.
They even are forcing us to put our real name. When I signed up 5 years ago I was not told I was going to have to put my real name on my channel. That is a violation of my rights and was not in the original contract. Not to mention they did not update the contract either. They just expect us to be ok they steal our information. I feel violated by this breech.
We no longer own our channels they own us. If you watch a video and you ask something in the comments you use to get a reply in your inbox from that person. We even had protests against youtube about changing it.
I mean people are the ones using youtube and now its crap. Its not even helpful anymore. I use to enjoy watching helpful videos but if I have questions for the poster I cant even get feedback. Am I the only one angered by this dictatorship? This is not what I signed up for. I don't like people stealing my information.
Certain stuff I willingly put online and that fine. If you businesses look what I bought and offer me stuff I might like fine. If YouTube recommends videos based on my history thats great too. You are doing me a favour but this forcing us to give more information then was originally promise is a cheat. Its like letting me sign for a website I been on 4 year and suddenly say "You must now give us your credit card information. Yet apposed to letting you just taking it and displaying it for all to see".
Even the updates are now mandatory. They do not care if we like it or if we agree with it. How is that even legal? They were only promised so much information and they are taking more.