Is it normal i have full conversations at my dog

I have a 17 year old Bloodhound named Calamity Jane who I got as a pup when I was 5, she's a fuckin' trailblazer and strong as an ox. I'm pretty damn full of myself so I'm always talking no matter who's around me or if I'm talking directly to someone. She listens like a champ and I almost swear she agrees with absolutely everything I say. I don't get a lot of alone time but what I do get I spend running my mouth to my dog on the beach.

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83% Normal
Based on 47 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Justme34

    A pet is a good listener if had dogs all my life and chat to All of them :-)

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  • dirtybirdy

    This is beautiful:'}

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  • Terry...

    I talk to my dog all the time. I think that is why she understands a lot of what I say to her. I never taught her what some words mean, but she catches on and reacts by doing certain things that coincide with what I have just said. Yes it is normal. My dog is my best friend and loves me no matter what. We are very bonded and she follows me wherever I go. Why wouldn't you talk to a being that is so close to you?

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  • ChelseaGonzales

    Yes it is normal to treat your pet, such as a dog or a cat, like it human.

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  • FrancesSlay18

    Hey, it's normal I do it all the time
    (Me:proudly smiles)

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  • Fuck_IIN4

    Too bad your dog can't be trained to say "shut up!!".

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