Is it normal i have a phobia of circles

Circles make me feel uncomfortable, in particular circles clumped together. Recently when I was browsing on google maps I came across a massive field of grass cut into circles, it made my stomach turn and the hairs on my arm and neck to stand up, this isn't the first time either, I am also the same with clusters of holes, plug holes, and ceiling fans.

Voting Results
25% Normal
Based on 65 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • dom180

    Could be trypophobia. Trypophobia is fear of holes specifically, but it pretty much amounts to the same things you're mentioning with the circles. I feel little bit creeped out by them too.

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  • delling

    How were you able to type the "o" in "normal?"

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  • MyHiddenDemon

    What about fractals?

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  • Lacey101

    I'm a bit like this as well. Clumps of circles, especially holes...

    Anyway, I think it's normal. Everyone has strange, irrational fears; this is just one of them.

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