Is it normal i have an extreme fear of skeletons and bones?

Okay I have this problem where the sight of skeletons, or even bones, creeps me out very, very much.

For a project I searched up pictures of X-Rays, and I meant the machines, but instead I saw pictures of people's body parts shown taken by X-rays, and I squealed, I felt very scared, my whole body tensed, and I just couldn't look at the screen. The sight of even just the bones of the hand made me want to run from the room.

Is this normal? I'm fine with blood, although I'm not okay with violence or dead bodies.

Voting Results
72% Normal
Based on 113 votes (81 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • SubParPhalus

    What ever you do don't look in my closet or my garage...or the woods behind my house.

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  • PanzerGirl

    I used to have this as a child. A fairly common childhood fear. I rationalize this as kids are small and vulnerable and when something dangerous which has previously killed other humans are present I should run for my own survival.
    Skulls were the worst. The eye sockets and the mouth looked like they were in attack mode just waiting to charge at me. Teeth that would rip me in half, and eyes too big to be human.

    The word "skeleton" in itself were a trigger. But I'm a bit chubby and thanked my lucky star about as much as I cursed it. (I'm a female after all!)
    I'm also a vegetarian but that has nothing to do with it. I wanted to be "cool" and not being picked at. The class loud mouth was a militant vegan at the age of 13!

    Today, at the age of 30, I can look at them if they look "dead" and in small, parted, quantities. I freak out of games like Assassins Creeds dungeon levels still. You know, when they overwhelm me.

    As long as there's flesh that hides the bones I'm fine with it, people has never freaked me out for that reason.

    I hope you can all work through this. You may have to speak to someone professional if it hinders your life. Good luck out there. :-)

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  • HMS1013

    I have it too. Don't worry. It's somewhat rare, but far from abnormal.

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  • Idreamof123


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  • zchristian

    I have actually heard of some people that freak out when you tell them they have a skeleton...

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  • I used to be scared of skulls and bones but now I can stand to look at them. However I cannot eat meat off the bone, like chicken, just knocks me sick just the thought of it.

    Yet, I can eat chicken off the bone perfectly fine. I find it a curious fear since I am a skeleton technically XD

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  • PrincessLollipop

    I think your phobia is called Cartilogenophobia. Some people are scared of spiders, some people are scared of death, you just happen to be scared of bones. It's normal, but if it really bothers you, get some professional help. : )

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