Is it normal i have no fear of radiation
I am a nuclear power plant operator, I have no fear of radiation at all. I have lots of uranium ore still no problem. IIN?
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I am a nuclear power plant operator, I have no fear of radiation at all. I have lots of uranium ore still no problem. IIN?
Apparently neither were the guys at the Fukushima power plant. We're going to need people like that.
5 people have died as a result of the incident at Fukishima, not quite the 20000 that the tsumani killed.
Less than 50 people have died from the Chernobyl accident which had a much bigger release of radiation. The greatest health problem from those exposed has been alcoholism and depression believed mostly due to the stress of believing they would become ill from the exposure.
Don't breed. The kids may come out all mutated, and not the cool kind of mutations like on X-Men.