Is it normal i have a fear of rating laws for sale to minors?

I'm afraid that the soccermoms and the jack thompsons of the world will get some law passed that it's illegal for a parent to let their kids play video games that are or M and let them watch R rated movies. My parents didn't care about the ratings and I'm fine. Every other kid is fine. They think that the fact that violent people play violent video games says video games make them violent. Violent people will be more likely to play violent games. Statistically, violence is going down! And most violence is between the poor, the desperate, street gangs, angry lovers, and sociopaths. Those have been there before video games and movies. My 13 year old daughter plays GTA. I don't want that to mean that I would be in danger of criminal charges. Did you know that she has quit getting into fights since she started playing it? And the reaction by soccermoms to the Batman shooting was sickening. They all talked about the 6 year old being at a PG13 movie. Fuck you. That little girl died. You are a judgemental bitch if you think that was of any importance. And she wasn't your kid. Stay the fuck out of her business. I saw movies like that when I was 6. Would my parents have deserved to be thrown in jail? And I took my 8 year old to the movie.

The question I'm asking you is: is it normal that I'm afraid of a law making it illegal to let kids watch violent movies and play games like GTA being passed? Oh, and it's not just a petty thing. If the government got power-hungry they would take advantage of that precedent and could destroy the 1st Amendment on morality grounds.

So, what do you think? IIN?

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50% Normal
Based on 38 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    I don't think it would pass. You can regulate sales, but to try to regulate what people can watch or play in their own homes seems kind of totalitarianistic to me.

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    • JustShoveIt

      Right! That's what I meant when I talked about the first amendment.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I think in a lot of cases this is more benificial. I mean if a kid is angry instead of punching a kid outside he plays a videogame. It seems like a more productive outlet than breaking a kids nose. That or putting said child in karate and letting them brawl for sport. No, I do not think videogames make children more violent.

    I also think some children are already violent to begin with. The thing is teaching them how to control a temper and when violence is and is not needed. Violence is in fact needed in some instances. If someone is being attacked it makes sense you fight back or try to escape. If someone is going to rape you and you hit them in the head with a vase and knock them out you were violent but you are not raped. So in some cases violence is justifiable.

    This mother is greatly misguided and believes she has the right to dictate everyone else right to parent. Unless the parent is hurting the kid what they are allowed to watch, what they are allowed to play and what they are allowed to eat and practice religiously is up to the parents. If the parent think the child is mature enough to watch rated R material than thats up to them.

    As well as that some children are very intelligent and mature. ITs wrong to assume that since this child cant handle scary movies that another families child is exactly the same. Also how many cases have you really read about kids killing someone because they saw freddy Cougar do it? Well not very many I can bet.

    Look at people like Jeffrey Dohmer. He wanted to murder and eat people. The only issue in his home was divorced parents. How many other divorced children ate people? Since this is not a common occurrence among children of divorced parents it cant be associated with that. Meaning Jeffrey just had some mental problems.

    Does that mean divorce makes children a jeffrey dohmer? Nope, it just means some children are messed up. It happens sometimes. Some people are born dysfunctional and that cant always be blamed on society. If someone was raped and abused as a child well yes they might turn out fucked up but again it really depends on the person. That is not always why either. Some people are just off to begin with.

    Also the reason the people died at batman was because a lunatic decided to shoot up the place. He picked the premiere which means he picked a day when he knew there would be a ton of people in a packed theater.

    This has nothing to do with a rating and he could have just as easily does this at a kids movie like toy story. He had a disillusion about the characters in the movies. It had absolutely nothing to do with the rating. This mother is a complete fucking moron if she is using this as a argument. That is like saying "She spilled her coffee since when I took the quesidilla off the pan it was hot" even if she spilled her coffee BEFORE you gave her the plate.

    In fact to prevent another batman fiasco she would have to ban children from seeing all movies. Be it vampire teen romance or be it hard core superhero movies like the one the maniac was in. So unless they want to push to ban children from going to the movies. Which would greatly impact the movie industry I think they should reconsider this proposal. They really do not understand what they are asking for by noting this incident.

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  • malkiot

    I don't think that any politician is dumb enough to pass such a law. They are dumb, but not that dumb. They know that if they infringe on the freedom of pleasure too much it won't be long until they get to see their laws go up in flames.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      Well consider what other laws they passed before you believe they wouldn't be willing to infringe on a persons rights.

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