Is it normal i have a fear of throwing up?

I don't care how sick I am. Flu, food poisoning, I will concentrate on not throwing up until I can no longer think. I would rather feel sick longer, then later get dirrhea than throw up and get it over with. IIN?!!

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82% Normal
Based on 77 votes (63 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • dom180

    I hate it too. It scares me a lot, losing control of my body even for those brief minutes. I smelt a very old vomit stain on my duvet not ten minutes ago. I couldn't smell it without accidentally pressing my nose right to it and inhaling. I could only describe it as ripe. The smell alone made me feel ill, and the thought that I'd been sleeping with it inches from my face for over a week almost made me sick in my mouth. It's why I'm on IIN at this late hour, to take my mind off that so I can sleep. Recounting the experience is hardly going to help me though, and I seriously doubt it helped you either. I had fun though. Now, time to get a non-puke-stained duvet :/

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  • NotFloydzie

    I lost this fear long ago when I threw up in the middle of the street in front of people. It was like two phobias leaving at once.

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    • drumandpickchick

      LOL!! I think that would be awesome! I think I'd get over my fear if that happened to me!

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  • Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart

    You are not alone in this world. I have a striking fear of vomiting. It's just the feeling, the experience, the aftertaste and the smell it that make me scared. I always do what I can not to vomit, even though I have a strong urge to. So, it is normal.

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  • Scharfschützer

    Once i threw up so hard it felt as if i was choking since it was just wave after wave of vomit, very unpleasant feeling. But after i clean up i usually feel like a new man.

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  • Zetsubunny

    Being scared is okay, but you're preventing your body from expelling some nasty stuff.

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  • Mmmpfh

    Yup. Emetophobia. I am a sufferer too. If I think I'm about to hurl it can make me have a breakdown.

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  • TheRenegadeCharmer571

    Yes! Someone who has the same fear as me! I work myself up and freak myself out over it. I know it's the body's natural way of protecting itself but I just HATE the feeling!!

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  • ☭алин

    Emetophobia, seems normal to me.

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  • dappled

    It's one of my phobias too. Aside from being a baby, I've probably only been sick a handful of times in my life. Most of those were down to me misjudging my alcohol limits.

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  • wigsplitz

    Oh I love barfing!! I can barf so easily!! I puke almost every time I brush my teeth and if I see anything turd/toilet related.

    Everyone laughs at me but it's OK with me. Barfing is fun for me. I like to experience all the different types of barf, like cold water, milk, McDonald's, etc. Cold water is fun because it's so different, you expect your puke to be warm and chunky but if you just drank some cold water it comes up cold and almost chunk-free, it's awesome.

    I think the worst thing to puke up is eggs and milk. Oh,'s tomatoes.

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    • Zetsubunny

      If that is intentional, it isn't normal.

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    • BurnaBaby27

      O_o that was unecessarily graphic, haha.

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    • drumandpickchick

      Houdini carrots are interesting. The carrots that appear when you didn't eat any!

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