Is it normal i have nobody to talk to

Is it normal have no one to talk to or hang out with, I don't know if there's anyone who would value my company because I've been avoiding social interaction for so long that I can't tell if anyone likes me or not. I don't know where to look for my people. I'm sure I can't be completely alone, I mean, everybody needs to have someone, right?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Go to a bar. Usually its the same regulars that come there. You will get to know them and the waiter. Drink before you go so you dont spend too much money. Whiskey flask works good for trips to the bathroom

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  • jethro

    Hook up with this person.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    I was in a similar situation until I joined a website where people pursue the same hobby as me. Then I started a chat group and invited people from that website. That was one year ago. I now regularly keep in touch with about 50 people who all have the same hobbies as me. So there is usually something to talk about.

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    • what website was it?

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        Like a hobby site. I found it easily by googling stuff I liked doing. I'm sure there's niche websites for each hobby out there. You like sports? Find a website related to it. You like gardening? There's great interactive sites and online communities for that. Like even before the rise of social media, people were connecting online over similar hobbies and interests.

        (Revealing the site name would instantly reveal all my hobbies, and I'm sorry but that is a bit personal and I don't feel like sharing that.) Sorry.

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  • Irizu3748392746483938

    No, not everybody needs to have someone.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not you unlike what you have discussed on your post.

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    • what?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Oops, I meant to say...
        I'm not unlike what you have discussed on your post. Anyway, I can kinda relate.

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  • primrose576239

    i would actually like the answer to this very question too

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