Is it normal i have a whole system for choosing a line to get in?
I have a complicated system for choosing a check out line. Most people go by length only, I think, but no, not me.
I go by age, weight, race, amount of items in carts, types of items, estimated financial and social status of patrons, handicaps, sassyness, the cashier, and so forth. Do they have coupons in hand? That's a BIG hell no to get stuck behind. I also check for people using WIC because that's a fucking life sentence right there, those people take forever to get through. WIC (Women, Infants and Children) is a voucher system in the US, you get these checks that can only be used to buy very specific items in very specific groupings (that's how I spot THOSE fuckers, by the grouped items).
It's an extensive system I have but I can do it almost instantly in my head.
The best people to get behind are older single clean cut men, generally. The worst are women, and the older, darker and fatter, the worse they get. Hell I wouldn't want to be behind ANY black person, they are terrible at the store!!
I'd get behind a single normal looking man with a cartload of shit before I'd get in the express lane that had 2 ladies in it.
It's not perfect, but it's good. I rate my success by looking at the lines I DIDN'T choose to see if I won or not. Usually I win. I didn't win yesterday though, see my other story about the incident at the check out.